Fjenneslev Sol PV-project (FJV_SOL-EPC-PV)

HOFOR is to build a PV-plant at Fjenneslev in Centrale Zealand, Denmark, with the capacity of power of 190 MWp (DC). The PV-plant will be connected through a temporary grid connection expected in Q2/2026 based on Energinet’s (the public transmission operator in Denmark) standard concept for temporary grid connections and …

CPV: 09330000 Energía solar, 09331000 Placas solares, 09331200 Módulos solares fotovoltaicos, 45100000 Trabajos de preparación del terreno, 45200000 Trabajos generales de construcción de inmuebles y obras de ingeniería civil, 71520000 Servicios de supervisión de obras, 71540000 Servicios de gestión de obras
Lugar de ejecución:
Fjenneslev Sol PV-project (FJV_SOL-EPC-PV)
Organismo adjudicador:
Número de premio:

1. Buyer

1.1 Buyer

Official name : HOFOR A/S
Legal type of the buyer : Group of public authorities
Activity of the contracting authority : General public services
Activity of the contracting entity : Production, transport or distribution of gas or heat

2. Procedure

2.1 Procedure

Title : Fjenneslev Sol PV-project (FJV_SOL-EPC-PV)
Description : HOFOR is to build a PV-plant at Fjenneslev in Centrale Zealand, Denmark, with the capacity of power of 190 MWp (DC). The PV-plant will be connected through a temporary grid connection expected in Q2/2026 based on Energinet’s (the public transmission operator in Denmark) standard concept for temporary grid connections and later will be transferred to the final grid connection expected in Q2/Q3 2030 at a new Energinet-owned 132 kV substation in the area. The overall Fjenneslev PV-project is divided into the following contracts: 1) Delivery of perimeter fencing and vegetation, 2) Delivery and installation of two (2) main transformers for the substation 3) EPC Substation excluding delivery of transformer, including installation of export cable 4) EPC PV plant, including PV panels and operation & maintenance (O&M) (this tender) The estimated value of the tender is around 81,000,0000 EUR (excl. VAT) including options. The tender will include the following options: • Prolongation of maintenance of the O&M Contract • Grass and vegetation management • Cleaning of all modules • Thermografic inspection of all modules The basis of the contract will be an amended version of the Yellow FIDIC book 2017. The contract(s) is expected to be awarded in February 2024 upon the completion of the tender. The tender is carried out as a negotiated procedure according to directive 2014/25/EU of the European Parliament and the Council of 26 February 2014 (The Utilities Directive) as implemented in Executive Order No. 1078 of 29 June 2022.
Procedure identifier : 3d476e16-8344-4ce4-80c1-110a9739c7b5
Internal identifier : 24.02-09417
Type of procedure : Negotiated with prior publication of a call for competition / competitive with negotiation
The procedure is accelerated : no
Justification for the accelerated procedure :
Main features of the procedure :

2.1.1 Purpose

Main nature of the contract : Works
Additional nature of the contract : Services
Additional nature of the contract : Supplies
Main classification ( cpv ): 45200000 Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work
Additional classification ( cpv ): 09330000 Solar energy
Additional classification ( cpv ): 09331000 Solar panels
Additional classification ( cpv ): 09331200 Solar photovoltaic modules
Additional classification ( cpv ): 45100000 Site preparation work
Additional classification ( cpv ): 71520000 Construction supervision services
Additional classification ( cpv ): 71540000 Construction management services

2.1.2 Place of performance

Postal address : Mørupvej 1
Town : Fjenneslev
Postcode : 4173
Country subdivision (NUTS) : Vest- og Sydsjælland ( DK022 )
Country : Denmark

