RE-TENDER - Centre for Coastal Nature and Sport Fishing, Assens Harbour (dissemination)

The present re-tender deals with concept proposals for exhibition and experience design at the National Centre for Coastal Nature and Sport Fishing at the Middle Pier at Assens Harbour. The project is tendered as a turnkey contract. The Centre for Coastal Nature and Sport Fishing will be an experience centre …

CPV: 32321200 Equipo audiovisual, 39154000 Equipamiento de exposición, 45000000 Trabajos de construcción, 71200000 Servicios de arquitectura y servicios conexos, 71530000 Servicios de consultoría en materia de construcción, 92520000 Servicios de museos y de preservación de lugares y edificios históricos, 92521100 Servicios de exposición en museos
Lugar de ejecución:
RE-TENDER - Centre for Coastal Nature and Sport Fishing, Assens Harbour (dissemination)
Organismo adjudicador:
Assens Municipality
Número de premio:

1. Buyer

1.1 Buyer

Official name : Assens Municipality
Legal type of the buyer : Local authority
Activity of the contracting authority : General public services

2. Procedure

2.1 Procedure

Title : RE-TENDER - Centre for Coastal Nature and Sport Fishing, Assens Harbour (dissemination)
Description : The present re-tender deals with concept proposals for exhibition and experience design at the National Centre for Coastal Nature and Sport Fishing at the Middle Pier at Assens Harbour. The project is tendered as a turnkey contract. The Centre for Coastal Nature and Sport Fishing will be an experience centre which, through experiences and stories about the sea, coasts, lakes, streams, fish and angling, will make visitors marvel at life beneath the water's surface, and which will make visitors want to try their hand at unique nature experiences. We are looking for a turnkey contractor who can deliver a strong and inspiring concept, thereby creating an attraction of international class. A concluded design competition has defined the building framework for the centre, which will have a beautiful location in the transition between the market town (Assens), the coast (the Little Belt) and the coastal landscapes (the Funen archipelago). The centre is expected to open spring 2027. Reference is also made to the tender documents, which comprise a detailed description of the project.
Procedure identifier : 3eea7c84-d2d9-40c3-86c6-fee54dac67f6
Previous notice : 178330-2024
Type of procedure : Restricted
The procedure is accelerated : no
Justification for the accelerated procedure :
Main features of the procedure : The tender is conducted as a restricted tender in accordance with the Public Procurement Act §§ 58-60. This procurement procedure involves dividing the process into two phases: (i) a prequalification phase and (ii) a tender phase. In the initial prequalification phase, any company can apply for prequalification on the basis of the tender notice. After the application deadline, the Client will select the companies that are best suited to submit tenders for the task. In the subsequent tender phase, the applicants selected by the Client in the prequalification phase will be invited to submit a tender for the project by submitting a proposed solution.

2.1.1 Purpose

Main nature of the contract : Works
Main classification ( cpv ): 45000000 Construction work
Additional classification ( cpv ): 71200000 Architectural and related services
Additional classification ( cpv ): 92520000 Museum services and preservation services of historical sites and buildings
Additional classification ( cpv ): 92521100 Museum-exhibition services
Additional classification ( cpv ): 71530000 Construction consultancy services
Additional classification ( cpv ): 32321200 Audio-visual equipment
Additional classification ( cpv ): 39154000 Exhibition equipment

