Requested services: 1. Strategic advice and project management. The contractor will strengthen the vision, leadership, and ownership of graduation within the SEIPP implementing partners. The work package also helps to reduce opportunity costs and enables the core team to re-focus on central SEIPP strategies and technical approaches. Tasks include: Facilitate the establishment of a functional cooperation structure that promotes efficient communication and decision-making among the project office, implementing partners, stakeholders, and the AV. - Facilitating regular strategic workshops, bringing together all implementing partners to review project progress, discuss challenges, and plan for future activities jointly. These workshops will serve as platforms for open dialogue, knowledge sharing, and collaborative decision-making. - Regularly assess the dynamics of the project context, implementing partners and their collaborative networks to identify areas for improvement and enhance the overall effectiveness of the project's implementation. - Contract Management and develop a strategic and organisational development plan closely coordinated with the implementing partners 2. Training and capacity development. This work package will support the capacity building of the implementing partners involved in the graduation approach implementation. This includes supporting the SEIPP ecosystem and its innovation capacity to offer top-level services to beneficiaries by ensuring trainings are market-led and of quality, also focusing on soft skills like communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and participation, and ensuring the highest didactical standards of training programs. The specific tasks include: - Assess the capacity needs of the graduation ecosystem and its actors and help GIZ prioritise interventions and support services. - Design and implement training programs customised to address the specific needs and challenges faced by implementing partners. - Train women and youth in IDP and host communities on life skills (literacy and numeracy, health and nutrition, FGM, self-confidence and financial literacy). - Develop and disseminate a range of user-friendly and inclusive training materials, guides, and resources to supplement the learning process and provide one of the preconditions for sustaining and expanding SEIPP beyond the project duration. - Continuous coaching and supervision to build the capacity and ensure that implementing acquire and apply relevant skills and knowledge, mentor established VLSAs in IDPs and host communities 3. Employability and linkages with job markets. This work package will increase the likelihood of sustainable graduation by empathising with the market systems, including future employers, buyers and business partners in the various sectors in Garowe and other parts of Somalia. Rather than focusing on graduate"s employability only, the goal is to develop partnerships with employers, companies and industries, advance placement services and technical support, which can benefit the target groups. Tasks include: - Map the market system and develop strategies to increase the responsiveness of market systems (labour, products, and services), thus improving graduation sustainability (lower dropouts, scalable market linkages). - Improve sector-specific capacities of the target group (farming/home gardening, hospitality sector, mechanical skills, etc.) to increase the likelihood of onboarding beneficiaries. - Provision of Start-up Kits for youth and women in IDPs and host communities. - Increase the use of new job and micro-enterprise/small and medium enterprises targeting and placement tools (and thus enhance labour mobility, sustainable reintegration). 4. Monitoring, evaluation, and learning. The primary objective of this work package is to document results based on the indicators and related to the findings of the baseline study, as well as to contribute to the SEIPP Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) system. Further, the work package will capture success stories, learn from failures, and promote organisational learning (including documentation of the adapted Graduation Approach for Somalia) within the SEIPP project. This objective includes encouraging innovation to improve performance and help advance SEIPP from a pilot to a scalable approach to operate in similar contexts in future. It also facilitates continuous learning and improvement throughout the implementation of the graduation approach. Tasks include: - Develop and implement robust data collection tools that align with the project's objectives and requirements, facilitate efficient data gathering, ensuring the availability of accurate and timely information for monitoring progress and measuring outcomes. - Collect and analyse relevant quantitative and qualitative data, providing data-driven insights to inform evidence-based decision-making, enabling SEIPP to refine strategies and optimise project outcomes. - Quantify the effectiveness of the graduation approach in Puntland, including cost-benefit analysis by beneficiary category (IDP/host/age), sector and type of income generation (employment/entrepreneurship). - Support open and deep organisational learning throughout the implementation process and encourage continuous improvement, knowledge-sharing, and best practices dissemination among all stakeholders. - Find ways to increase inclusiveness for women, youth, and people with special needs, and provide a knowledge base for advocacy, institutionalisation and scaling the Graduation Approach.