Equipos de transporte y productos auxiliares

2023 - Market dialogue on an electric road washer truck for street washing

Trondheim Municipality, c/o Trondheim Urban Operations, would like to invite suppliers to a market dialogue on the procurement of an electric road washer truck for street washing. The purpose is to obtain information on what opportunities and products are available and are planned. Trondheim Municipality has a long term ambition …

CPV: 34000000 Equipos de transporte y productos auxiliares, 34140000 Vehículos pesados, 34142000 Camiones grúa y camiones volquete, 34144900 Vehículos eléctricos, 34300000 Partes y accesorios para vehículos y sus motores, 50110000 Servicios de reparación y mantenimiento de vehículos de motor y equipo asociado, 50114000 Servicios de reparación y mantenimiento de camiones, 50116000 Servicios de mantenimiento y reparación relacionados con partes específicas de vehículos
Lugar de ejecución:
2023 - Market dialogue on an electric road washer truck for street washing
Organismo adjudicador:
Trondheim kommune
Número de premio:

Norway-Trondheim: Transport equipment and auxiliary products to transportation

2023/S 198-618937

Prior information notice

This notice is for prior information only


Legal Basis:
Directive 2014/24/EU

Section I: Contracting authority

I.1) Name and addresses
Official name: Trondheim kommune
National registration number: 942110464
Postal address: Erling Skakkes gate 14
NUTS code: NO Norge
Postal code: 7004
Country: Norway
Contact person: Andreas Holen Sørensen
E-mail: andreas.sorensen@trondheim.kommune.no
Telephone: +47 72540000
Internet address(es):
Main address: https://permalink.mercell.com/213745615.aspx
Address of the buyer profile: https://www.trondheim.kommune.no/
I.3) Communication
Additional information can be obtained from the abovementioned address
I.4) Type of the contracting authority
Regional or local authority
I.5) Main activity
General public services

Section II: Object

II.1) Scope of the procurement
II.1.1) Title:

2023 - Market dialogue on an electric road washer truck for street washing

Reference number: 2023/20887
II.1.2) Main CPV code
34000000 Transport equipment and auxiliary products to transportation
II.1.3) Type of contract
II.1.4) Short description:

Trondheim Municipality, c/o Trondheim Urban Operations, would like to invite suppliers to a market dialogue on the procurement of an electric road washer truck for street washing. The purpose is to obtain information on what opportunities and products are available and are planned. Trondheim Municipality has a long term ambition to replace the current vehicles with fossile free vehicles.

We intend to hold the market dialogue in week 43. Trondheim Urban Operations intends to invite suppliers to a contest in the 4th quarter of 2023.

Interest is to be registered via Mercell by Friday 20 October at 12:00 The market dialogue is planned to be held in person at one of our premises, or via an online meeting. We will set aside up to 90 minutes per presentation with questions. When you register for the market dialogue you can state your preferred time, between 12 and 15.30 on Monday 23 October and between 11 and 16 on Wednesday 25 October.

All communication will take place via Mercell. Questions are therefore to be asked via the Mercell portal.

II.1.5) Estimated total value
II.1.6) Information about lots
This contract is divided into lots: no
II.2) Description
II.2.2) Additional CPV code(s)
34140000 Heavy-duty motor vehicles
34142000 Crane and dumper trucks
34144900 Electric vehicles
34300000 Parts and accessories for vehicles and their engines
50110000 Repair and maintenance services of motor vehicles and associated equipment
50114000 Repair and maintenance services of trucks
50116000 Maintenance and repair services related to specific parts of vehicles
II.2.3) Place of performance
NUTS code: NO060 Trøndelag
II.2.4) Description of the procurement:

Trondheim Municipality, c/o Trondheim Urban Operations, would like to invite suppliers to a market dialogue on the procurement of an electric road washer truck for street washing. The intention is to obtain information on what opportunities and products are available in the market. Trondheim Municipality has a long term ambition to replace the current vehicles with fossile free vehicles.

The vehicle in question will replace a fossile driven road washer truck. The current need is that the vehicle will be used year round for hosing down assignments. The current use is hosing down roller ski tracks, sports grounds, bridges, walls, noise reduction screens, street washing, as well as public areas in Trondheim city.

For the flushing aggregate we would like a flushing arm that can be lifted above signs (3 metres), and be used below and around street furniture.

Furthermore, the information is wanted on the following points, including what options and solutions are available:


- Chassis type

- Shaft, alternatives, and distance

- Weight: Permitted total weight, own weight

- Possibility for a 360 degree camera

- Work lights


- Flushing arm: Mobility and range

- Possibility for an additional hose/drum for small hosing down of areas up to 20 metres.

- Operating panel: Functions and user friendliness

- Water tanks: Standard, aluminium, or stainless steel? This is due to consideration that it could also be used as a drinking water tank. Will it meet the requirements for a dairy tank (nutrition certification)?


- Engine: Power, performance

- Gear box: Engine brake?

- Operating time: We will use the vehicle for up to 2 shifts

-- Battery size

-- Battery: Range

-- Charging capacity

- Charging speed

-- Battery heater

Driver cabin

- Size/height of casing as regards the possibility to use a snow cutter

- Possibility for a cupboard for hanging clothing, protective glasses, boots, gloves, etc. (not located in the cabin)


- User friendliness (both the vehicle and flushing aggregate, but particularly the operating panel)

- Necessary training

- Power outlet/power adjustment

- The delivery date

- Recommended price level


- Service and repairs contract.

Presentation/showing the product and solutions in the market dialogue:

We would like actual technical solutions to be shown in pictures/video/Powerpoint, etc. We do not only want an oral presentation. Preferably present a reference project or previous similar projects.

II.2.14) Additional information
II.3) Estimated date of publication of contract notice:

Section IV: Procedure

IV.1) Description
IV.1.8) Information about the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA)
The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement: no

Section VI: Complementary information

VI.3) Additional information:
VI.5) Date of dispatch of this notice: