De Tweede Kamer is voornemens om het onderhoud en beheer met betrekking tot de Kamerbeelden Managed App Service voort te zetten, middels een overeenkomst met VideoDock BV met een looptijd van 1 juni 2025 tot en met 31 december 2026. Acht jaar geleden, in 2016, is door de Tweede Kamer …
The Services comprise: design, development and support of new websites for Taighde Éireann/Research Ireland which will amalgamate the activities of SFI and the Irish Research Council. The Services comprise: design, development and support of new websites for Taighde Éireann/Research Ireland which will amalgamate the activities of SFI and the Irish …
Predmet javnega naročila je vzdrževanje informacijskega sistema Centralna kazenska evidenca za obdobje 36 mesecev, ki zajema osnovno vzdrževanje ter dopolnilno vzdrževanje po naročilu. Predmet javnega naročila je podrobneje opredeljen v prilogah, ki so sestavni del dokumentacije v zvezi z oddajo javnega naročila. Predmet javnega naročila je vzdrževanje informacijskega sistema Centralna …
Obiectul procedurii de atribuire îl constituie prestarea serviciilor de dezvoltare a unui program de analiză și prelucrare a datelor achiziționate cu ajutorul senzorilor LiDAR (software de prelucrare date), asistență tehnică specializată, licențe, componenta de integrare în GIS și echipamente conexe astfel cum sunt descrise în caietul de sarcini. Autoritatea contractantă …
Vzpostavitev rešitve, podpora in vzdrževanje programske opreme za pozicijsko orodje »Position Tool Solution« Vzpostavitev rešitve, podpora in vzdrževanje programske opreme za pozicijsko orodje »Position Tool Solution«
Offentlig upphandling av ansökningssystem för hantering av forskningsansökningar avseende RJ:s återkommande utlysningar (ordinarie stödformer), riktade utlysningar och forskningsfinansiering utan utlysningsprocess samt tillhörande tjänster (inklusive implementering, licens, underhåll, support och utvecklingsarbete). Public procurement of an application system for managing research applications concerning RJ's recurring calls (regular funding forms), targeted calls, and …
Apoyo a la gestión, funcionamiento y promoción del centro Madrid Innovation Lab (MIL) del Área Delegada de Innovación y Emprendimiento del Ayuntamiento de Madrid, incluyendo la atención, captación y dinamización del centro, actividades de información, formación y capacitación y la comunicación, difusión y promoción; todas ellas orientadas a posicionar el …
Aquisição de manutenção de licenças do software PRÓXIMO e serviços conexos Aquisição de manutenção de licenças do software PRÓXIMO e serviços conexos
The Norwegian Directorate of Immigration is in need of a framework agreement for consultancy assistance within strategic and tactical IT consultancy. UDI shall, in cooperation with the rest of the immigration management (UNE, FOREIGN MINISTRY and the police) implement the Modernised Immigration Management Programme (ModUlf) during the coming six year …
This is a Call for Tender for the competition to design and supply a Monitoring and Evaluation Platform to support PEACEPLUS and National Lottery Heritage Fund projects for Co-operation Ireland. Co-operation Ireland requires a data management system, which will support the data collection, analysis and reporting requirements for Co-operation Ireland …