Servicios de enseñanza y formación
20230043 Dynamic purchasing system for flexible courses
The Norwegian Tax Administration needs to purchase physical, digital and hybrid courses on the topic of flexibility. We need courses at multiple levels such as basic, advanced and certification There is a need for courses on flexible working methods, such as Scrum, Kanban, XP and others. The Norwegian Tax Administration …
Norway-Oslo: Education and training services
2023/S 129-406700
Contract notice
Section I: Contracting authority
National registration number: 974 761 076
Postal address: Postboks 9200 Grønland
Town: OSLO
NUTS code: NO081 Oslo
Postal code: 0134
Country: Norway
Contact person: Bjørg Aakre
Internet address(es):
Main address:
Section II: Object
20230043 Dynamic purchasing system for flexible courses
The Norwegian Tax Administration needs to purchase physical, digital and hybrid courses on the topic of flexibility. We need courses at multiple levels such as basic, advanced and certification
There is a need for courses on flexible working methods, such as Scrum, Kanban, XP and others.
The Norwegian Tax Administration needs to purchase physical, digital and hybrid courses on the topic of flexibility. We need courses at multiple levels such as basic, advanced and certification
There is a need for courses on flexible working methods, such as Scrum, Kanban, XP and others.
Section III: Legal, economic, financial and technical information
Tax certificate and Company registration certificate
Credit rating from a certified credit institution.
The assessment must be based on the last known fiscal figures with an indication of how the credit rating has evolved over the past three years.
If required, the Norwegian Tax Administration can require a tenderer to provide further documentation of fulfilment of the above-mentioned qualification requirement.
Tenderers must at minimum have a satisfactory credit rating, i.e. within the defined green area
Section IV: Procedure
Section VI: Complementary information
Town: Oslo
Country: Norway