New ozone treatment process at Egaa Wastewater Treatment Plant

There has been a significant change in the composition of the wastewater to the Egå Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) due to the expansion of Aarhus University Hospital in Skejby. Pharma residues have been registered that are above the PNEC values in the discharge from the Egå WWTP following the expansion …

CPV: 45000000 Trabajos de construcción, 45252000 Trabajos de construcción de plantas de tratamiento de aguas residuales, plantas depuradoras y plantas de incineración de desperdicios, 45252100 Trabajos de construcción de plantas depuradoras de aguas residuales, 45252200 Equipo de planta depuradora, 45252210 Trabajos de construcción de plantas de depuración de agua
Lugar de ejecución:
New ozone treatment process at Egaa Wastewater Treatment Plant
Organismo adjudicador:
Aarhus Vand A/S
Número de premio:
Tender: New ozone treatment process at Egaa Wastewater Treatment Plant 2023/2024

1. Buyer

1.1 Buyer

Official name : Aarhus Vand A/S
Activity of the contracting entity : Water-related activities

2. Procedure

2.1 Procedure

Title : New ozone treatment process at Egaa Wastewater Treatment Plant
Description : There has been a significant change in the composition of the wastewater to the Egå Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) due to the expansion of Aarhus University Hospital in Skejby. Pharma residues have been registered that are above the PNEC values in the discharge from the Egå WWTP following the expansion of the hospital. This has led Aarhus Municipality to conclude that additional treatment for pharma residues must be carried out at the WWTP. A 4th treatment step therefore has to be established at Egå WWTP to achieve sufficient removal of drug residues in the effluent. A screening of available treatment technologies and theoretical modelling has been carried out based on the 10 focus substances that can be measured in the effluent from Egå WWTP. From this, it is concluded that implementing an ozone treatment step in front of the existing sand filter will be enough to remove the remaining pharma residues.
Procedure identifier : d9bcb2e4-ba08-4a1e-812c-efeda309128b
Internal identifier : Tender: New ozone treatment process at Egaa Wastewater Treatment Plant 2023/2024
Type of procedure : Negotiated with prior publication of a call for competition / competitive with negotiation
The procedure is accelerated : no
Justification for the accelerated procedure :
Main features of the procedure :

2.1.1 Purpose

Main nature of the contract : Works
Main classification ( cpv ): 45252100 Sewage-treatment plant construction work
Additional classification ( cpv ): 45000000 Construction work
Additional classification ( cpv ): 45252000 Construction works for sewage treatment plants, purification plants and refuse incineration plants
Additional classification ( cpv ): 45252200 Purification plant equipment
Additional classification ( cpv ): 45252210 Water purification plant construction work

2.1.2 Place of performance

Postal address : Mosevej 57
Town : Risskov
Postcode : 8240
Country subdivision (NUTS) : Østjylland ( DK042 )
Country : Denmark
Additional information : Egaa Wastewater Treatment Plant

2.1.3 Value

Estimated value excluding VAT : 42 000 000 Danish krone

2.1.4 General information

Call for competition is terminated
Legal basis :
Directive 2014/25/EU

5. Lot

5.1 Lot technical ID : LOT-0000

Title : New ozone treatment process at Egaa Wastewater Treatment Plant
Description : There has been a significant change in the composition of the wastewater to the Egå Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) due to the expansion of Aarhus University Hospital in Skejby. Pharma residues have been registered that are above the PNEC values in the discharge from the Egå WWTP following the expansion of the hospital. This has led Aarhus Municipality to conclude that additional treatment for pharma residues must be carried out at the WWTP. A 4th treatment step therefore has to be established at Egå WWTP to achieve sufficient removal of drug residues in the effluent. A screening of available treatment technologies and theoretical modelling has been carried out based on the 10 focus substances that can be measured in the effluent from Egå WWTP. From this, it is concluded that implementing an ozone treatment step in front of the existing sand filter will be enough to remove the remaining pharma residues.
Internal identifier : Tender: New ozone treatment process at Egaa Wastewater Treatment Plant 2023/2024

