LapIT Oy on Lapin ja Koillismaan kuntien, kuntayhtymien ja kunnallisten osakeyhtiöiden omistama IT-yhtiö, joka tuottaa kokonaisvaltaisia tietohallinto- ja IT-palveluja. Yhtiömme päätoimipiste sijaitsee Rovaniemellä. LapIT harkitsee asianhallinnan järjestelmän kilpailuttamista ja tarjoamista omistaja-asiakkailleen. Hankinta tulisi ennakkotietojen perusteella kattamaan asianhallintaratkaisun kokonaispalveluna, käyttöönottoineen ja käyttäjäkoulutuksineen sekä migraatiot vanhoista järjestelmistä. Alustavissa keskusteluissa omistaja-asiakkaiden kanssa, ratkaisun …
El objeto del contrato es el desarrollo Software de nuevas funciones del sistema CoordCom de Gestión Integrada de Emergencias y Comunicaciones de “1·1·2 Comunitat Valenciana” para la transmisión de vídeo mediante 5G en tiempo real desde los recursos a la plataforma. El objeto del contrato es el desarrollo Software de …
A Meteorological Data Visualisation and Forecast Production System with Forecaster Workstation, and the associated hardware, with ongoing maintenance and support. A Meteorological Data Visualisation and Forecast Production System with Forecaster Workstation, and the associated hardware, with ongoing maintenance and support.
De scope van de opdracht behelst de levering van de prestatie, bestaande uit de volgende onderdelen: • Levering van een opslagsysteem inclusief installatie, implementatie, scholing aan zowel gebruikers als medewerkers van de technische dienst; • Acceptatie en bijbehorende dienstverlening en toebehoren conform de specificaties voor de opslag en uitgifte van …
This Dynamic Purchasing System is designed to enable NORDUnet and the Nordic NRENs to purchase Media Management Solutions that are either delivered as public cloud services or as an on premise installations, that has the capability to be multi-tenant, to allow NORDUnet and subsequently the Nordic NRENs to resell the …
A system has been established for the procurement of consultancy services with the help of a dynamic purchasing system. New suppliers can continually qualify for participation in the scheme. Only qualified tenderers will have access to published competitions. In this stage of the process, interested suppliers can apply to be …
A system has been established for the procurement of consultancy services with the help of a dynamic purchasing system. New suppliers can continually qualify for participation in the scheme. Only qualified tenderers will have access to published competitions. In this stage of the process, interested suppliers can apply to be …
A system has been established for the procurement of consultancy services with the help of a dynamic purchasing system. New suppliers can continually qualify for participation in the scheme. Only qualified tenderers will have access to published competitions. In this stage of the process, interested suppliers can apply to be …