Dynamiskt inköpssystem för tekniska konsulter inom Lessebo kommunkoncern. Steg 1 - Anbudsinfordran: Annons med inbjudan till leverantörer för att delta i det dynamiska inköpssystemet. Annonsen finns tillgänglig under hela systemets giltighetstid och där anges förutsättningar, regler och krav för att bli kvalificerad. Anbudsinfordran besvaras med en anbudsansökan. Dynamiskt inköpssystem för …
Uisce Eireann intends to undertake a tendering process, the objective of which is to establish a Qualification System for the provision of Civils Works Contractors nationwide. A new contract delivery mechanism is required to support the delivery of the following: • Civils Projects • Civils Programmes • Maintenance Programmes • …
Naturvårdsverket inbjuder härmed leverantörer av byggadministrativt stöd i ett dynamiskt inköpssystem (DIS). DIS:et avser ett brett spann av tekniska konsulter. När behov uppstår skickas anbudsinbjudningar till kvalificerade leverantörer. DIS:ets giltighetstid är från och med dagen då det inrättas till och med 2026-12-31
An Post are creating a panel for Civil and structural engineering services. Civil and Structural engineering services will be required for a variety of projects from redesign and re-fitting of existing buildings in both the retail and mails operations, as well as refits, refurbishments and new builds etc to meet …
Iarnród Éireann (IÉ) is seeking expressions of interest from suitably qualified applicants to establish a Qualification System from which Irish rail may seek quotes and tenders for RRV consultancy support services -8233 (the “Contract) Iarnród Éireann –Irish Rail is the state owned railway of Ireland. The Infrastructure Department “IM” manages …
The Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) will provide a database of Approved suppliers considered capable of carrying out professional consultancy services to a satisfactory standard. The nature and types of services that may be required may include, but are not limited to, those services identified by the CPV code and summarised …
Kolumbus AS, hereinafter referred to as the contracting authority, intends to procure consultancy assistance within transport, public transport, mobility, zoning, and related infrastructure. Assistance within that which we can define as new mobility areas will be of particular relevance. For example, assistance within electrification and associated engineering and consultancy services …