2.1.3 Value

Estimated value excluding VAT : 81 000 000 Euro

2.1.4 General information

Legal basis :
Directive 2014/25/EU

2.1.6 Grounds for exclusion

Analogous situation like bankruptcy under national law : Is the economic operator in in any analogous situation like bankruptcy arising from a similar procedure under national laws and regulations? This information needs not be given if exclusion of economic operators in this case has been made mandatory under the applicable national law without any possibility of derogation where the economic operator is nevertheless able to perform the contract.
Bankruptcy : Is the economic operator bankrupt? This information needs not be given if exclusion of economic operators in this case has been made mandatory under the applicable national law without any possibility of derogation where the economic operator is nevertheless able to perform the contract.
Corruption : Has the economic operator itself or any person who is a member of its administrative, management or supervisory body or has powers of representation, decision or control therein been the subject of a conviction by final judgment for corruption, by a conviction rendered at the most five years ago or in which an exclusion period set out directly in the conviction continues to be applicable? As defined in Article 3 of the Convention on the fight against corruption involving officials of the European Communities or officials of Member States of the European Union, OJ C 195, 25.6.1997, p. 1, and in Article 2(1) of Council Framework Decision 2003/568/JHA of 22 July 2003 on combating corruption in the private sector (OJ L 192, 31.7.2003, p. 54). This exclusion ground also includes corruption as defined in the national law of the contracting authority (contracting entity) or the economic operator
Arrangement with creditors : Is the economic operator in arrangement with creditors? This information needs not be given if exclusion of economic operators in this case has been made mandatory under the applicable national law without any possibility of derogation where the economic operator is nevertheless able to perform the contract.
Participation in a criminal organisation : Has the economic operator itself or any person who is a member of its administrative, management or supervisory body or has powers of representation, decision or control therein been the subject of a conviction by final judgment for participation in a criminal organisation, by a conviction rendered at the most five years ago or in which an exclusion period set out directly in the conviction continues to be applicable? As defined in Article 2 of Council Framework Decision 2008/841/JHA of 24 October 2008 on the fight against organised crime (OJ L 300, 11.11.2008, p. 42).
Agreements with other economic operators aimed at distorting competition : Has the economic operator entered into agreements with other economic operators aimed at distorting competition?
Breaching of obligations in the fields of environmental law : Has the economic operator, to its knowledge, breached its obligations in the field of environmental law? As referred to for the purposes of this procurement in national law, in the relevant notice or the procurement documents or in Article 18(2) of Directive 2014/24/EU.
Money laundering or terrorist financing : Has the economic operator itself or any person who is a member of its administrative, management or supervisory body or has powers of representation, decision or control therein been the subject of a conviction by final judgment for money laundering or terrorist financing, by a conviction rendered at the most five years ago or in which an exclusion period set out directly in the conviction continues to be applicable? As defined in Article 1 of Directive 2005/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 October 2005 on the prevention of the use of the financial system for the purpose of money laundering and terrorist financing (OJ L 309, 25.11.2005, p. 15).
Fraud : Has the economic operator itself or any person who is a member of its administrative, management or supervisory body or has powers of representation, decision or control therein been the subject of a conviction by final judgment for fraud, by a conviction rendered at the most five years ago or in which an exclusion period set out directly in the conviction continues to be applicable? Within the meaning of Article 1 of the Convention on the protection of the European Communities' financial interests (OJ C 316, 27.11.1995, p. 48).
Child labour and other forms of trafficking in human beings : Has the economic operator itself or any person who is a member of its administrative, management or supervisory body or has powers of representation, decision or control therein been the subject of a conviction by final judgment for child labour and other forms of trafficking in human beings, by a conviction rendered at the most five years ago or in which an exclusion period set out directly in the conviction continues to be applicable? As defined in Article 2 of Directive 2011/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 April 2011 on preventing and combating trafficking in human beings and protecting its victims, and replacing Council Framework Decision 2002/629/JHA (OJ L 101, 15.4.2011, p. 1).
Insolvency : Is the economic operator the subject of insolvency or winding-up? This information needs not be given if exclusion of economic operators in this case has been made mandatory under the applicable national law without any possibility of derogation where the economic operator is nevertheless able to perform the contract.
Breaching of obligations in the fields of labour law : Has the economic operator, to its knowledge, breached its obligations in the field of labour law? As referred to for the purposes of this procurement in national law, in the relevant notice or the procurement documents or in Article 18(2) of Directive 2014/24/EU.
Assets being administered by liquidator : Are the assets of the economic operator being administered by a liquidator or by the court? This information needs not be given if exclusion of economic operators in this case has been made mandatory under the applicable national law without any possibility of derogation where the economic operator is nevertheless able to perform the contract.
Guilty of misrepresentation, withheld information, unable to provide required documents and obtained confidential information of this procedure : Can the economic operator confirm that:a) It has been guilty of serious misrepresentation in supplying the information required for the verification of the absence of grounds for exclusion or the fulfilment of the selection criteria,b) It has withheld such information,c) It has not been able, without delay, to submit the supporting documents required by a contracting authority or contracting entity, andd) It has undertaken to unduly influence the decision making process of the contracting authority or contracting entity, to obtain confidential information that may confer upon it undue advantages in the procurement procedure or to negligently provide misleading information that may have a material influence on decisions concerning exclusion, selection or award?
Purely national exclusion grounds : Other exclusion grounds that may be foreseen in the national legislation of the contracting authority's or contracting entity's Member State. Has the economic operator breached its obligations relating to the purely national grounds of exclusion, which are specified in the relevant notice or in the procurement documents?
Conflict of interest due to its participation in the procurement procedure : Is the economic operator aware of any conflict of interest, as indicated in national law, the relevant notice or the procurement documents due to its participation in the procurement procedure?
Direct or indirect involvement in the preparation of this procurement procedure : Has the economic operator or an undertaking related to it advised the contracting authority or contracting entity or otherwise been involved in the preparation of the procurement procedure?
Guilty of grave professional misconduct : Is the economic operator guilty of grave professional misconduct? Where applicable, see definitions in national law, the relevant notice or the procurement documents.
Early termination, damages or other comparable sanctions : Has the economic operator experienced that a prior public contract, a prior contract with a contracting entity or a prior concession contract was terminated early, or that damages or other comparable sanctions were imposed in connection with that prior contract?
Breaching of obligations in the fields of social law : Has the economic operator, to its knowledge, breached its obligations in the field of social law? As referred to for the purposes of this procurement in national law, in the relevant notice or the procurement documents or in Article 18(2) of Directive 2014/24/EU.
Payment of social security contributions : Has the economic operator breached its obligations relating to the payment social security contributions, both in the country in which it is established and in Member State of the contracting authority or contracting entity if other than the country of establishment?
Business activities are suspended : Are the business activities of the economic operator suspended? This information needs not be given if exclusion of economic operators in this case has been made mandatory under the applicable national law without any possibility of derogation where the economic operator is nevertheless able to perform the contract.
Payment of taxes : Has the economic operator breached its obligations relating to the payment of taxes, both in the country in which it is established and in Member State of the contracting authority or contracting entity if other than the country of establishment?
Terrorist offences or offences linked to terrorist activities : Has the economic operator itself or any person who is a member of its administrative, management or supervisory body or has powers of representation, decision or control therein been the subject of a conviction by final judgment for terrorist offences or offences linked to terrorist activities, by a conviction rendered at the most five years ago or in which an exclusion period set out directly in the conviction continues to be applicable? As defined in Articles 1 and 3 of Council Framework Decision of 13 June 2002 on combating terrorism (OJ L 164, 22.6.2002, p. 3). This exclusion ground also includes inciting or aiding or abetting or attempting to commit an offence, as referred to in Article 4 of that Framework Decision.

