New Laser Capture Microdissection (LMD) Microscope

DTU Bioengineering is looking to acquire a Laser capture MicroDissection (LMD) system to enable their ambitions in the field of spatial proteomics, transcriptomics, and multi-omics, all the way down to single-cell level. The main ambition is to expand their analytical capabilities and consoli-dating its internationally leading position in the field …

CPV: 38430000 Aparatos de detección y análisis, 73120000 Servicios de desarrollo experimental
Lugar de ejecución:
New Laser Capture Microdissection (LMD) Microscope
Organismo adjudicador:
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU
Número de premio:

1. Køber

1.1 Køber

Officielt navn : Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU
Køberens retlige status : Offentligretligt organ
Den ordregivende myndigheds aktiviteter : Uddannelse

2. Procedure

2.1 Procedure

Titel : New Laser Capture Microdissection (LMD) Microscope
Beskrivelse : DTU Bioengineering is looking to acquire a Laser capture MicroDissection (LMD) system to enable their ambitions in the field of spatial proteomics, transcriptomics, and multi-omics, all the way down to single-cell level. The main ambition is to expand their analytical capabilities and consoli-dating its internationally leading position in the field of single-cell proteomics by Mass Spectrometry (scp-MS). The instrument will be used for running large-scale spatial scp-MS experiments, de-veloping novel microfluidic platform supported sample preparation workflows, implementing single-cell multi-omics experimental workflows and supporting spatial single-cell RNA sequencing experiments.
Identifikator for proceduren : 6f9b0ce8-7fe7-470a-ba4a-d9fa9de249d6
Intern identifikator : 9254
Udbudsprocedure : Udbud med forhandling uden forudgående offentliggørelse

2.1.1 Formål

Kontraktens art : Varer
Primær klassificering ( cpv ): 38430000 Apparater til fysisk eller kemisk analyse
Yderligere klassificering ( cpv ): 73120000 Eksperimentel udvikling

2.1.2 Udførelsessted

By : Kgs. Lyngby
Postnummer : 2800
Landespecifik underafdeling (NUTS) : Københavns omegn ( DK012 )
Land : Danmark

2.1.4 Generelle oplysninger

Retsgrundlag :
Direktiv 2014/24/EU

5. Delkontrakt

5.1 Teknisk ID for partiet : LOT-0000

Titel : New Laser Capture Microdissection (LMD) Microscope
Beskrivelse : DTU Bioengineering is looking to acquire a Laser capture MicroDissection (LMD) system to enable their ambitions in the field of spatial proteomics, transcriptomics, and multi-omics, all the way down to single-cell level. The main ambition is to expand their analytical capabilities and consoli-dating its internationally leading position in the field of single-cell proteomics by Mass Spectrometry (scp-MS). The instrument will be used for running large-scale spatial scp-MS experiments, de-veloping novel microfluidic platform supported sample preparation workflows, implementing single-cell multi-omics experimental workflows and supporting spatial single-cell RNA sequencing experiments.
Intern identifikator : 9254

5.1.1 Formål

Kontraktens art : Varer
Primær klassificering ( cpv ): 38430000 Apparater til fysisk eller kemisk analyse
Yderligere klassificering ( cpv ): 73120000 Eksperimentel udvikling

5.1.2 Udførelsessted

By : Kgs. Lyngby
Postnummer : 2800
Landespecifik underafdeling (NUTS) : Københavns omegn ( DK012 )
Land : Danmark
Yderligere oplysninger :

5.1.3 Anslået varighed

Startdato : 31/08/2024
Varigheds slutdato : 31/08/2034

5.1.6 Generelle oplysninger

Indkøbsprojekt, der ikke finansieres med EU-midler
Udbuddet er omfattet af aftalen om offentlige udbud (GPA) : ja

5.1.10 Tildelingskriterier

Kriterium :
Type : Pris
Navn : Price
Beskrivelse : According to offer from supplier.
Vægtning (procentdel, præcis) : 100
Beskrivelse af den metode, der skal anvendes, hvis vægtningen ikke kan udtrykkes ved hjælp af kriterier :
Begrundelse for ikke at angive vægtningen af tildelingskriterierne :

5.1.12 Udbudsvilkår

Oplysninger om undersøgelsesfrister : Complaint that the Contracting Authority, contrary to the Public Procurement Act, has concluded a contract without prior publication of a contract notice in the European Union Official Journal must be submitted no later than 30 calendar days from the date after a contract award notice has been published by the Contracting Authority in the European Union Official Journal and that contract award notice includes the grounds for the decision to award the contract directly, cf. lov om Klagenævnet for Udbud (Complaints Board for Tenders) § 7, section 3.

