Oslo municipality, c/o the Agency for Improvement and Development, department for procurement services (hereafter called the Contracting Authority), invites tenderers to a restricted tender contest for the establishment of a dynamic purchasing system (DPS) for the procurement of security guard services for Oslo municipality ́s entities. Oslo municipality, c/o the …
The Norwegian Digitalisation Agency (Digdir) shall establish a dynamic purchasing system to cover the Directorate's need for services in the discipline of security consultancy and security services. The need for services is i.a. connected to national joint systems, but there is also a need for consultancy support for assignments and …
The Norwegian Digitalisation Agency (Digdir) shall establish a dynamic purchasing system to cover the Directorate's need for services in the discipline of security consultancy and security services. The need for services is i.a. connected to national joint systems, but there is also a need for consultancy support for assignments and …
LEO Westmeath is compiling a panel of mentors, from which future mentor assignments for a 3-year period will be selected. Applications are invited from mentors with appropriate skills and experience that wish to be included in the LEO Westmeath mentor panel. LEO Westmeath is compiling a panel of mentors, from …
An Post is seeking to establish a qualification system (panel) to meet its requirements for Ergonomic Services to support the ongoing activities of the Authority. This Qualification Panel has been divided into three Lots. - Office /Remote DSE - Mails Centres and Machinery - Vehicles
Il presente avviso ha lo scopo di costituire un elenco di fornitori qualificati per i seguenti gruppi merceologici: SI001 -Servizio di collaudo statico per manufatti in c.a. SI002 -Servizio di collaudo tecnico amministrativo per reti idriche e manufatti acquedottistici SI003 -Servizio di elaborazione di studi geologici SRI001 -Servizio di rilievo …
Tämän dynaamisen hankintajärjestelmän (DPS) kohteena ovat tiedonhallinnan ja digitaalisen turvallisuuden asiantuntijapalvelut Hansel Oy:n asiakkaille. DPS:n kohde on kuvattu tarkemmin osallistumispyynnössä ja sen liitteissä, erityisesti liitteessä "Dynaamisen hankintajärjestelmän kohde".
Iarnród Éireann (IÉ) is seeking expressions of interest from suitably qualified applicants to establish a Qualification System from which Irish rail may seek quotes and tenders for RRV consultancy support services -8233 (the “Contract) Iarnród Éireann –Irish Rail is the state owned railway of Ireland. The Infrastructure Department “IM” manages …
Sistema di qualificazione di Acquedotto Pugliese S.p.a.