The purpose of the procurement is to enter into a contract for consultancy services within procurement. The tender shall help meet the need for procurement expertise and capacity in the implementation of the group’s procurement plans, tenders, and strategic consulting within procurement. The tender shall help meet the need for …
The Contracting Authority invites tenders (“Tenders”) from economic operators (“Tenderers”) for appointment to a multi-supplier framework agreement (the “Framework Agreement”) for the provision of the services as described in Appendix 1 to this RFT (the “Services”). A broad and diverse range of Business, Management and ICT Consultancy service requirements of …
1. Wykonywanie usług związanych z pełnieniem funkcji zarządzającego nieruchomością położoną w Krośnie przy ul. Lotników, oznaczoną jako działki numer: 376/19, 376/25, 376/28, 376/32, 376/34, 376/36, 423 o łącznej pow. 3,8067 ha, zabudowaną następującymi budynkami: halą produkcyjną z częścią warsztatową i administracyjną, budynkiem administracyjno - magazynowym "Krakowiak", kompresorownią, magazynem materiałów (niezakończona …
Wykonanie usług związanych z zarządzaniem lotniskiem w Krośnie. Wykonanie usług związanych z zarządzaniem lotniskiem w Krośnie
Sport Ireland are procuring SI Institute support, to be directed by the Sport Ireland Institute Director, to lead and manage the Institute's Irish high performance support system. Sport Ireland are procuring SI Institute support, to be directed by the Sport Ireland Institute Director, to lead and manage the Institute's Irish …
The Directorate of Public Construction and Property requests, in connection with project: Name: Project New Government Block, tender for the following consultancy assignment: Progress Planner The Directorate of Public Construction and Property requests, in connection with project: Name: Project New Government Block, tender for the following consultancy assignment: Progress Planner
GESTION ET PAIEMENT DES BOURSES RÉGIONALES POUR LES ÉLÈVES EN FORMATION SOCIALE, PARAMÉDICALE ET DE SAGES-FEMMES En son nom et pour son compte, la Région a décidé de confier, sous son contrôle, à un prestataire externe doté d'un comptable public, l'instruction des demandes de bourse, la gestion et le paiement …
Servizio di assistenza tecnica per l’attuazione della programmazione regionale (piano 2021 – 24) per l’inserimento lavorativo di persone con disabilità e relativi servizi ai sensi dell'art. 14 della l. 68/99 Servizio di assistenza tecnica per l’attuazione della programmazione regionale (piano 2021 – 24) per l’inserimento lavorativo di persone con disabilità …
The ESM is launching a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) as defined in the ESM Procurement Policy for consultancy services. Candidates can apply to the DPS at any time during the validity of the DPS, which is 4 years. The selected Candidates will sign a Framework Agreement with ESM with an …
«Διοικητική, Διαχειριστική και Τεχνική Υποστήριξη της Περιφέρειας Δυτικής Μακεδονίας στην οργάνωση και υλοποίηση των Δράσεων της Προτεραιότητας 6 “ΕΠΙΣΙΤΙΣΤΙΚΗ ΒΟΗΘΕΙΑ & ΥΛΙΚΗ ΣΤΕΡΗΣΗ” / ΠΑΔΚΣ – ΠΕΡΙΦΕΡΕΙΑ ΔΥΤΙΚΗΣ ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΙΑΣ» στο πλαίσιο της Προτεραιότητας 6 του Προγράμματος “Ανθρώπινο Δυναμικό και Κοινωνική Συνοχή” (ΠΑΔΚΣ) 2021-2027 (ΕΚΤ+) «Διοικητική, Διαχειριστική και Τεχνική Υποστήριξη της …