5. Lot

5.1 Lot technical ID : LOT-0000

Title : Fjenneslev Sol PV-project (FJV_SOL-EPC-PV)
Description : HOFOR is to build a PV-plant at Fjenneslev in Centrale Zealand, Denmark, with the capacity of power of 190 MWp (DC). The PV-plant will be connected through a temporary grid connection expected in Q2/2026 based on Energinet’s (the public transmission operator in Denmark) standard concept for temporary grid connections and later will be transferred to the final grid connection expected in Q2/Q3 2030 at a new Energinet-owned 132 kV substation in the area. The overall Fjenneslev PV-project is divided into the following contracts: 1) Delivery of perimeter fencing and vegetation, 2) Delivery and installation of two (2) main transformers for the substation 3) EPC Substation excluding delivery of transformer, including installation of export cable 4) EPC PV plant, including PV panels and operation & maintenance (O&M) (this tender) The estimated value of the tender is around 81,000,0000 EUR (excl. VAT) including options. The tender will include the following options: • Prolongation of maintenance of the O&M Contract • Grass and vegetation management • Cleaning of all modules • Thermografic inspection of all modules The basis of the contract will be an amended version of the Yellow FIDIC book 2017. The contract(s) is expected to be awarded in February 2024 upon the completion of the tender. The tender is carried out as a negotiated procedure according to directive 2014/25/EU of the European Parliament and the Council of 26 February 2014 (The Utilities Directive) as implemented in Executive Order No. 1078 of 29 June 2022.
Internal identifier : 24.02-09417

5.1.1 Purpose

Main nature of the contract : Works
Additional nature of the contract : Services
Additional nature of the contract : Supplies
Main classification ( cpv ): 45200000 Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work
Additional classification ( cpv ): 09330000 Solar energy
Additional classification ( cpv ): 09331000 Solar panels
Additional classification ( cpv ): 09331200 Solar photovoltaic modules
Additional classification ( cpv ): 45100000 Site preparation work
Additional classification ( cpv ): 71520000 Construction supervision services
Additional classification ( cpv ): 71540000 Construction management services

5.1.2 Place of performance

Postal address : Mørupvej 1
Town : Fjenneslev
Postcode : 4173
Country subdivision (NUTS) : Vest- og Sydsjælland ( DK022 )
Country : Denmark
Additional information :

5.1.3 Estimated duration

Duration : 4 Year

5.1.4 Renewal

Maximum renewals : 5
The buyer reserves the right for additional purchases from the contractor, as described here : The O&M contract can be prolonged for a maximum of 5 years.

