Nærværende udbud vedrører indkøb og levering af målerydelser til Novafos A/S. Novafos udbyder en rammeaftale af 4 års varighed, vedr. opsætning, drift og nedtagning af målere, samt sparring i forbindelse med vurdering af konkrete målepunkter. Målingerne omfatter flow- og niveaumålinger i kloakledninger, samt regnmålinger, der opsættes i forbindelse med målingerne …
Upgrade to Waste Water Treatment Facilities and Ancillary Works at 6 locations: Kilbride, Co. Wicklow; Kilworth, Co. Cork; Gormanston, Co. Meath; Bere Island, Co. Cork; Haulbowline, Co. Cork and Coolmoney, Co. Wicklow Refer to briefing documents. This is a Call for Tender in respect of Consultancy Services. Please note that: …
Във връзка с инвестиционни намерения на община Несебър за изграждане на обект „Общински център за изследване на Черноморската флора и фауна, ботанически и природонаучен музей, амфитеатър, благоустрояване на прилежащо площадно пространство, покрит и наземен паркинг, разположен в УПИ I кв.78 по плана на гр.Несебър, панорамно стълбище, асансьор за лнп, обслужващи …
The procurement cooperation in Sør-Østerdal, with Trysil, Engerdal, Åmot and Stor-Elvdal municipalities, intends to enter into parallel framework agreements for the purchase of architect and consultancy services. The objective of the procurement is to cover the contracting authority ́s ongoing need for the purchase of architect and consultancy services for …
Ringerike municipality invites tenderers to a competition for architect services in connection with the preparation of a preliminary project and a tender documentation for a turnkey contract for Vesterntunet Omsorgssenter. The municipality plans to construct a new nursing home that shall meet the needs of elderly people in the municipality …
The National Transport Authority (NTA) on behalf of Blanche Developments Limited (BDL) is procuring an Integrated Delivery Support Service Partner (IDSSP) who will be a multi-disciplinary engineering consultant, to support and supervise the design and construction of the 'Blanchardstown Interchange Works’ (BIW) (including a Bus Plaza) to be constructed under …
The Contracting Entity is seeking to award Framework Agreements for each of the four (4) Lots set out below, under which the Contracting Entity may make call-offs for the provision of certain onshore energy consultancy services (as set out below). The Framework Agreements will be entered into by Orsted Onshore …
Il s'agit d'une mission de maîtrise d'oeuvre complète concernant un ouvrage d'infrastructure, comportant 7 éléments de mission. Les travaux visent à remplacer la porte écluse par un ouvrage neuf de même type et de mêmes dimensions mais avec un système de manoeuvre hydraulique apportant une meilleure fiabilité d'exploitation. L'opération comprend …
Acuerdo marco, por lotes, de la contratación de servicios puntuales de asistencia técnica en materia de arquitectura, ingeniería urbanismo del Ayuntamiento de Xirivella Lote 1: Trabajos relacionados con obras que la Ley de Ordenación de la Edificación RESERVA A ARQUITECTOS LOTE 2-Trabajos relacionados con otras obras públicas y otras obras …
El objetivo del contrato de servicios es la redacción de un estudio informativo que permita seleccionar la alternativa óptima para un nuevo eje ferroviario que discurra a través del centro urbano de Valencia en dirección Sur-Norte, desde la futura estación Central de Valencia hasta la salida del término municipal de …