Przedmiotem Zamówienia jest sporządzenie dokumentacji przedprojektowej i dokumentacji projektowej, w tym Projektu Budowlanego i Projektu Wykonawczego/Technicznego z wszelkimi uzgodnieniami z operatorami sieci, w szczególności PSE i PGE-D, uzgodnieniami formalnoprawnymi oraz uzyskaniem Pozwolenia na Budowę w zakresie docelowego zasilania lotniska dla Centralnego Portu Komunikacyjnego. Przedmiotem Zamówienia jest sporządzenie dokumentacji przedprojektowej i …
Thornleigh Educate Together National School is a primary school under the patronage of Educate Together. Your attention is drawn to the attached Project Brief and particularly the proposed Schedule of Accommodation and the options outlined in the Brief. In summary, the project will comprise: Section A: • 4 x SET …
La présente consultation concerne la réalisation des relevés et du tracé des réseaux extérieurs des sites dans le cadre des études préalables à l'élaboration du SPSI de l'Université Paris Saclay. Le marché comprend la réalisation d'une inspection de l'état des réseaux d'assainissement du campus d'Orsay. La production des tracés des …
IMT013/2024 Professional Services in connection with the Management, Supervision and works certification for works tender CT3029/2024 IMT013/2024 Professional Services in connection with the Management, Supervision and works certification for works tender CT3029/2024
St. Joseph’s National School, is a primary school under the patronage of the Catholic Bishop of Meath. Your attention is drawn to the attached Project Brief and particularly the proposed Schedule of Accommodation and the options outlined in the Brief. In summary, the project will comprise: • 2 Classroom Early …
„Извършване на обследване за енергийна ефективност и предписване на необходимите енергоспестяващи мерки (ЕСМ) в съответствие с нормативните и минимални изисквания за енергийна ефективност, за административни сгради на НАП“, разделена в шест обособени позиции, както следва: Обособена позиция №1 – Извършване на обследване за енергийна ефективност и предписване на необходимите ЕСМ …
Kildare County Council Parks Department is seeking to establish a Single Party Framework Agreement for Landscape Architect Led Integrated Design Team Services. The Single Party Framework will be established on foot of an initial contract for the completion of the detailed design and for the development of Phase 1, Cherry …
Respond are establishing multi-disciplinary Frameworks to support their ambitions of delivering high quality housing developments. As part of their remit to develop cost rental, social and affordable units throughout Ireland, Respond wish to procure the services for future projects to develop design, secure statutory approvals and procure and oversee the …
Gas Networks Ireland (GNI) is establishing a Qualification System for the provision of engineering services for a Strategic Gas Emergency Reserve (SGER). The project is the delivery of the optimum solution for a SGER. Applicants can apply for qualification for the following lots: Lot 1: Front-end Engineering Design (FEED), Lot …
This project is being procured using a Restricted (Two-Stage) Tender procedure in accordance with the Capital Works Management Framework. The Housing Capital Unit of Kerry County Council as part of this (Stage 1) procurement for this project are inviting interested parties to submit evidence of their suitability (in Suitability Assessment …