2.1.3 Value

Estimated value excluding VAT : 15 500 000 Danish krone

2.1.4 General information

Additional information : Pursuant to section 134a of the Danish Public Procurement Act, the Client must exclude a candidate or tenderer from participation in the tender procedure if the applicant or tenderer is established in a country that is included on the EU list of non-cooperative tax jurisdictions and has not acceded to the WTO's Government Procurement Agreement or other trade agreements obliging Denmark to open the market for public contracts to tenderers established in that particular country. The client will ensure the absence of the exclusion ground prior to the award decision. The client further draws attention to the fact that pursuant to Article 5k of Council Regulation (EU) 2022/576 of 8 April 2022 amending Regulation (EU) No 833/2014 concerning restrictive measures in view of Russia's actions destabilising the situation in Ukraine ('the Regulation'), a ban on awarding contracts to Russian companies and Russian-controlled companies, etc. applies. The prohibition also applies to the award of contracts to tenderers using supporting entities or sub-consultants covered by Article 5k of the Regulation if the value of the deliveries of such a supporting entity or sub-consultant accounts for more than 10 % of the value of the contract. The client may therefore, at any stage of the procurement process, require applicants and tenderers to document that they are not in a situation falling within the scope of Article 5k of the Regulation. In this connection, the Client may ask candidates or tenderers to sign the declaration of honour attached to the tender documents regarding the absence of this connection.
Legal basis :
Directive 2014/24/EU

2.1.6 Grounds for exclusion

Sources of grounds for exclusion : Notice
Participation in a criminal organisation : The ground for exclusion covers acts committed within the framework of a criminal organisation as defined in Article 2 of Council Framework Decision 2008/841/JHA of 24 October 2008 (Official Journal 2008, No L 300, page 42. As proof that the applicant or certain persons associated with the applicant, cf. the Public Procurement Act Section 135(2) is not covered by the above-mentioned ground for exclusion, the applicant must produce an extract from the relevant register or equivalent document issued by a competent judicial or administrative authority showing that the applicant is not covered by the above-mentioned ground for exclusion. In the case of Danish applicants, the certificate may consist of an official certificate issued by the Danish Business Authority. If the country concerned does not issue the abovementioned certificate, or does not cover this ground for exclusion, it may be replaced by a declaration under oath. If oath taking is not used in the country in question, a declaration of honour may instead be used in accordance with section 153(2) of the Public Procurement Act. The documentation must be a maximum of six months old from the tender deadline.
Corruption : The ground for exclusion includes corruption as defined in Article 3 of the Convention on the fight against corruption involving officials of the European Communities or officials of Member States of the European Union and Article 2(1) of Council Framework Decision 2003/568/JHA of 22 July 2003 on fighting corruption in the private sector (Official Journal 2003, No L 192, page 54) and corruption as defined by the national law of the Member State or home Member State of the applicant or tenderer or of the country where the applicant or tenderer is established. As proof that the applicant or certain persons associated with the applicant, cf. section 135(2) is not covered by the ground for exclusion referred to above, the applicant shall provide an extract from the relevant register or equivalent document issued by a competent judicial or administrative authority showing that the applicant does not fall within the scope of the abovementioned ground for exclusion. In the case of Danish applicants, the certificate may consist of an official certificate issued by the Danish Business Authority. If the country concerned does not issue the abovementioned certificate, or does not cover this ground for exclusion, it may be replaced by a declaration on oath. If oath taking is not used in the country in question, a declaration of honour may instead be used in accordance with section 153(2) of the Public Procurement Act. The documentation must be a maximum of six months old from the tender deadline.
Fraud : The ground for exclusion covers fraud within the meaning of Article 1 of the Convention on the protection of the European Communities' financial interests. As evidence that the applicant or certain persons associated with the applicant, cf. section 135(2) of the Danish Public Procurement Act, is not covered by the above-mentioned ground for exclusion, the applicant must provide an extract from the relevant register or equivalent document issued by a competent judicial or administrative authority showing that the applicant is not covered by the above-mentioned ground for exclusion. In the case of Danish applicants, the certificate may consist of an official certificate issued by the Danish Business Authority. Does the country in question not issue the above-mentioned certificate, or does not cover this ground of exclusion, may be replaced by a declaration under oath. If oath taking is not used in the country in question, a declaration of honour may instead be used in accordance with section 153(2) of the Public Procurement Act. The documentation must be a maximum of six months old from the tender deadline.
Terrorist offences or offences linked to terrorist activities : The ground for exclusion includes terrorist offences or offences related to terrorist activity as defined respectively in Articles 1, 3 and 4 of Council Framework Decision 2002/475/JHA of 13 June 2002 on combating terrorism (Official Journal 2002, No L 164, page 3), as amended by Council Framework Decision 2008/919/JHA of 28 November 2008 amending Framework Decision 2002/475/JHA on combating terrorism (Official Journal 2008, No L 330, page 21). As proof that the applicant or certain persons associated with the applicant, cf. section 135(2) of the Danish Public Procurement Act, are not covered by the above-mentioned ground for exclusion, the applicant must provide an extract from the relevant register or equivalent document issued by a competent judicial or administrative authority showing that the applicant is not covered by the above ground for exclusion. In the case of Danish applicants, the certificate may consist of an official certificate issued by the Danish Business Authority. If the country concerned does not issue the abovementioned certificate, or does not cover this ground for exclusion, it may be replaced by a declaration on oath. If oath taking is not used in the country in question, a declaration of honour may instead be used in accordance with section 153(2) of the Public Procurement Act. The documentation must be a maximum of six months old from the tender deadline.
Money laundering or terrorist financing : The ground for exclusion includes money laundering or terrorist financing as defined in Article 1 of Directive 2005/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 October 2005 on the prevention of the use of the financial system for the purpose of money laundering and terrorist financing (Official Journal 2005, No L 309, page 15). As proof that the applicant or certain persons associated with the applicant, cf. section 135(2) of the Danish Public Procurement Act, are not covered by the above-mentioned ground for exclusion, the applicant must provide an extract from the relevant register or equivalent document issued by a competent judicial or administrative authority showing that the applicant does not fall within the above-mentioned ground for exclusion. In the case of Danish applicants, the certificate may consist of an official certificate issued by the Danish Business Authority. If the country concerned does not issue the abovementioned certificate, or does not cover this ground for exclusion, it may be replaced by a declaration on oath. If oath taking is not used in the country in question, a declaration of honour may instead be used in accordance with section 153(2) of the Public Procurement Act. The documentation must be a maximum of six months old from the tender deadline.
Child labour and other forms of trafficking in human beings : The ground for exclusion includes a violation of Section 262a of the Criminal Code or, in the case of a conviction from another country concerning child labour and other forms of trafficking in human beings as defined in Article 2 of Directive 2011/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 April 2011 on preventing and combating trafficking in human beings and protecting its victims, and replacing the Council Framework Decision 2002/629/JHA (Official Journal 2011, No L 101, page 1). As proof that the applicant or certain persons associated with the applicant, cf. section 135(2) of the Danish Public Procurement Act, are not covered by the above-mentioned ground for exclusion the applicant shall provide an extract from the relevant register or equivalent document issued by a competent judicial or administrative authority showing that the applicant does not fall within the scope of the abovementioned ground for exclusion. In the case of Danish applicants, the certificate may consist of an official certificate issued by the Danish Business Authority. If the country concerned does not issue the abovementioned certificate, or does not cover this ground for exclusion, it may be replaced by a declaration on oath. If oath taking is not used in the country in question, a declaration of honour may instead be used in accordance with section 153(2) of the Public Procurement Act. The documentation must be a maximum of six months old from the tender deadline.
Breaching obligation relating to payment of taxes : The ground for exclusion covers cases where the applicant has unpaid debts due to public authorities in respect of taxes, duties or social security contributions under Danish law or the law of the country in which the applicant is established. As proof that the applicant does not benefit from the grounds for exclusion referred to above, the applicant shall provide a certificate issued by the competent authority of the country concerned as proof that the applicant does not benefit from the ground for exclusion mentioned above. In the case of Danish applicants, the certificate may consist of a service certificate issued by the Danish Business Authority. If the country concerned does not issue the abovementioned certificate, or does not cover this ground for exclusion, it may be replaced by a declaration on oath. If oath taking is not used in the country in question, a declaration of honour may instead be used in accordance with section 153(2) of the Public Procurement Act. The documentation must be a maximum of six months old from the tender deadline.
Conflict of interest due to its participation in the procurement procedure : The ground for exclusion includes cases where a conflict of interest has arisen, cf. section 24(18) of the Danish Public Procurement Act, in relation to the tender in question, which cannot be effectively remedied by less intrusive measures.
Agreements with other economic operators aimed at distorting competition : The ground for exclusion covers cases where a distortion of competition within the meaning of Section 39 of the Public Procurement Act has occurred as a result of the prior involvement of economic operators in the preparation of the procurement procedure in relation to the procurement procedure in question cannot be remedied by less restrictive measures.
Guilty of misrepresentation, withheld information, unable to provide required documents and obtained confidential information of this procedure : The grounds for exclusion include cases where the applicant in the tender in question has provided grossly incorrect information, has withheld information or is unable to submit supplementary documents concerning the grounds for exclusion in section 135(1) or (3) of the Danish Public Procurement Act and, if applicable, in section 137(1), no. 2 or 6 of the Public Procurement Act, the minimum requirements for suitability laid down in section 140144 of the Public Procurement Act or the selection in section 145 of the Public Procurement Act.
Bankruptcy : The ground for exclusion includes cases where the applicant has been declared bankrupt. As proof that the applicant does not benefit from the grounds for exclusion referred to above, the applicant shall provide a certificate issued by the competent authority of the country concerned as proof that the applicant does not benefit from the above ground for exclusion. In the case of Danish applicants, the certificate may consist of an official certificate issued by the Danish Business Authority. If the country concerned does not issue the abovementioned certificate, or does not cover this ground for exclusion, it may be replaced by a declaration on oath. If oath taking is not used in the country in question, a declaration of honour may instead be used in accordance with section 153(2) of the Public Procurement Act. The documentation must be a maximum of six months old from the tender deadline.
Insolvency : The ground for exclusion covers cases where the applicant is in insolvency or winding-up proceedings. As proof that the applicant does not benefit from the grounds for exclusion referred to above, the applicant shall provide a certificate issued by the competent authority of the country concerned as proof that the applicant does not benefit from the ground for exclusion mentioned above. In the case of Danish applicants, the certificate may consist of an official certificate issued by the Danish Business Authority. If the country concerned does not issue the abovementioned certificate, or does not cover this ground for exclusion, it may be replaced by a declaration on oath. If oath taking is not used in the country in question, a declaration of honour may instead be used in accordance with section 153(2) of the Public Procurement Act. The documentation must be a maximum of six months old from the tender deadline.
Arrangement with creditors : The ground for exclusion covers cases where the applicant is in composition. As proof that the applicant does not benefit from the grounds for exclusion referred to above, the applicant shall provide a certificate issued by the competent authority of the country concerned as proof that the applicant does not benefit from the ground for exclusion mentioned above. In the case of Danish applicants, the certificate may consist of an official certificate issued by the Danish Business Authority. If the country concerned does not issue the abovementioned certificate, or does not cover this ground for exclusion, it may be replaced by a declaration on oath. If oath taking is not used in the country in question, a declaration of honour may instead be used in accordance with section 153(2) of the Public Procurement Act. The documentation must be a maximum of six months old from the tender deadline.
Business activities are suspended : The grounds for exclusion cover cases where the applicant's professional activity has been suspended. As proof that the applicant does not benefit from the above ground for exclusion, the applicant shall provide a certificate issued by the competent authority of the country concerned as proof that the applicant is not covered by the abovementioned ground for exclusion. In the case of Danish applicants, the certificate may consist of an official certificate issued by the Danish Business Authority. If the country concerned does not issue the abovementioned certificate, or does not cover this ground for exclusion, it may be replaced by a declaration on oath. If oath taking is not used in the country in question, a declaration of honour may instead be used in accordance with section 153(2) of the Public Procurement Act. The documentation must be a maximum of six months old from the tender deadline.
Analogous situation like bankruptcy under national law : The ground for exclusion covers cases where the applicant is in a similar situation under a similar procedure provided for by national law where the candidate or tenderer is resident. As proof that the applicant does not benefit from the grounds for exclusion referred to above, the applicant shall provide a certificate issued by the competent authority of the country concerned as proof that the applicant does not benefit from the ground for exclusion mentioned above. In the case of Danish applicants, the certificate may consist of an official certificate issued by the Danish Business Authority. If the country concerned does not issue the abovementioned certificate, or does not cover this ground for exclusion, it may be replaced by a declaration on oath. If oath taking is not used in the country in question, a declaration of honour may instead be used in accordance with section 153(2) of the Public Procurement Act. The documentation must be a maximum of six months old from the tender deadline.
Breaching obligation relating to payment of social security contributions : The ground for exclusion covers cases where the applicant has unpaid debts due to public authorities in respect of taxes, duties or social security contributions under Danish law or the law of the country in which the applicant is established. As proof that the applicant does not benefit from the grounds for exclusion referred to above, the applicant shall provide a certificate issued by the competent authority of the country concerned as proof that the applicant does not benefit from the ground for exclusion mentioned above. In the case of Danish applicants, the certificate may consist of an official certificate issued by the Danish Business Authority. If the country concerned does not issue the abovementioned certificate, or does not cover this ground for exclusion, it may be replaced by a declaration on oath. If oath taking is not used in the country in question, a declaration of honour may instead be used in accordance with section 153(2) of the Public Procurement Act. The documentation must be a maximum of six months old from the tender deadline.
Assets being administered by liquidator : The ground for exclusion includes cases where the applicant's assets are managed by a trustee or by the court. As proof that the applicant does not benefit from the grounds for exclusion referred to above, the applicant shall provide a certificate issued by the competent authority of the country concerned as proof that the applicant does not benefit from the ground for exclusion mentioned above. In the case of Danish applicants, the certificate may consist of an official certificate issued by the Danish Business Authority. If the country concerned does not issue the abovementioned certificate, or does not cover this ground for exclusion, it may be replaced by a declaration on oath. If oath taking is not used in the country in question, a declaration of honour may instead be used in accordance with section 153(2) of the Public Procurement Act. The documentation must be a maximum of six months old from the tender deadline.
Grave professional misconduct : The ground for exclusion covers cases where the applicant has committed serious professional misconduct which casts doubt on the applicant's integrity.

5. Lot

5.1 Lot technical ID : LOT-0001

Title : RE-TENDER - Centre for Coastal Nature and Sport Fishing, Assens Harbour (dissemination)
Description : The present re-tender deals with concept proposals for exhibition and experience design at the National Centre for Coastal Nature and Sport Fishing at the Middle Pier at Assens Harbour. The project is tendered as a turnkey contract. The Centre for Coastal Nature and Sport Fishing will be an experience centre which, through experiences and stories about the sea, coasts, lakes, streams, fish and angling, will make visitors marvel at life beneath the water's surface, and which will make visitors want to try their hand at unique nature experiences. We are looking for a turnkey contractor who can deliver a strong and inspiring concept, thereby creating an attraction of international class. A concluded design competition has defined the building framework for the centre, which will have a beautiful location in the transition between the market town (Assens), the coast (the Little Belt) and the coastal landscapes (the Funen archipelago). The centre is expected to open spring 2027. Reference is also made to the tender documents, which comprise a detailed description of the project.
Internal identifier : 1

5.1.1 Purpose

Main nature of the contract : Works
Main classification ( cpv ): 45000000 Construction work
Additional classification ( cpv ): 71200000 Architectural and related services
Additional classification ( cpv ): 92520000 Museum services and preservation services of historical sites and buildings
Additional classification ( cpv ): 92521100 Museum-exhibition services
Additional classification ( cpv ): 71530000 Construction consultancy services
Additional classification ( cpv ): 32321200 Audio-visual equipment
Additional classification ( cpv ): 39154000 Exhibition equipment

5.1.2 Place of performance

Postal address : Nordre Havnevej
Town : Assens
Postcode : 5610
Country subdivision (NUTS) : Fyn ( DK031 )
Country : Denmark
Additional information : The centre will be established at the Middle Pier, Assens Harbour

5.1.3 Estimated duration

Duration : 30 Month

5.1.6 General information

Reserved participation : Participation is not reserved.
The names and professional qualifications of the staff assigned to perform the contract must be given : Tender requirement
Procurement Project not financed with EU Funds.
The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA) : yes
Additional information : In accordance with section 49(2) of the Danish Public Procurement Act, the client has considered dividing the contract into two parts. In this connection, it is the Client's assessment that the realisation of the tendered project can be carried out most appropriately in two separate agreements: A consultancy contract for the design of the centre's buildings and its facilities, and a turnkey contract for the dissemination of the centre and its exhibitions. The present turnkey competition only concerns the dissemination in the turnkey of the centre's buildings and the facilities and hotspots located along the harbour.

5.1.9 Selection criteria

Sources of selection criteria : Notice
Criterion : Specific yearly turnover
Description : It is a minimum requirement that the applicant's annual turnover amounted to at least DKK 5 million in the last fiscal year for which accounts have been closed. "Last fiscal year for which accounts have been closed" means the last fiscal year for which approved annual accounts are available. In the ESPD, the applicant should therefore provide information on the following: Applicant's annual turnover in DKK If the applicant cannot provide information on economic and financial capacity because the applicant is established within the last year, the applicant must indicate this in the ESPD. Note: If the applicant is an association (e.g. a consortium) or relies on the economic or financial capacity of other entities (e.g. subcontractors) for the purpose of meeting the minimum requirement, a separate ESPD must be submitted for each participant. Documentation: An applicant who is about to be awarded the contract must, at the Client's request, provide proof of compliance with the Client's minimum requirements for the applicant's economic and financial capacity. Proof may be in the form of: (1) The applicant's most recently approved financial statements, or (2) An auditor's certified statement on the required financial ratios. However, the applicant is not obliged to provide the above proof if the information is freely available to the Client. Applicants relying on the economic and financial capacity of other entities shall also provide a statement of support demonstrating that the supporting entity is making its economic and financial capacity available to the applicant and proving that the supporting entity has assumed joint and several liability for the applicant in relation to the performance of the contract.
Criterion : Other economic or financial requirements
Description : It is a minimum requirement that the applicant's equity was positive in the last fiscal year for which accounts have been closed. "Last fiscal year for which accounts have been closed" means the last fiscal year for which approved annual accounts are available. In the ESPD, the applicant should therefore provide information on the following: Applicant's equity in DKK If the applicant cannot provide information regarding economic and financial capacity because the applicant is established within the last year, the applicant must indicate this in the ESPD. Note: Is the applicant an association (e.g. a consortium) or where the applicant relies on the economic or financial capacity of other entities (e.g. subcontractors) for the fulfilment of the minimum requirement, a separate ESPD must be submitted for each participant. Documentation: An applicant who is about to be awarded the contract must, at the Client's request, provide proof of compliance with the Client's minimum requirements for the applicant's economic and financial capacity. The proof may be in the form of: (1) The applicant's most recently approved financial statements, or (2) An auditor's certified statement on the required financial ratios. However, the applicant is not obliged to provide the above proof if the information is freely available to the Client. Applicants relying on the economic and financial capacity of other entities shall also provide a statement of support demonstrating that the supporting entity is making its economic and financial capacity available to the applicant and proving that the supporting entity has assumed joint and several liability for the applicant in relation to the performance of the contract.
Criterion : References on specified works
Description : It is a minimum requirement that the applicant has carried out at least two (2) similar projects with a turnkey contract on exhibition / exhibition design (turnkey contract) of at least DKK 10 million, excl. VAT, per project. The projects must have been completed within the last five (5) years. With the stated minimum amount per. project means the total project sum incl. fees etc. "Similar projects" means projects that relate to (i) turnkey contract of exhibition exhibition/exhibition design of museum buildings or similar experience and communication buildings. "Completed" means that the project has been realized within the last five (5) years prior to the application deadline. The applicant, including any supporting entities, may provide a maximum of five (5) references, including the two (2) similar projects, cf. the minimum requirements directly above. The applicant may provide ongoing reference projects, however at least two (2) projects must have been completed, cf. the minimum requirements directly above. Any ongoing reference projects will, however, be evaluated on the basis of the works that have been carried out within the last five (5) years from the application deadline, cf. Tender terms and conditions, section 4.6. If the applicant encloses more references than the permitted number, the Client will evaluate the application on the basis of the five (5) references first listed and disregard any references that may be listed thereafter. "Equivalent projects" means projects that relate to (i) turnkey delivery of exhibition dissemination / exhibition design of museum buildings or similar experience and dissemination buildings. "Completed" means that the project has been realized within the last five (5) years prior to the application deadline. The applicant may provide a maximum of five (5) references. References must cover the entire team. If the applicant encloses more references than the permitted number, the Client will evaluate the application on the basis of the five (5) references first listed, and disregard any references that may be listed thereafter. In the ESPD, the applicant should therefore provide information on the following: Reference projects with information on the applicant's most significant experience with turnkey contracts on exhibition exhibition / exhibition design and/or consultancy in connection with museum construction or similar experience and exhibition buildings. Each reference should include: - Client’s name,- Contact person for that client with telephone number and/or email address, - Time of project execution, - A description of the nature and scope of the project, - Financial size of the project/task, - The tenderer's share of the project and its role, - A description of the tenderer’s own deliverables, if the project has been carried out jointly with others Note: Is the tenderer an association (e.g. a consortium) or is the tenderer based on the technical or professional capabilities of other entities (e.g. subcontractors) for the purpose of meeting the minimum requirements, a separate ESPD shall be submitted for each participant. Documentation: The reference list comprised in the ESPD is considered by the Client to be the final documentation of the applicant's technical and professional capabilities. However, the client is entitled to verify the accuracy of the information provided, e.g. by contacting the contact persons listed in the reference list directly. Tenderers which are based on the technical and professional capacity of other entities, must also provide a letter of support proving that the company is making his technical and professional capacity available to the tenderer. If applications are received from more than five (5) suitable companies, the Client will select the five (5) companies that together give the Client the best possible field of competition based on references. When assessing which companies together give the Client the best possible field of competition, the Client will emphasize the following: The comparability of the references regarding the scope of the project tendered, including whether the reference testifies to experience with: a) Exhibition production or realisation of exhibition concept in connection with museum construction or similar experience and exhibition buildings, b) Exhibition of landscape, facilities, and outdoor areas, c) Exhibition of creative response (senses etc.), d) Exhibition of stand-alone hotspot, e) Specific experience with content production, f) Handling of exhibition in turnkey contract. The client will make an overall assessment of the above criteria. In particular, regarding the comparability of references, the extent to which the reference includes several of the disciplines listed above under points (a) to (f) is weighted positively.
The criteria will be used to select the candidates to be invited for the second stage of the procedure
Information about the second stage of a two-stage procedure :
Minimum number of candidates to be invited for the second stage of the procedure : 5
Maximum number of candidates to be invited for the second stage of the procedure : 5
The procedure will take place in successive stages. At each stage, some participants may be eliminated

