Legal assistance to check Member States’ transposition of the amending Directive (EU) 2023/2413 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 October 2023

Legal assistance to check Member States’ transposition of the amending Directive (EU) 2023/2413. The Directive (EU) 2023/2413 of the European Parliament and of the Council, that was officially adopted on 18 October 2023 and amends Directive (EU) 2018/2001, Regulation (EU) 2018/1999 and Directive 98/70/EC as regards the promotion of energy …

CPV: 73000000 Servicios de investigación y desarrollo y servicios de consultoría conexos, 73200000 Servicios de consultoría en investigación y desarrollo
Lugar de ejecución:
Legal assistance to check Member States’ transposition of the amending Directive (EU) 2023/2413 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 October 2023
Organismo adjudicador:
European Commission, DG ENER - Energy
Número de premio:

1. Buyer

1.1 Buyer

Official name : European Commission, DG ENER - Energy
Legal type of the buyer : EU institution, body or agency
Activity of the contracting authority : General public services

2. Procedure

2.1 Procedure

Title : Legal assistance to check Member States’ transposition of the amending Directive (EU) 2023/2413 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 October 2023
Description : Legal assistance to check Member States’ transposition of the amending Directive (EU) 2023/2413. The Directive (EU) 2023/2413 of the European Parliament and of the Council, that was officially adopted on 18 October 2023 and amends Directive (EU) 2018/2001, Regulation (EU) 2018/1999 and Directive 98/70/EC as regards the promotion of energy from renewable sources, and repeals Council Directive (EU) 2015/652. The transposition deadline for several key provisions on the accelerated permitting of renewables is 1 July 2024, while for the rest of the revised directive, it will be in early 2025. Legal support is necessary to assist the Commission in its assessment of the Member States' transposition and implementation of this Directive from the transposition deadline for the permitting rules on. The support shall be provided for a period of 3 years following after the transposition deadline for the whole of the revised directive. Given the decisive role of the permitting rules, the Commission has to start checking the transposition once these rules need to be transposed.
Procedure identifier : 0692eed7-b7ab-492e-9e20-b69fa6dc184a
Previous notice : 32740-2024
Internal identifier : EC-ENER/2024/OP/0002
Type of procedure : Open
Justification for the accelerated procedure :
Main features of the procedure :

2.1.1 Purpose

Main nature of the contract : Services
Main classification ( cpv ): 73000000 Research and development services and related consultancy services

2.1.3 Value

Estimated value excluding VAT : 300 000 Euro

2.1.4 General information

Legal basis :
Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2018/1046

5. Lot

5.1 Lot technical ID : LOT-0001

Title : Legal assistance to check Member States’ transposition of the amending Directive (EU) 2023/2413 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 October 2023
Description : Legal assistance to check Member States’ transposition of the amending Directive (EU) 2023/2413. The Directive (EU) 2023/2413 of the European Parliament and of the Council, that was officially adopted on 18 October 2023 and amends Directive (EU) 2018/2001, Regulation (EU) 2018/1999 and Directive 98/70/EC as regards the promotion of energy from renewable sources, and repeals Council Directive (EU) 2015/652. The transposition deadline for several key provisions on the accelerated permitting of renewables is 1 July 2024, while for the rest of the revised directive, it will be in early 2025. Legal support is necessary to assist the Commission in its assessment of the Member States' transposition and implementation of this Directive from the transposition deadline for the permitting rules on. The support shall be provided for a period of 3 years following after the transposition deadline for the whole of the revised directive. Given the decisive role of the permitting rules, the Commission has to start checking the transposition once these rules need to be transposed.
Internal identifier : EC-ENER/2024/OP/0002

5.1.1 Purpose

Main nature of the contract : Services
Main classification ( cpv ): 73000000 Research and development services and related consultancy services
Additional classification ( cpv ): 73200000 Research and development consultancy services

5.1.3 Estimated duration

Duration : 45 Month

5.1.5 Value

Estimated value excluding VAT : 300 000 Euro

5.1.6 General information

Procurement Project fully or partially financed with EU Funds.
The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA) : yes

5.1.10 Award criteria

Criterion :
Type : Quality
Name :
Description : Please consult the procurement documents.
Weight (percentage, exact) : 70
Criterion :
Type : Price
Name :
Description : Please consult the procurement documents.
Weight (percentage, exact) : 30
Description of the method to be used if weighting cannot be expressed by criteria :
Justification for not indicating the weighting of the award criteria :

5.1.15 Techniques

Framework agreement :
No framework agreement
Information about the dynamic purchasing system :
No dynamic purchase system

5.1.16 Further information, mediation and review

Review organisation : Court of Justice of the European Union
Organisation signing the contract : European Commission, DG ENER - Energy
TED eSender : European Commission

6. Results

Value of all contracts awarded in this notice : 283 750 Euro

6.1 Result lot ldentifier : LOT-0001

At least one winner was chosen.

6.1.2 Information about winners

Winner :
Tender :
Identifier of lot or group of lots : LOT-0001
Contract information :
Identifier of the contract : ENER-PN-2023-000103 ENER/C.1/2023-592
Date on which the winner was chosen : 03/07/2024
Date of the conclusion of the contract : 20/08/2024
The contract is awarded within a framework agreement : no
Organisation signing the contract : European Commission, DG ENER - Energy

6.1.4 Statistical information

Received tenders or requests to participate :
Type of received submissions : Tenders submitted electronically
Number of tenders or requests to participate received : 1

8. Organisations

8.1 ORG-0001

Official name : European Commission, DG ENER - Energy
Registration number : COM
Department : ENER.C - Green Transition and Energy System Integration
Postal address : 24-26, rue Jean-André de Mot, Jean-André de Motstraat
Town : Brussels
Postcode : B -1049
Country subdivision (NUTS) : Arr. de Bruxelles-Capitale/Arr. Brussel-Hoofdstad ( BE100 )
Country : Belgium
Telephone : +32 2 299 11 11
Roles of this organisation :
Organisation signing the contract

8.1 ORG-0002

Official name : Court of Justice of the European Union
Registration number : CURIA
Postal address : Rue du Fort Niedergrünewald
Town : Luxembourg
Postcode : L-2925
Country subdivision (NUTS) : Luxembourg ( LU000 )
Country : Luxembourg
Telephone : +352 4303-1
Internet address :
Roles of this organisation :
Review organisation

8.1 ORG-0003

Official name : European Commission
Registration number : EUCOM
Postal address : Mondrian (CDMA), Rue du Champ de Mars 21
Town : Brussels
Postcode : B-1050
Country subdivision (NUTS) : Arr. de Bruxelles-Capitale/Arr. Brussel-Hoofdstad ( BE100 )
Country : Belgium
Telephone : +32 2 299 11 11
Roles of this organisation :
TED eSender

8.1 ORG-0004

Registration number : BE0703883963
Postal address : RUE DES COMEDIENS 22
Postcode : 1000
Country subdivision (NUTS) : Extra-Regio NUTS 3 ( BEZZZ )
Country : Belgium
Telephone : +32498768535
Roles of this organisation :
Winner of these lots : LOT-0001

11. Notice information

11.1 Notice information

Notice identifier/version : b82e9b16-05a8-49c9-af85-3a2a1db8174c - 01
Form type : Result
Notice type : Contract or concession award notice – standard regime
Notice dispatch date : 04/09/2024 16:26 +02:00
Languages in which this notice is officially available : English

11.2 Publication information

Notice publication number : 00535185-2024
OJ S issue number : 174/2024
Publication date : 06/09/2024