The Contracting Entity is undertaking a competition to establish a Single Supplier Framework to provide comprehensive payroll recruitment and managed service provision for contingent workers (MSP). There will also be a maximum of [one (1)] reserve supplier who will be placed on a reserve supplier list, who may replace a …
The contracting authority would like to use this procurement to enter into parallel framework agreements with up to 3 tenderers, provided that there are a sufficient number of qualified tenderers. The aim of the contract is to cover the contracting authority ́s need for temporary staff services for nurseries, before-and-after …
Przedmiotem zamówienia jest Wybór operatora zapewniającego ekspertów merytorycznych świadczących mentoring dla studentów w programie „Uczelnie Przyszłości”. Szczegółowy opis potrzeb Zamawiającego stanowiących przedmiot zamówienia został określony w Załączniku nr 1 do OPiW i stanowi jego integralną część Przedmiotem zamówienia jest Wybór operatora zapewniającego ekspertów merytorycznych świadczących mentoring dla studentów w programie …
The Contracting Entity intends to establish a single party framework agreement for the provision of Talent Acquisition Recruitment Services to ESB. ESB have just launched a major jobs announcement to recruit 1000 additional employees over the next three years. In order to address this demand, ESB are seeking to appoint …
Upphandlingen omfattar högre chefer koncernledning samt chef och nyckelbefattningar för Växjö kommunkoncern. Framtida avrop under ramavtalets gång kan avse hela rekryteringsprocessen eller delar av den. Kommunkoncernen förbehåller sig rätten att under avtalstiden göra hela eller delar av rekryteringsprocessen i egen regi. Upphandlingen omfattar rekrytering av chefer, chefer över chefer, chefer …
The Commission for Regulation of Utilities (“CRU”) is Ireland’s independent energy, district heating and water regulator. Our work impacts Irish homes and businesses ensuring safe, secure and sustainable energy and water supplies for all customers. The CRU’s mission is to protect the public interest in water, energy and energy safety. …
Veröffentlichung eines Kontingents von OnlineStellen-/Jobinseraten auf dem österreichischen Markt Los 2: Spezialisierte Job-Plattform für Pflege, Betreuung Therapie und Medizin Gegenstand von Los 2 ist die Rahmenvereinbarung für die Schaltung von Online-Inseraten von auf Pflege, Betreuung, Therapie und Medizin spezialisierte Jobplattformen
The Gjøvik region consists of Østre Toten, Vestre Toten, Søndre Land, Nordre land and Gjøvik municipalities. We would like to invite tenderers to an open tender contest for the delivery of doctors. The Gjøvik region consists of Østre Toten, Vestre Toten, Søndre Land, Nordre land and Gjøvik municipalities. We would …
Il s'agit d'un marché de services alloti passé sous la forme d'accords-cadres à bons de commandes, en application de l'article R. 2162-2 alinéa 2 du code de la commande publique Prestations de conseil et d'assistance au recrutement de collaborateurs cadres dirigeants et cadres stratégiques avec des missions managériales Prestations de …
Procurement of services from a Temporary Employment Agency Procurement of services from the agency for temporary employement