In summary, the Services comprise: Research and analysis to a) design and complete a Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) of decarbonisation technology alternatives in the Irish power system, and b) recommend technology portfolios, informed by the results of the MCDA, to be used in further techno-economic modelling. This competition is a …
Uppdraget avser kvalificerad rådgivning med specialistkompetens inom olika ekonomifrågor, till exempel skatter, moms och redovisning. Ofta handlar det om att kommunen behöver få en fråga belyst ur ett skatte- och momsperspektiv, eller att kommunen behöver utreda hur en händelse ska hanteras i den ekonomiska redovisningen kopplat till olika lagstiftningar. Det …
Ausschreibungsgegenstand sind Leistungen der Wirtschaftsforschung (Los 1) und der gebarensrelevanten Klima-, Energie- und Umweltforschung (Los 2). Eine evidenzbasierte Wirtschaftspolitik erfordert im Rahmen der Aufgabenerfüllung des Auftraggebers (AG) eine entsprechende wissenschaftlich fundierte Aufbereitung. Neben reinen Wirtschaftsforschungsthemen werden im Rahmen der Aufgabenerfüllung des (AG) auch vermehrt Studien zu klima-, umwelt- und energiepolitischen …
Wij hebben een contract afgesloten met een dienstverlener voor het periodiek uitvoeren van lastendrukmetingen Het gaat hierbij om twee metingen: - dPi de prospectieve informatie, waarin corporaties aangeven wat hun investeringsvoornemens voor de komende vijf jaar zijn en wat de effecten daarvan op de financiële positie zijn; - dVi de …
Restrictive measures (sanctions) are an essential tool for the promotion of the objectives of the Common Foreign and Security Policy. Their objectives include safeguarding the Union’s values, maintaining international peace and security, consolidating and supporting democracy, the rule of law and human rights. The sanctions remain the main instrument in …
In summary, the Services comprise: Development of Ireland’s Heating and Cooling Comprehensive Assessment 2025, as defined by the European Energy Efficiency Directive EU/2023/1791, accompanied by the Renewable Energy and Waste Heat Potential Assessment as defined by the Renewable Energy Directive, RED III EU 2023/2413, and an analysis of coupling renewable …
In summary, the Services comprise: Research and analysis to a) design and complete a Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) of decarbonisation technology alternatives in the Irish power system, and b) recommend technology portfolios, informed by the results of the MCDA, to be used in further techno-economic modelling. For further information please …
Servicii pentru evaluare în domeniul performanței fondurilor UE. În mod specific, contractul vizează creșterea capacității de previzionare a progresului implementării Fondurilor Uniunii și contribuției la obiectivele strategice. Numarul de zile pana la care se pot solicita clarificari inainte de data limita de depunere a ofertelor: 20 Autoritatea contractanta va raspunde …
The Contracting Authority invites tenders (“Tenders”) from economic operators (“Tenderers”) for appointment to a multi-supplier framework agreement (the “Framework Agreement”) for the provision of the services as described in Appendix 1 to this RFT (the “Services”). A broad and diverse range of Business, Management and ICT Consultancy service requirements of …
El objeto del contrato comprende la elaboración de un Plan Estratégico Municipal. Se trata de un documento de planeamiento urbano que se elaborará mediante la puesta en producción de una innovadora herramienta digital denominada Simulador Estratégico. El lote está dividido en cuatro prestaciones: - Prestación 1: Elaboración del Plan Estratégico …