5.1.15 Teknikker

Rammeaftale :
Ingen rammeaftale
Oplysninger om det dynamiske indkøbssystem :
Intet dynamisk indkøbssystem

5.1.16 Yderligere oplysninger, mægling og gennemgang

Organisation med ansvar for klager : Klagenævnet for Udbud
Organisation, der leverer oplysninger om den generelle lovgivningsramme på det sted, hvor kontrakten skal udføres, hvad angår skatter : Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsen
Organisation, der leverer supplerende oplysninger om udbudsproceduren : Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU
Organisation, der sikrer adgang til udbudsdokumenterne offline : Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU
Organisation, hvis budget anvendes til at betale for kontrakten : Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU
Organisation, der udfører betalingen : Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU
Organisation, der undertegner kontrakten : Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU
TED eSender : Mercell Holding ASA

6. Resultater

Værdien af alle kontrakter tildelt i denne meddelelse : 1 600 122,24 Dansk krone
Direkte tildeling :
Begrundelse for direkte tildeling : Kontrakten kan kun tildeles af en bestemt økonomisk aktør på grund af manglende konkurrence af tekniske årsager
Anden begrundelse : DTU Bioengineering is looking to acquire a Laser capture MicroDissection (LMD) system to enable their ambitions in the field of spatial proteomics, transcriptomics, and multi-omics, all the way down to single-cell level. The main ambition is to expand their analytical capabilities and consolidating its internationally leading position in the field of single-cell proteomics by Mass Spectrometry (scp-MS). The instrument will be used for running large-scale spatial scp-MS experiments, developing novel microfluidic platform supported sample preparation workflows, implementing single-cell multi-omics experimental workflows and supporting spatial single-cell RNA sequencing experiments. Recognizing, and isolating, specific single-cells from primary samples requires a unique combination of fluorescent microscopy with high-resolution lasers and appropriate sample collection devices. The LMD6 laser microdissection system is distributed by Leica Microsystems and is the only LMD system on the market that is designed, developed, and manufactured by a single company, encompassing all the required features. This allows DTU to have a single point of contact for both the application of hardware / software development, and for the technical support service. Leica Microsystems applies the most delicate technique for specimen collection: gravity. Gravity is the most sensible method of specimen collection as no additional force is required. Most importantly, the specimens are not touched. This makes specimen collection by gravity a contamination-free procedure. Importantly, Leica is the sole manufacturer of LMD systems that allow contactless collection into 384-well PCR plates, which is essential for our experimental workflows, relying on low-volume, contamination-free sample preparation. Moreover, Leica is the only manufacturer with es-tablished Artificial Intelligence (AI) supported automated cell recognition, to ensure the highest throughput, combined with correct cell isolation for follow-up analysis. Hence, the LMD6 is the only instrument available on the market that will enable us to achieve our goals in the context of low-input, contamination-free, and high-throughput sample preparation for LC-MS based proteomics from e.g. FFPE clinical specimens or fresh-frozen material. Other justification: There is lack of competition due to technical reasons, cf. § 80, subsection 3, no. 2 in the Danish Public Procurement Law. The contract is awarded to Leica Microsystems, as their LMD6 product is the only instrument on the market that can fulfil all our requirements, in a single instrument platform, with a single point of contact for 1) single-cell isolation, 2) collection of isolated specimens into 384-well plates and other specific vessels (e.g. ProteoChip Evo as commercially available from Cellenion), 3) collection of isolated specimens by means of gravity, and 4) Artificial Intelligence (AI) supported automated cell recognition. Detailed features of the LMD6 and why this is a unique instrument has been provided above. A market survey was conducted to explore all possible options for a single instrument dedicated for spatial isolation of single cells by means of LMD, for subsequent proteomic and transcriptomic analysis. We have explored different suppliers, but none of them offer a single-instrument option, with commercially available consumables and software for automated cell recognition and isolation, at single-cell resolution. Other instruments either 1) require laser propulsion of isolated specimens, thereby possibly damaging the tissue in the process, 2) do not allow for collection of specimens into 384-well plates, required for low-volume, automated sample preparation, or 3) do not have AI-supported cell recognition abilities to automate the isolation process. Combined, this means that using alternative suppliers would result in our inability to obtain sufficient data quality for our biological experiments. This makes the Leica LMD6 the only instrument currently on the market that provides a solution for our high-sensitivity and high-throughput experimental spatial proteomics and transcriptomics workflow demands.

