Accord-cadre à bons de commande mono-attributaire conclu sans montant minimum et avec un montant maximum annuel et concernant la réalisation de diagnostics techniques de bâtiments relevant de l'Etablissement du Service d'Infrastructure de la Défense de Lyon, en vue de leur rénovation Diagnostics techniques de bâtiments en vue de leur rénovation …
The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at UiO has three institutes (Department of Chemistry, Department of Pharmacy and Department of Biosciences) that will move into the Life Science Building (LSB) that will be completed in 2026. The faculty needs assistance in coordinating the relocation process, with all the labs …
AVORD (18) - BA702 - Création du pôle formation Simulateur E3-F - Mission d'ordonnancement, de pilotage et de coordination de chantier (OPC) AVORD (18) - BA702 - Création du pôle formation Simulateur E3-F - Mission d'ordonnancement, de pilotage et de coordination de chantier (OPC)
Statsbygg requests, in connection with project:no.: 1156603 name: A new courthouse system in Bergen regarding tenders for the SHA coordinator for the engineering design phase (KP) and the execution phase (KU). Statsbygg requests, in connection with project:no.: 1156603 name: A new courthouse system in Bergen regarding tenders for the SHA …
Statsbygg requests, in connection with project: no.: 1207001 name: Magnormoen police station regarding tenders for builder ombudsman (BHO)/SHA coordinator for the execution phase (KU). Statsbygg requests, in connection with project: no.: 1207001 name: Magnormoen police station regarding tenders for builder ombudsman (BHO)/SHA coordinator for the execution phase (KU).
Statsbygg requests, in connection with project: no.: 1156603 name: A new courthouse system in Bergen requests tenders for H002 BHO builder ombudsman. Statsbygg requests, in connection with project: no.: 1156603 name: A new courthouse system in Bergen requests tenders for H002 BHO builder ombudsman.
Detta dynamiska inköpssystem ska tillgodose behovet av projektstöd och specialistkompetens för uppdrag inom trafikkontoret samt exploateringskontoret. Det finns två delområden som leverantörer kan ansöka om deltagande, delområden omfattar konsulter i rollen som projektledare/byggprojektledare och konsulter med specialistkompetens inom olika områden för att stötta olika projekt. Uppdragen inom delområdet består av …
Procure Plus Ltd (PP) is a social housing regeneration consortium. PP specialises in the procurement of goods, works and services for the construction and maintenance of social housing properties. Procure Plus is working with Local Energy Hub North West in establishing a dynamic purchasing system (DPS) for domestic retrofit programme …
“Felles Innkjøpskontor” (Joint Procurement Office) will, on behalf of the municipalities Vestby, Frogn, and Nesodden, establish a dynamic procurement arrangement for the acquisition of consulting and advisory services. This arrangement aims to cover the need for such services in the following areas: Building and real estate Urban planning services Fire …
Helsingborgs Hamn AB bjuder in leverantörer till att ansöka om att få delta i detta dynamiska inköpssystem avseende Ingenjörs- och tekniska konsulter. Ansökan kan göras till ett eller flera delområden och kompletterar befintliga och kommande avtal. Leverantörer kan ansöka om att delta under hela tiden det dynamiska inköpssystemet är aktivt. …