5.1.5 Value

Estimated value excluding VAT : 81 000 000 Euro

5.1.6 General information

Reserved participation : Participation is not reserved.
Procurement Project not financed with EU Funds.
The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA) : yes
This procurement is also suitable for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)

5.1.7 Strategic procurement

Social objective promoted : Fair working conditions
Social objective promoted : Human rights due diligence in global supply chains

5.1.9 Selection criteria

Criterion :
Type : Economic and financial standing
Name : Financial ratio
Description : The applicant must as a minimum meet the following requirements for the two most recent audited and approved annual report: • Revenue of EUR 80.000.000 or above, average of the two most recent years. • Return on Equity (RoE) of 15 % and above, yearly. • Solvency ratio of 15 % and above, yearly.
The criteria will be used to select the candidates to be invited for the second stage of the procedure
Criterion :
Type : Suitability to pursue the professional activity
Name : Health, safety, environmental and quality management systems
Description : It is a minimum requirement that the applicant has health and safety, environmental, and quality management procedures/systems in place that comply with: ISO 45001:2018 or equivalent (occupational health and safety management), and ISO 14001:2015 or equivalent (environmental management), and ISO 9001:2015 or equivalent (quality management system).
The criteria will be used to select the candidates to be invited for the second stage of the procedure
Criterion :
Type : Technical and professional ability
Name : For works contracts: performance of works of the specified type
Description : It is a minimum requirement that the applicant has experience with projects with solar photovoltaic grid connected power plant(s). Only references where the applicant and/or the “supporting entity” has performed and/or been responsible for all elements of; design, procurement, construction and commissioning of a contract/project can be used as a reference. It is a minimum requirement that submitted references shows cumulative installed capacity of minimum 400 MWp and that minimum one of the references is from a PV plant which has minimum of 70 MWp and that the mentioned reference (of minimum 70 MWp) has have been in operation for at least six (6) month. It is further a minimum requirement, that the applicant and/or the “supporting entity”, has experience with implementing SCADA system from similar photovoltaic power plants with minimum total peak power of 25 MW.
The criteria will be used to select the candidates to be invited for the second stage of the procedure
Information about the second stage of a two-stage procedure :
Minimum number of candidates to be invited for the second stage of the procedure : 5
Maximum number of candidates to be invited for the second stage of the procedure : 5

5.1.10 Award criteria

Criterion :
Type : Price
Name : Project Economics
Description : Total Evaluated Price using the following; TOTAL COSTS cf. “Price List (Main Solution)” “Total sum” cf. “Change Order Prices” Any capitalization of reservations
Weight (percentage, exact) : 35
Criterion :
Type : Quality
Name : Project Terms
Description : The sub-criterion Project Terms will be evaluated based tenderer's deviations from the EPC and the O&M Agreement contractual documents.
Weight (percentage, exact) : 15
Criterion :
Type : Quality
Name : Project Proposal
Description : Technical solution - 60% of 25% Project Organization and Key Personnel - 25% of 25% Project Programme - 15% of 25%
Weight (percentage, exact) : 25
Criterion :
Type : Quality
Name : Quality Management
Description : As described in the Tender Conditions.
Weight (percentage, exact) : 10
Criterion :
Type : Quality
Name : Health and Safety
Description : As described in the Tender Conditions.
Weight (percentage, exact) : 10
Criterion :
Type : Quality
Name : Sustainability
Description : Low carbon materials - 40% of 5% Use og Apprentices - 60% of 5%
Weight (percentage, exact) : 5
Description of the method to be used if weighting cannot be expressed by criteria :
Justification for not indicating the weighting of the award criteria :

5.1.11 Procurement documents

Languages in which the procurement documents are officially available : English
Deadline for requesting additional information : 23/09/2024 11:00 +00:00

