24/00800 Award of framework agreement for the procurement of loggers and sensors with radar technology.
NIBIO shall connect with up to two suppliers for the delivery of sensors and loggers with radar technology. The agreement will also include adjoining equipment. The equipment delivered for this agreement is for use in monitoring projects in major development projects within the transport sector, where the amount of water, …
CPV: 35125100 Sensores, 38120000 Instrumentos de meteorología, 38128000 Accesorios para instrumentos meteorológicos, 38290000 Instrumentos y aparatos de geodesia, hidrografía, oceanografía e hidrología, 90733100 Servicios de seguimiento o control de la contaminación de aguas superficiales, 90733700 Servicios de seguimiento o control de la contaminación de aguas subterráneas