6.1 Resultat delkontrakt-ID : LOT-0000

6.1.2 Oplysninger om vinderne

Vinder :
Officielt navn : Leica Microsystems A/S
Tilbud :
Tilbud – Identifikator : 9254
Identifikator for delkontrakt eller gruppe af delkontrakter : LOT-0000
Underentrepriseværdien er kendt : nej
Underentrepriseprocentdelen er kendt : nej
Kontraktoplysninger :
Identifikator for kontrakten : 373744
Titel : New Laser Capture Microdissection (LMD) Microscope
Datoen for udvælgelsen af det vindende tilbud : 16/08/2024
Kontrakten tildeles som led i en rammeaftale : nej
Organisation, der undertegner kontrakten : Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU

8. Organisationer

8.1 ORG-0001

Officielt navn : Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU
Registreringsnummer : 30060946
Postadresse : Anker Engelunds Vej 1
By : Kgs. Lyngby
Postnummer : 2800
Landespecifik underafdeling (NUTS) : Københavns omegn ( DK012 )
Land : Danmark
Kontaktpunkt : Marianne Dauding
Telefon : +45 33344398
Internetadresse :
Denne organisations roller :
Organisation, der leverer supplerende oplysninger om udbudsproceduren
Organisation, der sikrer adgang til udbudsdokumenterne offline
Organisation, der undertegner kontrakten
Organisation, hvis budget anvendes til at betale for kontrakten
Organisation, der udfører betalingen

8.1 ORG-0002

Officielt navn : Klagenævnet for Udbud
Postadresse : Nævnenes hus, Toldboden 2
By : Viborg
Postnummer : 8800
Landespecifik underafdeling (NUTS) : Østjylland ( DK042 )
Land : Danmark
Telefon : +45 35291000
Denne organisations roller :
Organisation med ansvar for klager

8.1 ORG-0003

Officielt navn : Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsen
Postadresse : Carl Jacobsens Vej 35
By : Valby
Postnummer : 2500
Landespecifik underafdeling (NUTS) : Byen København ( DK011 )
Land : Danmark
Telefon : +45 41715000
Denne organisations roller :
Organisation, der leverer oplysninger om den generelle lovgivningsramme på det sted, hvor kontrakten skal udføres, hvad angår skatter

8.1 ORG-0004

Officielt navn : Leica Microsystems A/S
By : Brønshøj
Postnummer : 2700
Landespecifik underafdeling (NUTS) : Københavns omegn ( DK012 )
Land : Danmark
Telefon : +4544540101
Denne organisations roller :
Vinder af disse delkontrakter : LOT-0000

8.1 ORG-0005

Officielt navn : Mercell Holding ASA
Registreringsnummer : 980921565
Postadresse : Askekroken 11
By : Oslo
Postnummer : 0277
Landespecifik underafdeling (NUTS) : Oslo ( NO081 )
Land : Norge
Kontaktpunkt : eSender
Telefon : +47 21018800
Fax : +47 21018801
Internetadresse :
Denne organisations roller :
TED eSender

11. Oplysninger om bekendtgørelsen

11.1 Oplysninger om bekendtgørelsen

Identifikator for bekendtgørelsen : b28c22a4-0eeb-4da0-b0f8-94a283b08b72 - 01
Formulartype : Forudgående underretning om direkte tildeling
Bekendtgørelsestype : Bekendtgørelse med henblik på frivillig forudgående gennemsigtighed
Afsendelsesdato for bekendtgørelsen : 19/08/2024 14:57 +00:00
Dato for afsendelse af bekendtgørelse (eSender) : 19/08/2024 18:56 +00:00
Sprog, som denne bekendtgørelse er officielt tilgængelig på : dansk

11.2 Oplysninger om offentliggørelsen

Bekendtgørelsesnummer : 00502147-2024
EUT-S-nummer : 162/2024
Offentliggørelsesdato : 21/08/2024