A dynamic procurement system (DPS) shall be established for the procurement of consultancy services for the implementation of company visits to local food producers for Kompetansenettverket for lokalmat i nord. A dynamic procurement system (DPS) shall be established for the procurement of consultancy services for the implementation of company visits …
Il presente avviso ha lo scopo di costituire un elenco di fornitori qualificati per i seguenti gruppi merceologici: SI001 -Servizio di collaudo statico per manufatti in c.a. SI002 -Servizio di collaudo tecnico amministrativo per reti idriche e manufatti acquedottistici SI003 -Servizio di elaborazione di studi geologici SRI001 -Servizio di rilievo …
In summary, the Services shall comprise of: The DPS will be divided into five (5) Categories (each a “Category”) as described below. Category 1 – Procurement Consultancy Services for Public Procurement Tendering Support and General Public Procurement Information and Best Practice. Category 2 – Procurement Consultancy Services for Public Procurement …
The Norwegian Tax Administration needs to purchase physical, digital and hybrid courses on the topic of flexibility. We need courses at multiple levels such as basic, advanced and certification There is a need for courses on flexible working methods, such as Scrum, Kanban, XP and others. The Norwegian Tax Administration …
SFS intends to use a Dynamic Purchasing System for the procurement of sustainable finance training services, including but not limited to the below topics: · Sustainable Finance Reporting and Disclosure · Biodiversity Finance · Net Zero Transition · ESG General Awareness Training · ESG for Legal Professionals · ESG training …
WIENXTRA übernimmt ab 2023 im Rahmen des Projektes „Wiener Bildungschancen“ die Kosten für Schulworkshops in Kooperation mit außerschulischen Partner_innen (Institutionen, Vereine, Organisationen, Experten/Expertinnen). Im Rahmen des Projektes „Wiener Bildungschancen“ können Schulen kostenlos qualitätsvolle Angebote von externen Anbieter_innen nutzen. Gegenstand des Zulassungsverfahrens (Open-House-Verfahren) ist es geeignete Anbieter_innen für Schulworkshops zu finden, …
Arbetsmarknadsutbildning Taxiförare - Dynamiskt Inköpssystem
Trattasi dell'erogazione di servizi di formazione per il Gruppo Dolomiti Energia e relativi ai macro ambiti di intervento di seguito riportati. Ambito "salute sicurezza e ambiente", ambito "competenze tecniche e digitali" e "Life Skills ".
Ängelholms kommun med dotterbolag inbjuder till att inkomma med ansökan om att delta i dynamiskt inköpssystem (DIS) gällande konsulttjänster inom HR-området. D v s steg 1 av 2. Övergripande information Ängelholms kommun har återkommande behov av konsulter för utbildnings- och stödinsatser för grupp- och individutveckling. Bland annat inom chefsutveckling och …
LHP Skillnet is defining this DPS to establish an ongoing mechanism to enable new suppliers that meet the threshold to be added to the training panels that LHP Skillnet may wish to put in place over time. Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) is unlike a traditional framework for the supply of …