The contract includes works on national roads in accordance with the attached reports 'Overview of asphalt contracts' and 'Quantity summary and list of sections'. The contractor is responsible for familiarising himself with the sections in the contract before the start-up. The contract includes works on national roads in accordance with …
The contract includes works on national roads in accordance with the attached reports 'Overview of asphalt contracts' and 'Quantity summary and list of sections'. The contractor is responsible for familiarising himself with the sections in the contract before the start-up. The contract includes works on national roads in accordance with …
Se anbudsinbjudan Se anbudsinbjudan Se anbudsinbjudan Se anbudsinbjudan
The contract includes works on national roads in accordance with the attached reports 'Overview of asphalt contracts' and 'Quantity summary and list of sections'. The contractor is responsible for familiarising himself with the sections in the contract before the start-up. The contract includes works on national roads in accordance with …
The contract includes works on national roads in accordance with the attached reports 'Overview of asphalt contracts' and 'Quantity summary and list of sections'. The contractor is responsible for familiarising himself with the sections in the contract before the start-up. The contract includes works on national roads in accordance with …
verview of Asphalt Contracts” and “Summary of Quantities and List of Sections verview of Asphalt Contracts” and “Summary of Quantities and List of Sections
Oslo municipality c/o the Agency for Urban Environment invites tenderers to an open tender contest for a contract for resurfacing in Oslo, 17-BYM-2024. The Agency for Urban Environment has, among other things, management responsibility for the municipal road network, including the normed county road network and long-term transport planning. An …
Stadsmiljöförvaltningen inbjuder till upphandling för hämtning av asfaltsmassor som ska användas till läggning med egen bil på de ytor som stadsmiljöförvaltningen ansvarar för. Förvaltningen avser att skriva ramavtal med samtliga leverantörer som uppfyller kvalificeringskraven. Stadsmiljöförvaltningen inbjuder till upphandling för hämtning av asfaltsmassor som ska användas till läggning med egen bil …
The contract includes asphalt works on European and national roads in Agder County. An overview of stretches can be found in the pms programme. Approx. 22,000 tons shall be laid in the contract with asphalt and approx. 112,500 m2 of asphalt shall be milled. The work shall be carried out …
Contract 56-2025-02 Finnmark 2, with a tender deadline of 11 February, includes asphalt works on the national road network in Finnmark. The contract includes works on national roads in accordance with the attached reports" Overview of asphalt contracts" and "Quantity summary and list of sections". The contractor is responsible for …