5.1.12 Terms of procurement

Terms of the procedure :
Estimated date of dispatch of the invitations to submit tenders : 21/10/2024
Terms of submission :
Electronic submission : Required
Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted : English, Danish
Electronic catalogue : Not allowed
Variants : Not allowed
Tenderers may submit more than one tender : Not allowed
Deadline for receipt of requests to participate : 07/10/2024 11:00 +00:00
Terms of contract :
The execution of the contract must be performed within the framework of sheltered employment programmes : No
Conditions relating to the performance of the contract : As set out in the Contract Agreement.
A non-disclosure agreement is required : no
Electronic invoicing : Required
Electronic ordering will be used : yes
Electronic payment will be used : yes
Financial arrangement : As set out in the Contract Agreement.
Information about review deadlines : Klage over udbudsproceduren skal indgives til Klagenævnet for Udbud i henhold til § 7 i lovbekendtgørelse nr.593 af 2.6.2016 af lov om Klagenævnet for Udbud, som følger: Klage over ikke at være blevet prækvalificeret skal være modtaget i Klagenævnet inden 20 kalenderdage fra dagen efter ordregiverens underretning om, hvem der er blevet prækvalificeret, hvis der ved underretningen er angivet en kort redegørelse for de relevante grunde for beslutningen. Andre klager skal være modtaget i Klagenævnet inden 45 dage fra dagen efter offentliggørelsen af ordregiverens bekendtgørelse i Den Europæiske Unions Tidende om, at ordregiveren har indgået kontrakt. Klage i forbindelse med indgåelse af en rammeaftale skal indgives inden 6 måneder regnet fra dagen efter den dag, hvor ordregiver har underrettet de berørte ansøgere og tilbudsgivere. Senest samtidig med indgivelse af klage til Klagenævnet skal klager skriftligt underrette ordregiver om klagens indbringelse for Klagenævnet og om, hvorvidt klagen er indgivet i standstill-perioden. Såfremt klagen ikke er indgivet i standstill-perioden, skal klageren tillige angive, hvorvidt der begæres opsættende virkning af klagen. Klagen skal vedlægges et klagegebyr på 20.000 DKK. Se mere om indgivelse af klager på Klagenævnet for Udbuds hjemmeside:

5.1.15 Techniques

Framework agreement :
No framework agreement
Information about the dynamic purchasing system :
No dynamic purchase system
Electronic auction : no

5.1.16 Further information, mediation and review

Mediation organisation : Klagenævnet for Udbud
Review organisation : Klagenævnet for Udbud
Organisation providing additional information about the procurement procedure : HOFOR A/S
Organisation providing offline access to the procurement documents : HOFOR A/S
Organisation providing more information on the review procedures : Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsen
Organisation receiving requests to participate : HOFOR A/S
Organisation processing tenders : HOFOR A/S
TED eSender : Mercell Holding ASA

8. Organisations

8.1 ORG-0001

Official name : HOFOR A/S
Registration number : 10073022
Postal address : Ørestads Boulevard 35
Town : København S
Postcode : 2300
Country subdivision (NUTS) : Vest- og Sydsjælland ( DK022 )
Country : Denmark
Contact point : Mette Munch-Boutrup
Telephone : +45 27953818
Internet address :
Roles of this organisation :
Organisation providing additional information about the procurement procedure
Organisation providing offline access to the procurement documents
Organisation receiving requests to participate
Organisation processing tenders

8.1 ORG-0002

Official name : Klagenævnet for Udbud
Registration number : 37795526
Postal address : Nævnenes Hus, Toldboden 2
Town : Viborg
Postcode : 8800
Country subdivision (NUTS) : Vestjylland ( DK041 )
Country : Denmark
Telephone : +45 72405600
Roles of this organisation :
Review organisation
Mediation organisation

8.1 ORG-0003

Official name : Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsen
Registration number : 10294819
Postal address : Carl Jacobsens Vej 35
Town : Valby
Postcode : 2500
Country subdivision (NUTS) : Byen København ( DK011 )
Country : Denmark
Telephone : +45 41715000
Roles of this organisation :
Organisation providing more information on the review procedures

8.1 ORG-0004

Official name : Mercell Holding ASA
Registration number : 980921565
Postal address : Askekroken 11
Town : Oslo
Postcode : 0277
Country subdivision (NUTS) : Oslo ( NO081 )
Country : Norway
Contact point : eSender
Telephone : +47 21018800
Fax : +47 21018801
Internet address :
Roles of this organisation :
TED eSender

11. Notice information

11.1 Notice information

Notice identifier/version : 3647cad6-2e26-40db-b963-73dc5ae789eb - 01
Form type : Competition
Notice type : Contract or concession notice – standard regime
Notice dispatch date : 04/09/2024 14:47 +00:00
Notice dispatch date (eSender) : 04/09/2024 20:00 +00:00
Languages in which this notice is officially available : English

11.2 Publication information

Notice publication number : 00534681-2024
OJ S issue number : 174/2024
Publication date : 06/09/2024