Prestación de servicios consultoría y asistencia técnica a IDAE para la realización en sus programas de ayudas centralizados (PROGRAMAS DE AYUDAS IDAE) de las comprobaciones y verificaciones previstas en la Ley 38/2003, de 17 de noviembre, general de subvenciones, y su reglamento (Real decreto 887/2006), en el reglamento (UE) 2021/241 …
Η ΜΕΤΑΒΑΣΗ Α.Ε., σύμφωνα με το άρθρο 6.5.4 της Προγραμματικής Σύμβασης του αρ. 155 του Ν. 4759/2020, δύναται να αναθέτει σε τρίτον τεχνικό σύμβουλο, να παρακολουθεί και να διεξάγει, οποτεδήποτε, ελέγχους ή/και μετρήσεις για τη διαπίστωση της καλής εκτέλεσης των έργων, σε συνεννόηση με τη Δ.Ε.Η. Α.Ε.. Αντικείμενο της παρούσας …
All the administive (non-IKT) DPS schemes are registered here. Adjustments have been made in all schemes: Analysis and evaluation, new value: NOK 100,000,000 Public Procurements, new value: 60,000,000 Organisation development, new value: 80,000,000 Project management and support, new value: 100,000,000 Strategy and Business Development, new value: NOK 100,000,000 Financial management, …
A programme to promote sustainable travel in Workplaces and Campuses. The programmes currently works with large employers (generally over 100 employees) and third level institutions to develop and implement Workplace travel plans, or actions to support employees and students walking, cycling, carsharing and using public transport on the commute. A …
Procedura de achiziţie organizată de entitatea contractantă are ca obiect atribuirea contractului de servicii MM-SER-04 Asistenta Tehnica pentru management si supervizarea contractelor de lucrari din “Proiectul regional de dezvoltare a infrastructurii de apă și apă uzată în județul Maramureș”. Contractul cuprinde servicii de Asistenta tehnica pentru managementul Proiectului regional de …
La prestación de los servicios que se demandan en el marco del contrato consistirá en los servicios de asistencia técnica altamente especializada para el diseño de una estrategia orientada al despliegue de soluciones innovadoras presentes y futuras; en la definición de nuevos instrumentos, así como en la implicación de todos …
Die Austrian Business Agency (ABA) ist eine gemeinnützige, der Republik Österreich unterstehende Gesellschaft zur Förderung des Wirschafts-, Arbeits- und Filmstandorts Österreich. Ausschreibungsgegenstand sind Konsulent:innenleistungen für den Geschäftsbereich „Invest in Austria“ bestehend aus 7 Losen, gegliedert nach geografischen Tätigkeitsbereichen (Los 1 Italien; Los 2 Tschechien; Los 3 Slowakei; Los 4 Slowenien; …
Gas Networks Ireland (GNI) is establishing a Qualification System for the provision of engineering services for a Strategic Gas Emergency Reserve (SGER). The project is the delivery of the optimum solution for a SGER. Applicants can apply for qualification for the following lots: Lot 1: Front-end Engineering Design (FEED), Lot …
The objective of this CFT is to procure assistance to support Research Ireland in: 1. determining the optimal organisational structure and create one aligned grading structure for Research Ireland, based on a complete job evaluation process. 2. defining and embedding a new culture, including an appropriate leadership model based on …