Ziel des Vergabeverfahrens ist der Abschluss einer Rahmenvereinbarung mit (maximal) drei RahmenvereinbarungspartnerInnen je Los betreffend Penetrationstests in 2 Losen: - Los 1: Infrastruktur und Application Security Testing Only - Los 2: Infrastruktur und Application Security Testing inklusive Lösungsworkshops Der Leistungsgegenstand des Los 1 umfasst neben den allgemeinen Leistungen (sh. Teil …
Invitation til høring af kravspecifikation og tilbudsliste omhandlende "Bortskaffelse af brugt it-udstyr og andet elektronisk udstyr samt IT-Skrot". Kravspecifikation samt Tilbudsliste sendes i høring med henblik på ordregivers ønske om at potentielle tilbudsgivere giver ordregiver en skriftlig tilbagemelding på høringsmaterialet. Invitation til høring af kravspecifikation og tilbudsliste omhandlende "Bortskaffelse af …
Hovedydelse A) Udvikling af ILS, herunder etablering af nødvendige platforme og klargøring til driftsfasen. Hovedydelse B) Drift, Support, Vedligehold og Videreudvikling Hovedydelse C) Samarbejde med såvel Kunden som Kundens øvrige leverandører. Ad hovedydelse A. Udvikling af ILS, herunder etablering af nødvendige platforme og klargøring til driftsfasen., Leverandøren skal gennemføre en …
The objective of the procurement is to enter into a contract for the procurement of audit services for Vegfinans AS with subsidiaries. The objective of the procurement is to enter into a contract for the procurement of audit services for Vegfinans AS with subsidiaries.
Teagasc welcomes submissions from suitably qualified and certified partners to provide penetration testing services, leveraging real-world threat simulations. Teagasc welcomes submissions from suitably qualified and certified partners to provide penetration testing services, leveraging real-world threat simulations.
The aim of this notice is to enter into a framework agreement with a tenderer who can ensure that users can, if needed, call-off assistance within Kaba. The aim of this notice is to enter into a framework agreement with a tenderer who can ensure that users can, if needed, …
LOETB proposes to engage in a competitive process for the establishment of a single party framework agreement for IT Computer Support and Maintenance. The successful tenderer will be contracted to the day to day support of Laois and Offaly ETB IT systems at the various locations listed in the RFT. …
The aim of this notice is to enter into a framework agreement with a tenderer for webmethods assistance. The aim of this notice is to enter into a framework agreement with a tenderer for webmethods assistance.
The aim of the procurement is to cover the need for consultancy services with a competence level and in a scope that is necessary to maintain equivalent accessibility to the relevant systems (AMSYS with integrations) for the remaining use time. The aim of the procurement is to cover the need …
The aim of this notice is to enter into a framework agreement with one tenderer for the purchase of Flatiron's Pinpoint assistance. The aim of this notice is to enter into a framework agreement with one tenderer for the purchase of Flatiron's Pinpoint assistance.