PAS121F-03-009 PROJ000010030 RFT for the Provision of Market Research and Surveys Consultancy Services for the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science PAS121F-03-009 PROJ000010030 RFT for the Provision of Market Research and Surveys Consultancy Services for the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science
The HSE wishes to invite tenders from suitable suppliers to undertake an external evaluation of the 18 month pilot Medically Supervised Injecting Facility at Merchants Quay Ireland, 13-14 Merchant's Quay, The Liberties, Dublin, and D08 KT61. The evaluation is required to take place at 6 and 18 months, in line …
4025004903/DA/B0008/2025 - Aquisição de serviços para o desenvolvimento de um trabalho de investigação científica com a finalidade de identificar e avaliar o desempenho de ferramentas de cálculo acelerado por GPU no campo do Computer Fluid Dynamics (CFD) e desenvolvimento de algoritmos, incluindo a sua implementação para demonstração de viabilidade 4025004903/DA/B0008/2025 …
El objeto del presente contrato es la realización de una serie de prestaciones que permitan la continuidad del funcionamiento del actual vivero de empresas de Madrid Emprende denominado Madrid Food Innovation Hub, cuya actividad está dirigida a fomentar el emprendimiento y la aceleración de iniciativas empresariales capaces de incorporar la …
The subject of this call for tenders is the conclusion of multiple framework contracts in cascade for the provision of legal support services in the field of compliance assessment of national transposing measures, in the health and food safety areas in the context of the enlargement. The subject of this …
Riigihanke eesmärgiks on leida raamlepingu partnerid, kes konkureeriksid üksteisega raamlepingu alusel läbiviidavatel minikonkursitel. Hanke esemeks on erinevates valdkondades mõju-, õigus- ja teostatavus-tasuvusanalüüside (edaspidi "analüüside") teostamine. Analüüse viiakse läbi poliitika kujundamise seisukohast olulistes valdkondades eesmärgiga avada uusi turusegmente, mis on parasjagu seadustega piiratud. Kuivõrd analüüside eesmärk on tuntaval määral seotud poliitika …
Inter-institutional framework contract for the provision of services in the field of consultancy, design, installation, support, maintenance and rental of audio-visual and conference (AV&C) services, together with the supply of AV&C equipment and associated software. Consultancy services in the field of audio-visual and conference (AV&C), including consultancy (incl. feasibility studies, …
La présente prestation a pour objet la réalisation d'une étude de faisabilité de la modernisation de la déchèterie de Plateau-Caillou. Le marché est décomposé en une (1) tranche ferme (TF) et une (1) tranche optionnelle (TO). Le descriptif des missions est précisé dans les documents de la consultation. Le présent …
În cadrul contractului se va realiza documentația tehnică necesară pentru etapa studiului de fezabilitate care evidenţiază necesitatea şi oportunitatea realizării acestui obiectiv și alegerea variantei optime din punct de vedere tehnic, economic şi operaţional pentru atingerea obiectivelor generale şi specifice, ţinând cont de conformarea acesteia la cerinţele tehnice de interoperabilitate …
Diagnostic de fonctionnement: réalisation d'une étude relative au système d'assainissement collectif des eaux usées de LA CRECHE (79) Diagnostic de fonctionnement: réalisation d'une étude relative au système d'assainissement collectif des eaux usées de LA CRECHE (79)