1.3.1. Iepirkuma priekšmets ir metodiskā materiāla izstrāde, mācību programmas izstrāde un mācību īstenošana 2024. - 2026. gadā šādiem darba devējiem: biedrības, nodibinājumi, mikrouzņēmumi, mazie un vidējie uzņēmumi un to darbiniekiem par iekļaujošas darba vides veidošanu, dažādības vadību un diskriminācijas mazināšanu darba vietā, kā arī par darba samaksas atšķirību starp sievietēm …
Sinds 2020 maakt de gemeente Rotterdam gebruik van de huidige dienstverlening, een Scholings- en opleidingsmakelaar en een leerplatform dat de gemeente ondersteunt bij het inkopen en administratief afhandelen van leer- en ontwikkelactiviteiten voor individuele en groepen medewerkers en werkzoekenden van de gemeente Rotterdam. De overeenkomst die gesloten is met de …
Kommunal vuxenutbildning inom Bygg och anläggning Kommunal vuxenutbildning inom Bygg och anläggning
Technological University Dublin (TU Dublin), has supported the delivery of Enterprise Ireland’s New Frontiers programme across the Dublin region since the programme launched nationally in 2012. The New Frontiers programme equips ambitious founders with the right connections, the right skills, and the right route to capital. It empowers them to …
Tech Northwest Skillnet on behalf of Atlantic Technological University wishes to establish a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) under eight (8) lots for Training Services. The focus is on Training for ICT and Technology Companies (LOT 1) but will also cover General Business Training under Lots 2-8. Most of the training …
SFS intends to use a Dynamic Purchasing System for the procurement of sustainable finance training services, including but not limited to the below topics: · Sustainable Finance Reporting and Disclosure · Biodiversity Finance · Net Zero Transition · ESG General Awareness Training · ESG for Legal Professionals · ESG training …
LHP Skillnet is defining this DPS to establish an ongoing mechanism to enable new suppliers that meet the threshold to be added to the training panels that LHP Skillnet may wish to put in place over time. Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) is unlike a traditional framework for the supply of …
LHP Skillnet is defining this DPS to establish an ongoing mechanism to enable new suppliers that meet the threshold to be added to the training panels that LHP Skillnet may wish to put in place over time. Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) is unlike a traditional framework for the supply of …