Предметът на настоящата поръчка е „Предоставяне на пощенски и куриерски услуги за нуждите на ЦУ на НЗОК и 28-те РЗОК с офисите им, с включени две обособени позиции: Обособена позиция № 1: Универсална пощенска услуга; Обособена позиция № 2: Куриерски услуги”. Предметът на обществената поръчка включва приемане (вземане от адреса …
Il s'agit d'accords-cadres mono-attributaires à bon de commande sans minimum et avec maximum Le présent lot concerne les prestations relatives à la distribution ciblée dans différentes boîtes aux lettres en Vendée et/ou hors Vendée de documents non-adressés (tracts, dépliants, etc.). Le nombre de documents annuellement distribué par le Département selon …
Hanke eesmärgiks on perioodiliste trükiväljaannete ostmine ja kohalekanne raamatukoguteenuse pakkumiseks 2025. aastal. Lepingu eseme tehniline kirjeldus on esitatud alusdokumentide lisas 1. Pakkuja kohustuseks on lepingu esemeks olevate trükiväljaannete müük ja kohaletoimetamine hankijale. Eestis ilmuvad perioodilised trükiväljaanded Väljaspool Eestit ilmuvad perioodilised trükiväljaanded
UÉ is conducting a market sounding exercise in the area of ICT/Technical support. UÉ is conducting a market sounding exercise in the area of ICT/Technical support.
The Contracting Authority invites requests to participate (“Applications”) from economic operators (“Candidates”) for appointment to a DPS for the provision of the services described in Appendix 1 to this RFATP (the “Services”). In summary, the Services comprise: The provision of Courier Services on the Island of Ireland and International Courier …