5.1.1 Purpose

Main nature of the contract : Works
Main classification ( cpv ): 45252100 Sewage-treatment plant construction work
Additional classification ( cpv ): 45000000 Construction work
Additional classification ( cpv ): 45252000 Construction works for sewage treatment plants, purification plants and refuse incineration plants
Additional classification ( cpv ): 45252200 Purification plant equipment
Additional classification ( cpv ): 45252210 Water purification plant construction work
Options :
Description of the options : The contract includes option for a service and maintenance contract for 2x5 years, to ensure proper operation of the new plant. The contract cover full service and maintenance incl. manhours for external staff, normal spare and wear parts such as diffuser, oil, filters etc. acceording to th esuppliers guidelines. In addition, the contract cover necessary auxiliary equipment. Aarhus Vand must notify the contractor no later than 90 days after the contract is signes by both parties, if they want to use the options.

5.1.2 Place of performance

Postal address : Mosevej 57
Town : Risskov
Postcode : 8240
Country subdivision (NUTS) : Østjylland ( DK042 )
Country : Denmark
Additional information : Egaa Wastewater Treatment Plant

5.1.3 Estimated duration

Start date : 15/08/2024
Duration end date : 30/09/2027

5.1.5 Value

Estimated value excluding VAT : 42 000 000 Danish krone

5.1.6 General information

Procurement Project not financed with EU Funds.
The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA) : yes

5.1.10 Award criteria

Criterion :
Type : Cost
Name : Price (TCO)
Description : Evaluation of the sub-criterion “Price (TCO)” will be based on total cost of ownership (TCO) defined as total of Capital investment costs and 15 years of operational and maintenance costs calculated as the following: "Price (TCO)" = (Capital investment costs) + (Operational and maintenance costs in first 15 years of operation)
Criterion :
Type : Quality
Name : Technical solution (80%)
Description : Process solution (35%) The following is weighted positively: − Process solution has a treatment capacity with high performance at low and high load conditions. − Documented full scale tests for the process solution − High degree of controllability and online performance measuring − Reusing the off-gas (if any) in the process tank − District heat production from cooling the ozone generators − Components matches Client’s positive list (cf. Appendix 3M - Positive list and equipment) − Good availability of spare parts − Design based on lab-scale tests on wastewater from Egå WWTP Hydraulic solution for inlet and outlet of new ozonation treatment stage (15%) The following is weighted positively: − Minimal pumping of water − Good distribution of flow to the sand filter units − Good placement of iron chloride dosing point for removal of phosphorous in the sand filters − No or minimal negative impact on the existing operation during construction and operation. Construction and Architectural expression (15%) The following is weighted positively: − The architectural expression matches existing facilities (cf. Appendix 3K - Architec-tural expression) − That the plant visually occupies as little space as possible in the landscape − That the building fulfils any constructional requirements and mechanical require-ments for operation of the equipment during summer and winter seasons Process and functional guarantees (15%) The following is weighted positively: − High maximum allowed bromide concentration in the influent to the ozonation plant (process guarantee) − Functional guarantees will be considered positively in the Tender evaluation, de-pending on the extent of the guarantees Working environment and conditions (10%) The following is weighted positively: − Easy accessibility and serviceability to equipment − A minimum of required maintenance − A minimum of noise, and smell − High degree of safety − No heavy lifting by operators during maintenance Flexibility (5%) The following is weighted positively: − Process solution can easily handle and adapt to changing load conditions within nor-mal operational and shifts from dry to wet weather. − That the plant can run without much disturbance during planned maintenance. − The new treatment step can be easily expanded (increased capacity) and upgraded with new treatment options to handle potential future changes (e.g., more string ent effluent demands, change in load and future optimisation of overall WWTP opera-tion) Service and maintenance contract (5%) The evaluation of the Service and maintenance contract is relative to the actual technology offered by the individual tenderers. Evaluation of the Service and maintenance contract will thus be based on the conditions in the individual offer, in comparison with the level offered in all the received offers. Short reaction times are positively weighted. It has a positive impact the longer the service agreement can be renewed at the same price excl. price regulation. The Client reserves the right not to purchase the service agreement.
Criterion :
Type : Quality
Name : Organisation (20%)
Description : Organisation The organisation diagram clearly describes the organisation and cooperation between the contractor, subcontractors and/or -suppliers, key personnel etc. and that the key staff have relevant experience within their field of work. It's weighted positively if they also have experi-ence with ozonation and work at municipal WWTPs. It's weighted most relevant for ozona-tion at WWTP, and secondly ozonation at Industry. The organisation and key staff will be evaluated as whole with extra focus on the Mechani-cal, Process and Hydraulic CV’s. These three are weighted higher as they are integral for the success of this turnkey contract. Furthermore for the Project manager and Site manager, it’s weighted positively if they have experience with projects of the same economical magnitude and specifically turnkey con-tracts of the same complexity and extent regarding scope of process design, equipment, electrical and construction works. That it is clearly indicated how the communication is envisioned between the Client and Con-tractor throughout the project in relation to the state-gate model in Appendix 3E - Stage-gate model.
Description of the method to be used if weighting cannot be expressed by criteria : In evaluating the offers, Aarhus Vand has used the Commission model. In the Commission model, the project is awarded to the offer that has the best ratio between price and quality (quite literally). A minimum level is set for the quality of the offers, which is why the offer must achieve at least 50% in points out of the maximum possible for quality (i.e., a minimum of 5,0 points out of a possible 10 points). For offers that meet this, the ratio between price and quality is calculated, i.e., that the price (TCO) is divided by the number of quality points that the offer has received. This gives the offer a number that indicates how much a “quality point” costs. The offer that both meets the minimum requirement for quality points and has the lowest price per quality points, wins. (Tenderer's price under the Price criterion / Tenderer's total points for the Quality criterion) = Offered price pr Quality point
Justification for not indicating the weighting of the award criteria :

