Northern Savonia fairway hydrographic survey 2024 (NOSA2024 Fairway)

The Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom is updating inland nautical charts 446, 447 and 452 of lake basins located in North Savo. Carrying out the update requires procuring comprehensive depth information of the lakes. The lake areas that the procurement concerns are Konnevesi, Pohjois-Konnevesi, Kiesimä, Sonkari, Vesantojärvi, Niinivesi, Pohjois-Niinivesi, …

CPV: 71351923 Servicios de mediciones batimétricas, 71353100 Servicios de estudios hidrográficos
Lugar de ejecución:
Northern Savonia fairway hydrographic survey 2024 (NOSA2024 Fairway)
Organismo adjudicador:
Liikenne- ja viestintävirasto
Número de premio:
501096 - TRAFICOM/109546/02.03.01/2024

1. Ostaja

1.1 Ostaja

Virallinen nimi : Liikenne- ja viestintävirasto
Ostajan oikeusstatus : Keskushallinnon viranomainen
Hankintaviranomaisen toiminta : Yleinen julkishallinto

1.1 Ostaja

Virallinen nimi : Väylävirasto
Ostajan oikeusstatus : Keskushallinnon viranomainen
Hankintaviranomaisen toiminta : Yleinen julkishallinto

2. Menettely

2.1 Menettely

Otsikko : Northern Savonia fairway hydrographic survey 2024 (NOSA2024 Fairway)
Kuvaus : The Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom is updating inland nautical charts 446, 447 and 452 of lake basins located in North Savo. Carrying out the update requires procuring comprehensive depth information of the lakes. The lake areas that the procurement concerns are Konnevesi, Pohjois-Konnevesi, Kiesimä, Sonkari, Vesantojärvi, Niinivesi, Pohjois-Niinivesi, Iisvesi, Virmasvesi, Rasvanki, Kuttajärvi, Nilakka and Pielavesi. The purpose of this procurement is to carry out full coverage fairway hydrographic surveying services including data processing and deliveries in the specified areas and neighboring areas, specified in the invitation to tender. The area to be surveyed is about 140 km² and it is defined in attached charts and shape-files (Attachment 1). The purpose is to perform hydrographic surveys in this area at least, where water depth is ≥ 2.5 m. Work shall be performed following IHO S-44 ed 6 and FIS-44/2021 Special Order and Order 1a requirements as stated in the technical specifications. Note 1: The opening angle of the MBES system is limited in hydrographic surveys, look at the attachment Technical specifications. The hydrographic surveys are to be performed with a professinal quality MBES system and in a professional manner. As an additional work tenderers are asked to provide a daily price for hydrographic surveys, including data processing and deliveries. Daily price is defined 12 and 24 hours survey work and respective data processing and deliveries. Possible additional work will be done near the areas defined in the invitation to tenders.
Menettelytunniste : b9d62dad-63c6-4cf0-8526-5c672b19ba35
Edellinen ilmoitus : 8ed0a4a5-7040-40f7-a1a4-5f7144dcbb94-01
Sisäinen tunniste : 501096 - TRAFICOM/109546/02.03.01/2024
Menettelyn tyyppi : Avoin
Menettely on nopeutettu : ei
Perustelu nopeutetun menettelyn käytölle :
Menettelyn tärkeimmät piirteet : 1. GENERAL The procurement is subject to legislation on public procurement. The competitive tendering will be carried out using an open procedure as referred to in section 32 of the Act on Public Procurement and Concession Contracts (1397/2016). 2. CONTRACT NOTICE A contract notice on the procurement has been published online at A contract award notice will also be issued about the procurement decision. 2.1 Preliminary notice A preliminary notice of this procurement has been published in HILMA on 12 November 2023 and in the TED portal on 13 November 2023, "483264 / Northern Savonia Hydrographic surveys NOSA". 3. GROUP PARTICIPATION AND SUBCONTRACTOR RELATIONSHIPS The contract will be concluded with the supplier (company) under the name of which the tender was submitted. This supplier is responsible for all contractual obligations even when using subcontractors. Conditions concerning subcontractor relationships are laid down in the draft contract included as an annex to the invitation to tender. 4. USING THE RESOURCES OF OTHER ENTITIES: The tenderer may use the resources of other entities for carrying out the contract, irrespective of the legal character of the relations between them. The tenderer must actually have access to the other entities’ resources during the contract. Traficom reserves the right to demand evidence (such as commitments and agreements between companies) of the fact that the tenderer has access to the other entities’ resources. Such resources can include: 1) experience in providing the services being procured of a company that belongs to the same group as the supplier or some other company, provided that this unit is named as the supplier’s subcontractor for these services in the tender 2) professional competence of personnel in another company’s employ, provided that these persons factually take part in providing the service 3) resources related to financial standing 4) resources related to technical performance, provided that these resources are actually utilised for carrying out the contract. 5. PROCESSING OF TENDERS 5.1. Suitability of tenderers The tenderers’ fulfilment of set requirements related to financial standing, technical performance and professional competence will be assessed prior to the processing of tenders. The tenderers’ suitability will be assessed with the help of the information provided in the tender (ESPD form and other requested information). Tenderers are asked to check before submitting their tenders that the information in the service is correct. Tenderers that have been found guilty or whose personnel exercising power of representation, decision or supervision have been found guilty of one or more of the crimes mentioned in Article 57(1) of the Public Procurement Directive (2014/24/EU) or extortionate work discrimination as referred to in chapter 47, section 3a of the Criminal Code of Finland will be excluded from the tendering procedure (grounds for mandatory exclusion). Tenderers that are subject to other grounds for exclusion referred to in procurement legislation may be excluded from the tendering procedure (grounds for discretionary exclusion). 5.2. Compliance of tenders with the invitation to tender Offered services must comply with the invitation to tender and its annexes. Tenderers must answer all the questions that they are asked and attach all the requested documents to their tender. Tenders that do not comply with the invitation to tender will be excluded from the tendering procedure. 5.3. Comparison of tenders The comparison of tenders will be carried out as described under the section “Decision-making grounds” below. 5.4. Procurement decision and communication thereof The procurement decision will be communicated electronically to all tenderers. The public contract is not concluded with the communication of the procurement decision, but with a separate written contract. The public contract can be concluded once the procurement decision has become legally valid or a court has allowed the execution of the procurement. The procurement has not been divided into parts, because in terms of the end result and the execution of the work, it is justified to order work from the same supplier. Dividing the procurement to several suppliers would also increase management costs and the need for work supervision resources significantly.

