Servicios de supervisión de obras

Supervision of works on construction of the wastewater treatment plant, wastewater collection system and implementation of water supply priority measures in the Municipality of Kolasin

This contract includes the following elements: 1.Sewerage network Construction of sewerage network in approximate length of 9.2 km. 2. Water supply priority measures Water supply priority measures include services, supplies and construction works to be designed, supplied, installed and constructed by the Contractor. 3. Wastewater Treatment Plant Design and Construction …

CPV: 71520000 Servicios de supervisión de obras
Lugar de ejecución:
Supervision of works on construction of the wastewater treatment plant, wastewater collection system and implementation of water supply priority measures in the Municipality of Kolasin
Organismo adjudicador:
Municipality of Kolašin
Número de premio:
EIB-GtP/ENR/10 712_Kolasin_Supervision

Montenegro-Kolašin: Construction supervision services

2023/S 237-742919

Prior information notice

This notice is for prior information only


Legal Basis:

This contract will be financed by the European Investment Bank (EIB) and subject to EIB's Guide to Procurement.

Section I: Contracting authority

I.1) Name and addresses
Official name: Municipality of Kolašin
Postal address: Buda Tomovića bb
Town: Kolašin
NUTS code: ME Црна Гора / Crna Gora
Postal code: 84205
Country: Montenegro
Contact person: Lidija Lašić
Telephone: +382 20865760
Fax: +382 20865760
Internet address(es):
Main address:
I.3) Communication
Access to the procurement documents is restricted. Further information can be obtained at:
Additional information can be obtained from another address:
Town: Podgorica
NUTS code: ME Црна Гора / Crna Gora
Country: Montenegro
Contact person: Jadranka Novović
Internet address(es):
Main address:
I.4) Type of the contracting authority
Regional or local authority
I.5) Main activity
General public services

Section II: Object

II.1) Scope of the procurement
II.1.1) Title:

Supervision of works on construction of the wastewater treatment plant, wastewater collection system and implementation of water supply priority measures in the Municipality of Kolasin

Reference number: EIB-GtP/ENR/10 712_Kolasin_Supervision
II.1.2) Main CPV code
71520000 Construction supervision services
II.1.3) Type of contract
II.1.4) Short description:

This contract includes the following elements:

1.Sewerage network

Construction of sewerage network in approximate length of 9.2 km.

2. Water supply priority measures

Water supply priority measures include services, supplies and construction works to be designed, supplied, installed and constructed by the Contractor.

3. Wastewater Treatment Plant

Design and Construction of WWTP in Bakovići settlement - Conventional Activated Sludge Process and aerobic sludge stabilization. Design and construction of the WWTP shall include two phases:

› Phase I – 4000 PE (to be constructed)

› Phase II – additional 2000 PE (to be considered in design).

Scope of the procurement is provision of the official review of the Detailed Designs for the WWTP and water supply priority measures and supervision of works on sewerage network, WWTP and water supply priority measures.

II.1.5) Estimated total value
II.1.6) Information about lots
This contract is divided into lots: no
II.2) Description
II.2.3) Place of performance
NUTS code: ME Црна Гора / Crna Gora
Main site or place of performance:

Municipality of Kolašin, located in the north-east of Montenegro.

II.2.4) Description of the procurement:

Procurement is related to Supervision services of the works in accordance with Montenegrin legislation and administration of the Works Contracts in accordance with FIDIC Conditions of Contract. Works to be supervised include:

1. Sewerage network

Construction of sewerage network in the approximate length of 9.2 km which will serve to 3000 inhabitants in the following settlements: Kolašin city centre, Braće Vujisić (Dulovina), Breza and partly Smailagića Polje and Gornji Pažanj.

2. Water supply priority measures

Water supply priority measures include services, supplies and construction works to be designed, supplied, installed and constructed by the Contractor.

- Preparatory services (operational GIS, HID based hydraulic model, leakage detection for 30 km of network and detailed design of new elements including SCADA)

- Supply, installation and commissioning of bulk flowmeters, and water meters (400), establishment of DMAs and SCADA

- Works for upgrade of the water distribution system hydraulic configuration.

3. Wastewater Treatment Plant

Design and Construction of WWTP in Bakovići settlement - Conventional Activated Sludge Process and aerobic sludge stabilization. Design and construction of the WWTP shall include two phases:

Phase I - 4000 PE (to be constructed): Wastewater flowrate (including infiltration) = 765 m³/d (9 l/s); Peak dry weather flow = 57 m³/h (16 l/s); Peak wet weather flow to =109 m³/h.

Phase II - additional 2000 PE (to be considered in design): Wastewater flowrate (including infiltration= 1045 m³/d (12 l/s); Peak dry weather flow = 77 m³/h (21 l/s); Peak wet weather flow = 150 m³/h.

Works will be implemented according to FIDIC Yellow Book (1999 ed).

The Municipality of Kolašin intends to conduct restricted international procedure for selection of consultancy services (Supervision of works). The selection procedure will be conducted through the procedure as specified in the practical guide for European Union external action (PRAG) and EIB Guide to Procurement (2018). In case of any conflict the EIB Guide to Procurement will apply.

The supervision of works shall be implemented in compliance with the requirements of the Montenegrin legislation and relevant EU and EIB requirements. Total expected duration of the contract is 52 months.

II.2.14) Additional information
II.3) Estimated date of publication of contract notice:

Section IV: Procedure

IV.1) Description
IV.1.8) Information about the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA)
The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement: no

Section VI: Complementary information

VI.3) Additional information:

Contract financing: WBIF Grants (WB-IG07-MNE-ENV-01), Finance Contract (FI N° 85.813, Serapis N° 2005-0221) Montenegro Water and Sanitation between Montenegro and the European Investment Bank.

National professional licensing: the awarded tenderer will have to be licensed for performance of the project activities according to the valid national legislation - the Law on spatial planning and construction of structures (Official Gazette of Montenegro, No. 64/17, 44/18, 63/18, 11/19, 82/20, 086/22, 004/23) and related secondary legislation - Rulebook on the manner and procedure of issuance and dormancy of licenses and the manner of keeping the registry of licenses” (Official Gazette of Montenegro no. 79/17, 078/21, 102/21) at the moment of Contract signing (or the latest on the Commencement Date).

VI.5) Date of dispatch of this notice: