Servicios de transporte por vías navegables

RFI - Low and zero-emission operation of the boat routes between Bergen, Sunnhordland, and Hardanger

Skyss would like to understand how we can facilitate low and zero-emission operation on the boat routes in Sunnhordland, Austevoll, and between Os, Tysnes, and Kvinnherad. Work has been done on new technological systems in different parts of the market, nad the technology picture can therefore have changed somewhat since …

CPV: 60600000 Servicios de transporte por vías navegables, 60610000 Servicios de transporte en transbordador, 63721300 Servicios de explotación de vías de navegación
Lugar de ejecución:
RFI - Low and zero-emission operation of the boat routes between Bergen, Sunnhordland, and Hardanger
Organismo adjudicador:
Vestland fylkeskommune
Número de premio:

Norway-Bergen: Water transport services

2023/S 201-629818

Prior information notice

This notice is for prior information only


Legal Basis:
Directive 2014/24/EU

Section I: Contracting authority

I.1) Name and addresses
Official name: Vestland fylkeskommune
National registration number: 821 311 632
Postal address: postboks 7900
Town: Bergen
NUTS code: NO0A2 Vestland
Postal code: 5020
Country: Norway
Contact person: Kristian Osen Fagertun
Telephone: +47 92286931
Internet address(es):
Main address:
Address of the buyer profile:
I.3) Communication
The procurement documents are available for unrestricted and full direct access, free of charge, at:
Additional information can be obtained from the abovementioned address
I.4) Type of the contracting authority
Regional or local authority
I.5) Main activity
General public services

Section II: Object

II.1) Scope of the procurement
II.1.1) Title:

RFI - Low and zero-emission operation of the boat routes between Bergen, Sunnhordland, and Hardanger

Reference number: 10/2023
II.1.2) Main CPV code
60600000 Water transport services
II.1.3) Type of contract
II.1.4) Short description:

Skyss would like to understand how we can facilitate low and zero-emission operation on

the boat routes in Sunnhordland, Austevoll, and between Os, Tysnes, and Kvinnherad.

Work has been done on new technological systems in different parts of the market, nad

the technology picture can therefore have changed somewhat since Skyss last held a

market dialogue for express boats. We see therefore that there is a need to hold a new

dialogue round in order to update our knowledge. The dialogue is about:

• What technology concept is relevant for a tender contest in December 2024

with commissioning in January 2028?

• What are the extra costs of the different concepts?

• Should the contracting authority particularly facilitate the relevant technology concepts

as regards turn-around time, quay infrastructure, area, and network?

Skyss will, based on the information from this dialogue, consider adaptations to

the scheduled routes and present a case to the county committee in Vestland with a summary of the

technical scope for the boat routes.

II.1.5) Estimated total value
II.1.6) Information about lots
This contract is divided into lots: no
II.2) Description
II.2.2) Additional CPV code(s)
60610000 Ferry transport services
63721300 Waterway operation services
II.2.3) Place of performance
NUTS code: NO0A2 Vestland
Main site or place of performance:

Vestland County (VLFK)

II.2.4) Description of the procurement:

RFI - Market survey

Skyss would like to understand how we can facilitate low and zero-emission operation on

the boat routes in Sunnhordland, Austevoll, and between Os, Tysnes, and Kvinnherad.

Work has been done on new technological systems in different parts of the market, nad

the technology picture can therefore have changed somewhat since Skyss last held a

market dialogue for express boats. We see therefore that there is a need to hold a new

dialogue round in order to update our knowledge. The dialogue is about:

• What technology concept is relevant for a tender contest in December 2024

with commissioning in January 2028?

• What are the extra costs of the different concepts?

• Should the contracting authority particularly facilitate the relevant technology concepts

as regards turn-around time, quay infrastructure, area, and network?

Skyss will, based on the information from this dialogue, consider adaptations to

the scheduled routes and present a case to the county committee in Vestland with a summary of the

technical scope for the boat routes.

II.2.14) Additional information

See the attached document.

II.3) Estimated date of publication of contract notice:

Section IV: Procedure

IV.1) Description
IV.1.8) Information about the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA)
The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement: yes

Section VI: Complementary information

VI.3) Additional information:

We have formulated questions that we would like the market to give input on.

If the market has comments and input in addition to the questions given

below, we are grateful for such input.

1. Low or zero-emission concept for the routes between Bergen and Sunnhordland through a

tender contest in 2024/2025.

In order to understand the concepts, we are interested in key figures connected to energy consumption, energy storage, and

energy transfer.

1a. Battery electric concept: This has already been assessed as affordable

and available. What is the longest possible range between charging? What is

the energy consumption and battery size for such a concept? What hull design

is required for this?

i. Charging: What is the highest possible charging effect? How much time is required

for connection and disconnection? How long charging time is required per

crossing distance (for example minute per sailed km)?

ii. Battery swap concept: What energy consumption and battery size are

realistic? How often does the concept require a battery swap? How long

time does a battery swap take?

1b. Ammoniac: Are the engine and energy affordable with delivery for

a start-up of operations by 2028? How much ignition matter is required? What

requirements for NOx emissions can the engine meet? How much total CO2 cuts can we

achieve when you allow for CO2 emissions from the ignition matter and laughing gas emissions?

Are there particular requirements for bunkring that the contracting authority must know about and


1c. Hydrogen: Is fuel cell and energy affordable with delivery for

a start-up of operations by 2028? Are there particular requirements for bunkring

that the contracting authority must know about and facilitate?

1d. Biogas: Are the engine and energy affordable with delivery for a start-up

by 2028? Are there particular requirements for bunkring that the contracting authority must

know about and facilitate?

1e. Are there other concepts that can be relevant?

2. Potential and risk connected to the hull design and energy efficiency.

2a. Status of relevant measures such as foil, air lubrication, air cushion, and other reduction

of friction resistance. What energy efficiency will this provide in relation to the current

hull design? Does this require adaptations from the contracting authority

as regards quay infrastructure?

2b. Potential for weight reducing measures that are not normally used due to

increased cost, for example materials. What wight reduction will this provide in relation to the current

choice of materials? Does this require adaptations from the contracting authority as

regards the offer to customers?

2c. Status of propulsion system:

i. What is the availability of generator sets with higher

efficiency based on a permanent magnet generator and variable

rotational speed engine with a high load factor (not the continual output that is

normal for generator engines).

ii. Are there available gear systems suitable for electric engines, typically

without a clutch or reversing cog wheel? This is so as to give weight savings

and an increased power efficiency.

iii. Are there available propulsion systems without gears and possibly with

a fixed propellor in order to reduce potential weight and possibly give better

power efficiency?

iv. We there be new POD based propulsion systems available,

typically integrated with an electric engine and possibly revolving


3. What extra and less costs are connected to relevant low and

zero-emission concepts?

VI.5) Date of dispatch of this notice: