Servicios de consultoría en investigación y desarrollo
Prior information notice of upcoming tender regarding development of a national database of carbon footprints for food products
The purpose of this advance announcement is to invite potential bidders and relevant market operators to participate in a market dialogue and have an opportunity to provide input, feedback and recommendations on the upcoming tender of the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration regarding development of a national climate label on …
Denmark-Glostrup: Research and development consultancy services
2023/S 204-642694
Prior information notice
This notice is for prior information only
Section I: Contracting authority
National registration number: 62534516
Postal address: Stationsparken 31-33
Town: Glostrup
NUTS code: DK0 Danmark
Postal code: 2600
Country: Denmark
Contact person: Jamila Magda Andersen
Telephone: +45 72276133
Internet address(es):
Main address:
Address of the buyer profile:
Section II: Object
Prior information notice of upcoming tender regarding development of a national database of carbon footprints for food products
The purpose of this advance announcement is to invite potential bidders and relevant market operators to participate in a market dialogue and have an opportunity to provide input, feedback and recommendations on the upcoming tender of the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration regarding development of a national climate label on food products.
Potential bidders interested in participating in the dialogue should register for participation.
Registration for participation in the market dialogue should be submitted by e-mail to Jamila Andersen at or via EU-supply. In the request for participation, kindly include a brief introduction to your company/business and a short statement of your interest in this project. Deadline for submission: 31st October 2023.
In preparation for an expected upcoming tender for the development of a national climate label on food products, the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration is interested in a market dialogue with potential bidders. The expected tender will be for the data collection behind and calculation of the carbon footprints of a number of food products sold on the Danish market and the organization of these in a publicly available database. The development of the carbon footprints for the database is expected to be done according to an LCA methodology developed by Aarhus University, similar to the European Commission’s Product Environmental Footprint methodology. In the market dialogue the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration is interested in receiving input from relevant market actors on e.g. the methodology, expected availability and collection of data, expected cost of the contract relative to the initial scope of the database, expected precision and uncertainty in the results, as well as other input considered relevant by potential bidders.
Potential bidders interested in participating in the dialogue should register for participation. Registration for participation in the market dialogue should be submitted by e-mail to Jamila Andersen at or via EU-supply. In the request for participation, kindly include a brief introduction to your company/business and a short statement of your interest in this project.
Deadline for submission: 31st October 2023.
The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration reserves the right to limit the number of participants. In this case, a possible restriction will be based on objective and factual criteria, as the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration wishes to put together the group of dialogue partners so that it is representative of the market, given the size, geography and activity areas of the company.
The participants will receive further information regarding the dialogue meeting after registration, e.g. a draft version of the methodology and specific questions the authority would like to discuss. If the food authority considers it appropriate, individual dialogue meetings will be held on the basis of submitted input and commentary on the supplied materials and information. Individual dialogue meetings with potential bidders based on the bidders' input to the tender material are expected to be held ultimo November 2023.
Section IV: Procedure
Section VI: Complementary information
Potential bidders must be aware that by participating in a market dialogue, they accept that the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration may use all information received in the tender material. It should be noted that the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration is not obliged to respond to the comments received, etc. However, the food authority will assess the appropriateness of all comments and amendments, including the legal and commercial implications. The consultation phase is intended solely to give the food authority more knowledge of what solutions are available in the market and to gain input on the material to ensure that the upcoming contract is designed in a commercially reasonable manner, which reflects the needs of the users and the market.
Additionally, potential bidders should be aware that when commenting on the draft documents, they accept that the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration may use all information received in the final tender material or may publish it in anonymous form. The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration therefore urges market dialogue participants not to provide confidential information. All information and materials express the contractor's preliminary draft. The contracting entity thus reserves the right to make changes to all information and materials in the final tender documents, including changes based on the market dialogue.