2.1.1 Tarkoitus

Sopimuksen kategoria : Palvelut
Pääasiallinen luokitus ( cpv ): 71353100 Merenmittauspalvelut
Lisäluokitus ( cpv ): 71351923 Syvyyskartoituspalvelut

2.1.2 Suorituspaikka

Maa : Suomi
Missä tahansa tietyn maan alueella
Lisätiedot : Northern Savonia, in the area according to the map attachment of the invitation to tender.

2.1.3 Arvo

Arvioitu arvo ilman arvonlisäveroa : 600 000 Euro

2.1.4 Yleistä tietoa

Lisätiedot : The procurement will be joint procurement with Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency.
Oikeusperusta :
Direktiivi 2014/24/EU

5. Erä

5.1 Tekninen tunnus erälle : LOT-0000

Otsikko : Northern Savonia fairway hydrographic survey 2024 (NOSA2024 Fairway)
Kuvaus : The Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom is updating inland nautical charts 446, 447 and 452 of lake basins located in North Savo. Carrying out the update requires procuring comprehensive depth information of the lakes. The lake areas that the procurement concerns are Konnevesi, Pohjois-Konnevesi, Kiesimä, Sonkari, Vesantojärvi, Niinivesi, Pohjois-Niinivesi, Iisvesi, Virmasvesi, Rasvanki, Kuttajärvi, Nilakka and Pielavesi. The purpose of this procurement is to carry out full coverage fairway hydrographic surveying services including data processing and deliveries in the specified areas and neighboring areas, specified in the invitation to tender. The area to be surveyed is about 140 km² and it is defined in attached charts and shape-files (Attachment 1). The purpose is to perform hydrographic surveys in this area at least, where water depth is ≥ 2.5 m. Work shall be performed following IHO S-44 ed 6 and FIS-44/2021 Special Order and Order 1a requirements as stated in the technical specifications. Note 1: The opening angle of the MBES system is limited in hydrographic surveys, look at the attachment Technical specifications. The hydrographic surveys are to be performed with a professinal quality MBES system and in a professional manner. As an additional work tenderers are asked to provide a daily price for hydrographic surveys, including data processing and deliveries. Daily price is defined 12 and 24 hours survey work and respective data processing and deliveries. Possible additional work will be done near the areas defined in the invitation to tenders.
Sisäinen tunniste : 751256

5.1.1 Tarkoitus

Sopimuksen kategoria : Palvelut
Pääasiallinen luokitus ( cpv ): 71353100 Merenmittauspalvelut
Lisäluokitus ( cpv ): 71351923 Syvyyskartoituspalvelut

5.1.2 Suorituspaikka

Maa : Suomi
Missä tahansa tietyn maan alueella
Lisätiedot : Northern Savonia, in the area according to the map attachment of the invitation to tender.

