Předmětem veřejné zakázky je poskytování služeb manažera stavebních projektů v průběhu prová-dění projektových a stavebních prací za podmínek dále sjednaných ve smlouvě a dalších doku-mentech, na které se smlouva odkazuje. Služby manažera stavebních projektů (dále jen „manažer“) spočívají v technickoekonomické koordinaci, poradenství, zajišťování spolupráce mezi dotčenými osobami díla a vedení …
Assistance technique à maîtrise d'ouvrage pour l'opération de construction du Nouvel Hôpital de Montceau Assistance à maîtrise d'ouvrage pour l'opération de construction du Nouvel Hôpital de Montceau
The National Transport Authority (NTA) on behalf of Blanche Developments Limited (BDL) is procuring an Integrated Delivery Support Service Partner (IDSSP) who will be a multi-disciplinary engineering consultant, to support and supervise the design and construction of the 'Blanchardstown Interchange Works’ (BIW) (including a Bus Plaza) to be constructed under …
В обхвата на обществената поръчка ще се изпълнят следните основни дейности: 1. Изготвяне на технически проект и технически спецификации за строителство; -Изпълнителят трябва да изготви и предаде на Възложителя и Консултанта Технически проект в пълния му обем, съгласно изискванията на Възложителя, изискванията на „Наредба № 4 от 21 май 2001 …
Acuerdo marco, por lotes, de la contratación de servicios puntuales de asistencia técnica en materia de arquitectura, ingeniería urbanismo del Ayuntamiento de Xirivella Lote 1: Trabajos relacionados con obras que la Ley de Ordenación de la Edificación RESERVA A ARQUITECTOS LOTE 2-Trabajos relacionados con otras obras públicas y otras obras …
Asker municipality invites tenderers to an open tender contest for engineering design services for the new Sætre primary school. An engineering design group "PG" is being sought that can carry out a combined engineering design services and prepare the tender documentation for the development of the New Sætre primary school. …
This Contract Award Notice is acting as a Modification Notice under Article 72 of 2014/24/EU to RFT ID RFT 142472 RE: Multi-Party Framework Agreement for Architect Led Integrated Design Team Services for projects within Dublin City Council’s Administrative Area with an estimated construction value Over €15m (ex.VAT). Lot 2 of …
La présente consultation est passée selon la procédure avec négociation, conformément à l'article R 2124-3.6° du Code de la Commande Publique avec les soumissionnaires ayant remis une offre conforme aux délais et modalités formelles de l'appel d'offre. Consultation déclarée infructueuse lors de la précédente consultation publiée par avis JOUE N° …
This Contract Award Notice is acting as a Modification Notice under Article 72 of 2014/24/EU to RFT ID 167188 Mini-Competition RFT 167188 under framework RFT 149758 Lot 2, for the provision of Architect led Integrated Design Team Services for proposed developments at St. Andrew's Court, Dublin 2, Grand Canal Basin, …
CT2278/2024 - Works - Tender for the Construction, Finishes, Mechanical, Electrical and Landscaping Works in An Energy Efficient Manner, with Reduced Environmental Impact for the Farmer’s Market, Ta’ Qali CT2278/2024 - Works - Tender for the Construction, Finishes, Mechanical, Electrical and Landscaping Works in An Energy Efficient Manner, with Reduced …