The Norwegian Coastal Administration shall procure a framework agreement on accumulators for use on the Norwegian Coastal Administration ́s installations along the Norwegian coast. The Norwegian Coastal Administration shall procure a framework agreement on accumulators for use on the Norwegian Coastal Administration ́s installations along the Norwegian coast.
Het voorwerp van onderhavige opdracht betreft het afsluiten van een raamovereenkomst voor de levering van Ni-Cd batterijen (en hun toebehoren) voor tram-(T2000) en metro-voertuigen (MX-M6-M7). L’objet du présent marché est la conclusion d’un accord-cadre portant sur la fourniture de batteries Ni-Cd (et leurs accessoires) pour les Trams (T2000) et Métros …
Tubazioni e relativi accessori, impianti ausiliari/packaging e materiali/apparecchiature ICT-TLC Valore totale stimato (Valore, IVA esclusa): € 732.761.569,00
The Norwegian Coastal Administration shall procure a framework agreement on accumulators for use on the Norwegian Coastal Administration ́s installations along the Norwegian coast. The Norwegian Coastal Administration shall procure a framework agreement on accumulators for use on the Norwegian Coastal Administration ́s installations along the Norwegian coast.
Con il presente avviso, diretto esclusivamente a soggetti giuridici singoli e a raggruppamenti permanenti d’imprese (es. consorzi stabili, consorzi fra società cooperative di produzione e lavoro, consorzi tra imprese artigiane) e non a raggruppamenti temporanei di imprese, Snam per le proprie attività e per quelle delle altre Società del gruppo …