Servicii de reactualizare a Planului Urbanistic General al orașului Chișinău Servicii de reactualizare a Planului Urbanistic General al orașului Chișinău
Jordbruksverket upphandlar uppdragstagare som ska arbeta med kunskap och analys inom måltidsturism. Detta ska ge förutsättningar för de svenska måltidsturismföretagen att utvecklas. Upphandlingen riktar sig mot en primär målgrupp och en sekundär målgrupp. Det finns ett behov av att sprida information och öka kunskapen om måltidsturism i Sverige. En efterfrågan …
The Contracting Authority invites tenders (“Tenders”) from economic operators (“Tenderers”) for appointment to a multi-supplier framework agreement (the “Framework Agreement”) for the provision of the services as described in Appendix 1 to this RFT (the “Services”). A broad and diverse range of Business, Management and ICT Consultancy service requirements of …
The Contracting Authority invites tenders (“Tenders”) from economic operators (“Tenderers”) for appointment to a multi-supplier framework agreement (the “Framework Agreement”) for the provision of the services as described in Appendix 1 to this RFT (the “Services”). A broad and diverse range of Business, Management and ICT Consultancy service requirements of …
Transport Infrastructure Ireland (the "Contracting Authority") has a requirement acting as a central purchasing body for framework agreements ( single supplier Framework Lot 1 and multi supplier framework agreement Lot 2 (each a “Framework Agreement”) for the provision of Commercial, Claims Advisor and Professional Services for the development …
Marché de prestations de service d'organisation de l'animation jeunesse sur la commune Marché de prestations de service d'organisation de l'animation jeunesse sur la commune
(24020) 805 EnergieSchweiz für Unternehmen: Dachkommunikation und Community Management (24020) 805 SuisseEnergie pour les entreprises: Communication faîtière et Community Management (24020) 805 EnergieSchweiz für Unternehmen: Dachkommunikation und Community Management (24020) 805 SuisseEnergie pour les entreprises: Communication faîtière et Community Management
Es wird zur Unterstützung des Social Media-Teams der BayTM eine externe Dienstleistung an eine geeignete Agentur vergeben mit den Schwerpunktaufgaben - Strategische Weiterentwicklung der Social-Media-Aktivitäten - Kreativberatung und ggfs. entsprechende Projektumsetzung - Redaktioneller Support - Redaktionelle Begleitung von Events - Ad-Management - Vernetzung der Social-Media-Aktivitäten mit Creator- und Influencer Relations …
T20421 stand a lone award re Supp for MC RFT 215475 ref T09163 and FA RFT 154311 T20421 stand a lone award re Supp for MC RFT 215475 ref T09163 and FA RFT 154311
The HSE invites suitably qualified tenders for the provision of Quality and Compliance consultancy to National Organ Procurement Service at Organ Donation Transplant Ireland. The HSE invites suitably qualified tenders for the provision of Quality and Compliance consultancy to National Organ Procurement Service at Organ Donation Transplant Ireland.