El objeto del contrato es la asistencia técnica al Servicio de Ingeniería y Planificación Hidráulica del Consorcio en el desarrollo de la implementación de la metodología BIM en la ejecución de los contratos de elaboración y de ejecución de obras, según lo especificado en el Manual BIM del Consorcio, y …
Statsbygg requests tenders for a framework agreement for architect and consulting engineer services in Telemark and Vestfold. A framework agreement will be signed with one tenderer. This framework agreement intends to cover minor maintenance measures and projects in Statsbygg. Statsbygg requests tenders for a framework agreement for architect and consulting …
Contrato de servicios para la asistencia técnica para la redacción del estudio de ventilación del proyecto de renovación y mejora del sistema de ventilación de la red convencional de FMB. Clave: EZ-MGB-24033 Consultar la documentación de la licitación.
Se pretende es satisfacer las necesidades de los diferentes aspectos que se pueden encontrar durante la gestión de la estación depuradora de aguas residuales de Nerja (Málaga): • Sistematizar las operaciones de mantenimiento de las instalaciones integrando la prevención de riesgos laborales. • Mejorar la gestión de toda la documentación: …
Notice of Magnet Joint Qualification System (JQS), a portal for supplier qualification and which is used by buyer organisations and all operators in the energy industry to search for, assess and qualify suppliers in accordance with their respective qualification and procurement requirements. Magnet JQS is operated by Offshore Qualific, https://offshorequalific.no/en/, …
Namsos municipality is planning to construct a health building in the centre of Namsos, where in construction stage one shall build up to 216 institution places. The building shall also include institutional kitchens, preventive and health promoting services, day offers and other services that may be appropriate and co-house together …
Nærværende udbud vedrører indkøb og levering af målerydelser til Novafos A/S. Novafos udbyder en rammeaftale af 4 års varighed, vedr. opsætning, drift og nedtagning af målere, samt sparring i forbindelse med vurdering af konkrete målepunkter. Målingerne omfatter flow- og niveaumålinger i kloakledninger, samt regnmålinger, der opsættes i forbindelse med målingerne …
Upgrade to Waste Water Treatment Facilities and Ancillary Works at 6 locations: Kilbride, Co. Wicklow; Kilworth, Co. Cork; Gormanston, Co. Meath; Bere Island, Co. Cork; Haulbowline, Co. Cork and Coolmoney, Co. Wicklow Refer to briefing documents. This is a Call for Tender in respect of Consultancy Services. Please note that: …
Във връзка с инвестиционни намерения на община Несебър за изграждане на обект „Общински център за изследване на Черноморската флора и фауна, ботанически и природонаучен музей, амфитеатър, благоустрояване на прилежащо площадно пространство, покрит и наземен паркинг, разположен в УПИ I кв.78 по плана на гр.Несебър, панорамно стълбище, асансьор за лнп, обслужващи …
The procurement cooperation in Sør-Østerdal, with Trysil, Engerdal, Åmot and Stor-Elvdal municipalities, intends to enter into parallel framework agreements for the purchase of architect and consultancy services. The objective of the procurement is to cover the contracting authority ́s ongoing need for the purchase of architect and consultancy services for …