The contract includes works on national roads in accordance with the attached reports 'Overview of asphalt contracts' and 'Quantity summary and list of sections'. The contractor is responsible for familiarising himself with the sections in the contract before the start-up. The contract includes works on national roads in accordance with …
Bereitstellung von Asphalt Bereitstellung Asphalt
Aanbesteder is voornemens een Opdracht te verstrekken voor het uitvoeren van planmatig onderhoud aan de Zeelandbrug. Het kunstwerk is in eigendom van Provincie Zeeland. Aanbesteder wil in een bouwteamverband een partnerschap aangaan met een (combinatie van) marktpartij(en) voor de voorbereiding en contractvorming van de werkzaamheden. Het uitgangspunt is dat deze …
Liant hidraulic stabilizare agregate naturale si pamanturi pentru DRDP Cluj - ACORD - CADRU 2 ANI Cantitatile minime si maxime aferente acordului-cadru se regasesc ca Anexa la documentatia de atribuire/Caiet de Sarcini. Valoarea maxima estimata este de 2.976.000,00 lei fara TVA repartizata astfel: Lot 1 - Liant hidraulic stabilizare agregate …
Contract 18-2025-04 Hålogaland 2, with tender deadline 11 February, includes asphalt works in Hålogaland. The contract includes works on national roads in accordance with the attached reports 'Overview of asphalt contracts' and 'Quantity summary and list of sections'. The contractor is responsible for familiarising himself with the sections in the …
Suministro de los materiales necesarios para la ejecución de las obras que se incluyen en el Programa de Fomento de Empleo Agrario 2024, Exp. 18140241C01, cofinanciado por el Servicio Público de Empleo, Diputación Provincial de Granada, Junta de Andalucía y el Ayuntamiento de Motril Se divide en Lote 1: Materiales …
Specific Contract issued under the Dynamic Purchasing System for Civil, Electrical and Preparatory Works in an Environmentally Friendly Manner in Connection with the Installation of Charging Pillars Across Malta and Gozo for The Energy and Water Agency – Call No.1 Specific Contract issued under the Dynamic Purchasing System for Civil, …
A BIOKOM NKft. kezelésében lévő közutakon végzett karbantartási, javítási és felújítási munkáihoz melegaszfalt és bitumenemulzió, valamint hidegaszfalt értékesítése. 1. rész: Melegaszfalt és bitumenemulzió értékesítése a BIOKOM Nonprofit Kft. részére 2. rész: Hidegaszfalt értékesítése a BIOKOM Nonprofit Kft. részére 1. rész: Melegaszfalt és bitumenemulzió a BIOKOM Nonprofit Kft. részére • AC-4 …
Se achizitioneaza mixtura asfaltica tip BA8, BA16, MAS16 și BAD 22,4 Cantitatea necesara este de 10100 tone, reprezentand: BA 8- 2000 tone BA 16 - 4000 tone MAS 16 -100 tone BAD 22,4 - 4000 tone Se utilizeaza cantitati mici de 30-150 to/zi, functie de necesitati. Transportul de la stația …
The contract includes works on national roads in accordance with the attached reports 'Overview of asphalt contracts' and 'Quantity summary and list of sections'. The contractor is responsible for familiarising himself with the sections in the contract before the start-up. The contract includes works on national roads in accordance with …