Sarpsborg municipality intends to enter into a dynamic purchasing system for the procurement of vehicles for the municipality. The municipality would like a scheme that shall cover the need for self-transport, as well as reduce climate and environmental impact. The scheme includes the following vehicles: - Minibuses up to 17 …
Oslo municipality, c/o the Agency for Improvement and Development, the Department for Procurement Services (henceforth referred to as the Contracting Authority), invites tenderers to a restricted tender contest for the establishment of a dynamic purchasing system (DPS) for the procurement of medium-heavy vehicles to Oslo municipality ́s entities. See the …
The contracting authority currently has a fleet of approx. 100 vehicles under 7,500 kg. Each vehicle is monitored and replaced when the contracting authority finds it appropriate. The car park consists of passenger cars, goods vans. Some large and some minor. Fuel is petrol, diesel, hybrid and electric. The share …
Bærum municipality invites tenderers to a restricted tender contest in connection with the establishment of a dynamic procurement scheme for the procurement of vehicles under 7.5t with associated services. Bærum municipality invites tenderers to a restricted tender contest in connection with the establishment of a dynamic procurement scheme for the …
Hamar municipality invites to a dynamic purchasing system (DPS) for the purchase of zero emission vehicles under 7,500 kg. Interested suppliers can apply here to be qualified and included in the dynamic purchasing system. Procurements under the scheme will be made with the publication of mini competitions, where all qualified …
acquisition de véhicules neufs et d'occasion au profit de l'administration pénitentiaire
Etelä-Pohjanmaan hyvinvointialue hankkii käyttöönsä erityyppisiä henkilö- ja pakettiautoja dynaamisen hankintajärjestelmän kautta. Ajoneuvot tulevat erilaisten kotikäyntien suorittamiseen, tavarakuljetuksiin sekä teknisen huollon käyttöön ja on jaettu seuraaviin kategorioihin: henkilöautot, tila-autot, pakettiautot, leasing henkilöautot, leasing tila-autot, leasing pakettiautot. Tarjoajat voivat tarjota yhteen tai useampaan kategoriaan. Dynaamisen hankintajärjestelmään voi jättää osallistumishakemuksia koko sen keston …
acquisition de véhicules neufs et d'occasion au profit de l'administration pénitentiaire acquisition de véhicules neufs et d'occasion au profit de l'administration pénitentiaire
LWETB wishes to establish a Dynamic Purchasing System( DPS) for provision of Bus Transport Services for students/participants travelling from and to schools and centres for various individual trips. The DPS will be in place initially for six (6) years with an approximated spend of €1.5 million over its lifetime. The …
Auswahl von geeigneten Lieferanten zur Lieferung von Omnibussen für die Deutsche Bahn AG und aller mit ihr im Sinne von § 15 Aktiengesetz verbundenen Unternehmen zwecks Abschluss von Einzel- und Rahmenverträgen.