5.1.12 Terms of procurement

Information about review deadlines : According to law on Klagenævnet for Udbud, the following deadlines apply for submitting complaints: - Complaints about not having been prequalified must be submitted to the Complaints Board for Tenders (Klagenævnet for Udbud) within 20 calendar days from the day after sending a notification to the affected applicants about who has been selected, cf. section 171, subsection of the DanishTender Act. 2, or the klagenævnslovens § 2, subsection 1, no. 1, when the notification is accompanied by a justification for the decision. In other situations, complaints about tenders must be submitted to the Kalgenævnet for Udbud before: 1. 45 calendar days after the contracting authority has published an announcement in the Official Journal of the European Union (TED) that the contracting authority has entered into a contract. The deadline is calculated from the day after the day on which the order has been published. 2. 30 calendar days counted from the day on which the contracting authority has notified the affected tenderers that a contract based on a framework agreement with re-opening of the competition or a dynamic purchasing system has been entered into, if the notification has given a reason for the decision. 3. six months after the contracting authority has entered into a framework agreement, calculated from the day after the day on which the contracting authority has notified the affected applicants and tenderers, klagenævnelovens section 2 subsection 2, or § 171, subsection 4 of the Danish Public Procurement Act. 4. 20 calendar days counted from the day after the contracting authority has communicated its decision, cf. section 185 subsection 2 of the Danish Public Procurement Act. At the latest at the same time as a complaint is submitted to the Kalgenævnet for Udbud (Complaints Board for Tenders), the complainant must notify the contracting authority in writing that a complaint is being submitted to Klagenævnet for Udbud and whether the complaint has been submitted during the standstill period, cf. klagenævnsloven, section 6, subsection 4. In cases where the complaint has not been submitted during the standstill period, the complainant must also state whether a suspensive effect of the complaint is requested, cf. Section 12, subsection 1 of klagenævnsloven.

5.1.15 Techniques

Framework agreement :
No framework agreement
Information about the dynamic purchasing system :
No dynamic purchase system

5.1.16 Further information, mediation and review

Review organisation : Klagenævnet for Udbud
Organisation providing additional information about the procurement procedure : Aarhus Vand A/S
Organisation providing more information on the review procedures : Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsen
Organisation signing the contract : Aarhus Vand A/S
TED eSender : Mercell Holding ASA

6. Results

Value of all contracts awarded in this notice : 42 000 000 Danish krone

6.1 Result lot ldentifier : LOT-0000

At least one winner was chosen.

6.1.2 Information about winners

Winner :
Leader of tendering party : Krüger A/S
Official name : VAM A/S
Tender :
Tender identifier : New ozone treatment process at Egaa Wastewater Treatment Plant
Identifier of lot or group of lots : LOT-0000
Value of the result : 66 000 000 Danish krone
The tender was ranked : no
The tender is a variant : no
Subcontracting : Not yet known
Subcontracting value is known : no
Subcontracting percentage is known : no
Contract information :
Identifier of the contract : New ozone treatment process at Egaa Wastewater Treatment Plant
Date on which the winner was chosen : 24/07/2024
Date of the conclusion of the contract : 09/08/2024
The contract is awarded within a framework agreement : no
Organisation signing the contract : Aarhus Vand A/S

6.1.4 Statistical information

Received tenders or requests to participate :
Type of received submissions : Tenders submitted electronically
Number of tenders or requests to participate received : 3

8. Organisations

8.1 ORG-0001

Official name : Aarhus Vand A/S
Registration number : ORG-null
Postal address : Hasselager Allé 29
Town : Viby J
Postcode : 8260
Country subdivision (NUTS) : Østjylland ( DK042 )
Country : Denmark
Contact point : Christoffer Larsen
Telephone : 89471104
Roles of this organisation :
Organisation providing additional information about the procurement procedure
Organisation signing the contract

8.1 ORG-0002

Official name : Klagenævnet for Udbud
Registration number : ORG-37795526
Postal address : Toldboden 2
Town : Viborg
Postcode : 8800
Country subdivision (NUTS) : Vestjylland ( DK041 )
Country : Denmark
Contact point : Klagenævnet for Udbud
Telephone : +45 72405600
Roles of this organisation :
Review organisation

8.1 ORG-0003

Official name : Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsen
Registration number : ORG-10294819
Postal address : Carl Jacobsens Vej 35
Town : Valby
Postcode : 2500
Country subdivision (NUTS) : Byen København ( DK011 )
Country : Denmark
Contact point : Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsen
Telephone : +45 41715000
Information exchange endpoint (URL) :
Roles of this organisation :
Organisation providing more information on the review procedures

8.1 ORG-0004

Official name : Krüger A/S
Size of the economic operator : Large
Registration number : DK 57446412
Postal address : Gladsaxevej 363
Town : Søborg
Postcode : 2860
Country subdivision (NUTS) : Københavns omegn ( DK012 )
Country : Denmark
Contact point : Ole Faaborg
Telephone : +45 5744 6412
Roles of this organisation :
Group leader
Winner of these lots : LOT-0000

8.1 ORG-0005

Official name : VAM A/S
Size of the economic operator : Medium
Registration number : DK 13760381
Postal address : Limevej 5
Town : Auning
Postcode : 8963
Country subdivision (NUTS) : Østjylland ( DK042 )
Country : Denmark
Contact point : Morten H. Hansen
Telephone : +45 8649 2300
Roles of this organisation :
Winner of these lots : LOT-0000

8.1 ORG-0006

Official name : Mercell Holding ASA
Registration number : 980921565
Postal address : Askekroken 11
Town : Oslo
Postcode : 0277
Country subdivision (NUTS) : Oslo ( NO081 )
Country : Norway
Contact point : eSender
Telephone : +47 21018800
Fax : +47 21018801
Internet address :
Roles of this organisation :
TED eSender

10. Change

Version of the previous notice to be changed : dfa23842-841c-4776-b5ec-5ae04629594a-01
Main reason for change : Buyer correction
Description : Estimated value excluding VAT is changed from 66 mio. DKK to 42 mio. DKK. Value of all contracts awarded in this procedure is changed from 66 mio. DKK to 42 mio. DKK.

10.1 Change

Section identifier : RESULT

11. Notice information

11.1 Notice information

Notice identifier/version : 984aec42-336a-4944-89fc-b222a1e71ee0 - 01
Form type : Result
Notice type : Contract or concession award notice – standard regime
Notice dispatch date : 13/08/2024 11:43 +00:00
Notice dispatch date (eSender) : 13/08/2024 11:45 +00:00
Languages in which this notice is officially available : English

11.2 Publication information

Notice publication number : 00489498-2024
OJ S issue number : 158/2024
Publication date : 14/08/2024