5.1.10 Award criteria

Criterion :
Type : Quality
Name :
Description : Exhibition concept
Weight (percentage, exact) : 60
Criterion :
Type : Quality
Name :
Description : Functionality
Weight (percentage, exact) : 25
Criterion :
Type : Quality
Name :
Description : Experience and organisation
Weight (percentage, exact) : 15
Description of the method to be used if weighting cannot be expressed by criteria :
Justification for not indicating the weighting of the award criteria :

5.1.11 Procurement documents

Languages in which the procurement documents are officially available : English
Deadline for requesting additional information : 23/09/2024 23:59 +02:00
Address of the procurement documents :

5.1.12 Terms of procurement

Terms of the procedure :
Estimated date of dispatch of the invitations to submit tenders : 11/10/2024
Terms of submission :
Electronic submission : Required
Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted : Danish, English
Electronic catalogue : Allowed
Variants : Not allowed
Tenderers may submit more than one tender : Not allowed
Description of the financial guarantee : The Turnkey Contractor must provide a financial guarantee in accordance with the Turnkey Contract, section 9.
Deadline for receipt of requests to participate : 07/10/2024 23:59 +02:00
Information that can be supplemented after the submission deadline :
At the discretion of the buyer, some missing tenderer-related documents may be submitted later.
Additional information : The contracting authority reserves the right to obtain additional information in accordance with Section 159(5) of the Danish Procurement Act.
Terms of contract :
The execution of the contract must be performed within the framework of sheltered employment programmes : No
Electronic invoicing : Required
Electronic ordering will be used : no
Electronic payment will be used : yes
Information about review deadlines : According to the Act on the Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement, the following deadlines apply for filing a complaint: * Complaints about not having been prequalified must be submitted to the Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement within 20 calendar days from the day following the sending of a notification to the affected applicants of who has been selected, cf. section 171 of the Danish Public Procurement Act, (2) or Section 2(1)(1) of the Danish Complaints Board Act, where the notification is accompanied by a statement of reasons for the decision. In other situations, an complaint against a call for competition must be filed with the Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement before: (1) 45 calendar days after the contracting entity has published a notice in the Official Journal of the European Union announcing the award of a contract. The period shall begin on the day following that on which the notice was published. (2) 30 calendar days from the day following that on which the contracting entity notifies the tenderers concerned that a contract based on a framework agreement reopening competition or a dynamic purchasing system has been awarded, if the notification has given reasons for the decision. (3) six months after the contracting entity has concluded a framework agreement, counting from the day following the day on which the contracting entity notifies the candidates and tenderers concerned, cf. section 2(2) of the Danish Complaints Board Act or section 171(2) of the Danish Public Procurement Act. 4. (4) 20 calendar days from the day after the contracting entity has notified its decision, cf. section 185(2) of the Danish Public Procurement Act. At the latest at the same time as a complaint is filed with the Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement, the complainant shall inform in writing the contracting entity that the complaint be submitted to the Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement and whether the complaint was filed during the standstill period, cf. section 6(4) of the Danish Complaints Board Act. In cases where the complaint has not been filed during the standstill period, the complainant must also state whether suspensive effect of the complaint is requested, cf. section 12(1) of the Danish Complaints Board Act. At the same time as filing a complaint, a complaint fee of DKK 20,000 must be paid to the Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement.

5.1.15 Techniques

Framework agreement :
No framework agreement
Information about the dynamic purchasing system :
No dynamic purchase system
Electronic auction : no

5.1.16 Further information, mediation and review

Review organisation : Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement
Organisation providing more information on the review procedures : Danish Competition and Consumer Authority
TED eSender : Publications Office of the European Union

8. Organisations

8.1 ORG-0001

Official name : Assens Municipality
Registration number : 29189692
Postal address : Rådhus Allé 5
Town : Assens
Postcode : 5610
Country subdivision (NUTS) : Fyn ( DK031 )
Country : Denmark
Contact point : Rasmus Kirk Christensen
Telephone : +45 51613982
Internet address :
Roles of this organisation :

8.1 ORG-0002

Official name : Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement
Registration number : 37795526
Postal address : Nævnenes Hus, Toldboden 2
Town : Viborg
Postcode : 8800
Country subdivision (NUTS) : Østjylland ( DK042 )
Country : Denmark
Telephone : +45 72405600
Roles of this organisation :
Review organisation

8.1 ORG-0003

Official name : Danish Competition and Consumer Authority
Registration number : 10294819
Postal address : Carl Jacobsens Vej 35
Town : Valby
Postcode : 2500
Country subdivision (NUTS) : Byen København ( DK011 )
Country : Denmark
Telephone : +45 41715000
Internet address :
Roles of this organisation :
Organisation providing more information on the review procedures

8.1 ORG-0000

Official name : Publications Office of the European Union
Registration number : PUBL
Town : Luxembourg
Postcode : 2417
Country subdivision (NUTS) : Luxembourg ( LU000 )
Country : Luxembourg
Telephone : +352 29291
Internet address :
Roles of this organisation :
TED eSender

11. Notice information

11.1 Notice information

Notice identifier/version : db3f640b-14e4-4ed8-96ed-da632d002652 - 01
Form type : Competition
Notice type : Contract or concession notice – standard regime
Notice dispatch date : 06/09/2024 13:26 +00:00
Languages in which this notice is officially available : English

11.2 Publication information

Notice publication number : 00537545-2024
OJ S issue number : 175/2024
Publication date : 09/09/2024