Market dialogue - Project 77230 RH Call-off centres

Rikshospitalet has nearly 120 medical supply unit on the three operating passages. In addition there will be intensive care units and other special rooms. A total of approx. 160 call-off centres are required. Most are of the type Kreuzer from 1999. They are now in bad condition and must be …

CPV: 33160000 Técnicas operatorias
Lugar de ejecución:
Market dialogue - Project 77230 RH Call-off centres
Organismo adjudicador:
Oslo Universitetssykehus HF (hovedenhet)
Número de premio:
Markedsdialog - Prosjekt 77230 RH Uttakssentraler

1. Buyer

1.1 Buyer

Official name : Oslo Universitetssykehus HF (hovedenhet)
Legal type of the buyer : Public undertaking
Activity of the contracting authority : Health

2. Procedure

2.1 Procedure

Title : Market dialogue - Project 77230 RH Call-off centres
Description : Rikshospitalet has nearly 120 medical supply unit on the three operating passages. In addition there will be intensive care units and other special rooms. A total of approx. 160 call-off centres are required. Most are of the type Kreuzer from 1999. They are now in bad condition and must be replaced. See the attached invitation for further information.
Internal identifier : Markedsdialog - Prosjekt 77230 RH Uttakssentraler

2.1.1 Purpose

Main nature of the contract : Supplies
Main classification ( cpv ): 33160000 Operating techniques

2.1.2 Place of performance

Country subdivision (NUTS) : Oslo ( NO081 )
Country : Norway

2.1.4 General information

Legal basis :
Directive 2014/24/EU
Anskaffelsesforskriften -

3. Part

3.1 Part : PAR-0000

Title : Market dialogue - Project 77230 RH Call-off centres
Description : Rikshospitalet has nearly 120 medical supply unit on the three operating passages. In addition there will be intensive care units and other special rooms. A total of approx. 160 call-off centres are required. Most are of the type Kreuzer from 1999. They are now in bad condition and must be replaced. See the attached invitation for further information.
Internal identifier : Markedsdialog - Prosjekt 77230 RH Uttakssentraler

3.1.1 Purpose

Main nature of the contract : Supplies
Main classification ( cpv ): 33160000 Operating techniques

3.1.2 Place of performance

Country subdivision (NUTS) : Oslo ( NO081 )
Country : Norway

3.1.5 General information

Reserved participation : Participation is not reserved.
The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA) : yes

3.1.6 Procurement documents

Languages in which the procurement documents are officially available : Norwegian
Address of the procurement documents : ,

3.1.7 Terms of procurement

The execution of the contract must be performed within the framework of sheltered employment programmes : No

3.1.9 Further information, mediation and review

Review organisation : Oslo tingrett
Organisation providing additional information about the procurement procedure : Oslo Universitetssykehus HF (hovedenhet)
Organisation providing offline access to the procurement documents : Oslo Universitetssykehus HF (hovedenhet)
Organisation providing more information on the review procedures : Oslo Universitetssykehus HF (hovedenhet)

8. Organisations

8.1 ORG-0001

Official name : Oslo Universitetssykehus HF (hovedenhet)
Registration number : 993467049
Postal address : Postboks 4956 Nydalen
Town : OSLO
Postcode : 0424
Country subdivision (NUTS) : Oslo ( NO081 )
Country : Norway
Contact point : Even Enggrav
Telephone : +4793009596
Roles of this organisation :
Organisation providing additional information about the procurement procedure
Organisation providing offline access to the procurement documents
Organisation providing more information on the review procedures

8.1 ORG-0002

Official name : Oslo tingrett
Registration number : 926 725 939
Town : Oslo
Country : Norway
Telephone : 22035200
Roles of this organisation :
Review organisation

11. Notice information

11.1 Notice information

Notice identifier/version : a7118faa-0880-4ee3-9ec0-363ba3df518b - 01
Form type : Planning
Notice type : Prior information notice or a periodic indicative notice used only for information
Notice dispatch date : 09/12/2024 11:43 +00:00
Notice dispatch date (eSender) : 09/12/2024 12:19 +00:00
Languages in which this notice is officially available : English

11.2 Publication information

Notice publication number : 00753235-2024
OJ S issue number : 240/2024
Publication date : 10/12/2024
Estimated date of publication of a contract notice within this procedure : 24/03/2025