Servizi di manutenzione applicativa, manutenzione evolutiva e consulenza strategica sui sistemi informatici di business intelligence del Gruppo Tea servizi di manutenzione applicativa, manutenzione evolutiva e consulenza strategica sui sistemi informatici di business intelligence del Gruppo Tea
To support some of their decisions at both operational and strategic levels, the beneficiaries require some external inputs through specific and generic market research and advisory information, as well as best practices, provided by an independent body: 1) Main scope - Research and Advisory Services in Information and Communication Technology …
Der ønskes en ekspertvurdering af, hvorvidt Skatteforvaltningens to PDF-dokumenter, ”Ejendomsskattebillet” og ”Beregningsbilag”, som erhvervsejere modtager i forbindelse med opkrævning af grundskyld og dækningsafgift, lever op til den gældende WCAG standard. Der ønskes en ekspertvurdering af, hvorvidt Skatteforvaltningens to PDF-dokumenter, ”Ejendomsskattebillet” og ”Beregningsbilag”, som erhvervsejere modtager i forbindelse med opkrævning af …
Stavanger municipality shall procure a new patient journal system (EPJ) for Stavanger and for 19 collaboration municipalities in Rogaland. A further three municipalities in Rogaland and five municipalities in Søre Sunnmøre are also involved in the procurement. The total procurement can include municipal health and care services for approx. 500,000 …
Notification will be given and invited to a dialogue, Tuesday 21 January, 09.00-10.30, to develop and realise the national machine for machine interface (API) for digital interaction in almost real time between the road managers' MOM systems and the contractors' operational systems. This is expected to provide gains in several …
Gegenstand des Auftrags ist die Lieferung von Loadbalancern des Herstellers F5 (Hard- und Software), deren Instandhaltung samt Pflege (Los 1) sowie Dienstleistungen in Form von Consultingleistungen für die Installation, Migration und allgemeine Beratung zu Themengebieten des Herstellers F5, wie LTM, AWAF und APM, durch einen Solution Expert Security (Los 2). …
The Norwegian Coastal Administration makes major investments in digitalisation and IT services every year. We would like tenders for 2 full-time developers starting in March/April 2025, with an option for 1-2 resources, for example. developers or UX competence as needed in the contract period. The work place will be in …
Según lo establecido en el PPT Según lo establecido en el PPT
The contracting entity has conducted a tender with the following description: The contracting entity “Danske Lotteri Spil A/S” provides games within number games, scratch tickets and other e-instant games. The company is owned by Danske Spil A/S and are part of the Danske Spil group. 80% of the shares in …
Äldreförvaltningen i Stockholms stad (nedan Staden) genomför upphandling av nytt System för utförarverksamheterna inom socialtjänsten, äldreomsorgen samt kommunal hälso- och sjukvård. Upphandlingsföremålet är ett modernt standardiserat System som stödjer utförarverksamheterna i deras dagliga arbete. Avsikten är att Systemet ska täcka behoven hos utförarverksamheterna som behöver it-stöd för exempelvis schemaläggning, ruttplanering, …