Дейността по организация и управление на проект: „ИЗГРАЖДАНЕ НА ВиК ИНФРАСТРУКТУРА В СТОЛИЧНА ОБЩИНА“, включва избор на екип от 13 специалисти с различна професионална компетентност в рамките на предвидената структура и състав както следва: Ръководител на проекта, Координатор, Административен сътрудник, Финансист – експерт, Счетоводител – експерт, Юрист, Експерт „Комуникации и …
This Contract Award Notice is acting as a Modification Notice under Article 72 of 2014/24/EU to RFT 167286 - Single Party Framework Agreement to engage a multi-disciplinary environmental and engineering consultancy for the Santry River Restoration and Greenway Project. Dublin City Council wishes to establish a Single Party Framework Agreement …
La consultation a pour objet de confier au titulaire la réalisation d'Études dans le domaine des déchets pour la Direction Envinet. Les prestations portent sur la réalisation d'études spécifiques d'assistance, de conseil, d'enquête, de recensement et de conception et de missions d'accompagnement dans le domaine des déchets (optimisation de la …
Statsbygg requests, in connection with project:no.: 1279801 name: Troll New research station in Antarctica regarding tender offers on: Consultancy services engineering design within the disciplines mentioned below: H004 Consulting engineer, water supply and sewage installations (RIVA). Statsbygg requests, in connection with project:no.: 1279801 name: Troll New research station in Antarctica …
Med en ambition om at etablere verdens mest ressourceeffektive spildevandsanlæg udbød Aarhus Vand i januar 2020 en tjenesteydelsesaftale omfattende design af det samlede procesanlæg til Aarhus ReWater. Med det formål at sikre optimale kontraktforhold og samtidig en optimal holddannelse, blev kontrakten udbudt således, at den vindende tilbudsgiver (proceskonsortiet) efter en …
The objective of this assignment is for the Consultant to support the Promoter/PIU in all aspects of the implementation and administration of the Works and Service Contracts (hereinafter referred to as “the Contracts”) and all responsibilities arising from the Project Implementation Agreement, respective Financing Agreements and any eventual contracts that …
Bærum municipality, the Project Unit, hereby invites tenderers to a competition for parallel framework agreements with a maximum of four tenderers for engineering design and consulting services for sites and technical infrastructure. Further information on the contract ́s purpose, scope and requirements can be found in Part 2 Assignment Description. …
The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency invites you to submit tenders for the procurement of a Framework Agreement regarding consultancy services in the field of waste management for the Sida financed project Institutional cooperation on EU-accession in the environment and waste sector” in Ukraine. The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency intends to …
De Opdracht afval sorteeranalyses met kenmerk 1-D-01701-24 die is beschreven in dit Beschrijvend Document gaat over het uitvoeren van sorteeranalyses van diverse afvalstromen van Rotterdamse huishoudens. De sorteeranalyse is een middel om inzicht te krijgen in de samenstelling van het huishoudelijk restafval en monostromen, zoals oud papier/karton (OPK) en GFT/GFE. …
Legionella sampling - Voor STATIONS : in de stations en de directiegebouwen - Voor TECHNICS : in de ateliers Legionella sampling - Pour STATIONS : dans les gares et les bâtiments de direction - Pour TECHNICS : dans les ateliers Legionella sampling - Voor STATIONS : in de stations en …