5.1.5 Arvo

Arvioitu arvo ilman arvonlisäveroa : 600 000 Euro

5.1.6 Yleistä tietoa

Hankintaa ei ole rahoitettu EU:n varoista
Hankintaan sovelletaan julkisia hankintoja koskevaa sopimusta (GPA) : kyllä
Lisätiedot : The procurement will be joint procurement with Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency.

5.1.10 Myöntämisperusteet

Peruste :
Tyyppi : Hinta
Nimi : Least price
Kuvaus : The selection criterion for the tendering process is the most economically advantageous tender, which is determined based on the least price of the work. Price is the only selection criterion because all eligible tenderers are considered to meet the qualitative requirements for providing the service in accordance with the invitation to tender.
Painotus (prosentteina, tarkka) : 100
Käytettävä menetelmä silloin kun myöntämisperusteilla ei pystytä ilmaisemaan painotusta :
Perustelu myöntämisperusteiden painotuksen ilmoittamatta jättämiselle :

5.1.15 Menetelmät

Puitejärjestely :
Ei puitejärjestelyä
Tietoa dynaamisesta hankintajärjestelmästä :
Ei dynaamista hankintajärjestelmää

5.1.16 Lisätietoja, sovittelu ja muutoksenhaku

Muutoksenhakuelin : Markkinaoikeus
TED eSender : Hansel Oy (Hilma)

6. Tulokset

6.1 Tulokset – Erän tunniste : LOT-0000

Voittajaa ei valittu ja kilpailu on suljettu.
Syy, miksi voittajaa ei ole valittu : Riittämättömistä varoista johtuva ostajan päätös

6.1.4 Tilastotiedot

Vastaanotetut tarjoukset tai osallistumishakemukset :
Vastaanotettujen tarjousten/osallistumishakemusten tyyppi : Tarjoukset
Saatujen tarjousten/osallistumishakemusten määrä : 1

8. Organisaatiot

8.1 ORG-0001

Virallinen nimi : Markkinaoikeus
Rekisterinumero : 3006157-6
Postiosoite : Radanrakentajantie 5
Postitoimipaikka : Helsinki
Postinumero : 00520
Maaryhmittely (NUTS) : Helsinki-Uusimaa ( FI1B1 )
Maa : Suomi
Puhelin : +358 295643300
Tämän organisaation rooli :

8.1 ORG-0002

Virallinen nimi : Liikenne- ja viestintävirasto
Rekisterinumero : 2924753-3
Postiosoite : PL 320
Postitoimipaikka : TRAFICOM
Postinumero : 00059
Maaryhmittely (NUTS) : Helsinki-Uusimaa ( FI1B1 )
Maa : Suomi
Yhteyspiste : Jyrki Mononen
Puhelin : +358 295345000
Internetosoite :
Tämän organisaation rooli :

8.1 ORG-0003

Virallinen nimi : Väylävirasto
Rekisterinumero : 1010547-1
Postiosoite : PL 33
Postitoimipaikka : Helsinki
Postinumero : 00521
Maaryhmittely (NUTS) : Helsinki-Uusimaa ( FI1B1 )
Maa : Suomi
Yhteyspiste : Tero Sikiö
Sähköposti :
Puhelin : +358 295343000
Tämän organisaation rooli :

8.1 ORG-0004

Virallinen nimi : Hansel Oy (Hilma)
Rekisterinumero : FI09880841
Postiosoite : Mannerheiminaukio 1a
Postitoimipaikka : Helsinki
Postinumero : 00100
Maaryhmittely (NUTS) : Helsinki-Uusimaa ( FI1B1 )
Maa : Suomi
Yhteyspiste : eSender
Puhelin : 029 55 636 30
Tämän organisaation rooli :
TED eSender

11. Ilmoituksen tiedot

11.1 Ilmoituksen tiedot

Ilmoituksen tunniste/versio : 25863287-ace9-48f5-ae98-49a78b6f131b - 01
Lomakkeen tyyppi : Tulokset
Ilmoituksen tyyppi : Jälki-ilmoitus tai käyttöoikeussopimusta koskeva jälki-ilmoitus – vakiojärjestelmä
Ilmoituksen lähetyspäivä : 14/08/2024 07:58 +00:00
Ilmoituksen lähetyspäivä (eSender) : 14/08/2024 07:58 +00:00
Kielet, joilla tämä ilmoitus on virallisesti saatavilla : suomi englanti

11.2 Julkaisutiedot

Ilmoituksen julkaisunumero : 00492683-2024
EUVL S -lehden numero : 159/2024
Julkaisupäivä : 16/08/2024