Pobal seeks to establish a single party framework agreement with a suitably qualified tenderer for the provision of support, maintenance and development services for the Pobal Learning Management System (LMS), and associated support and services. The tenderer must be capable of supporting the existing solution, facilitate the expansion of the …
Pobal (The Contracting Authority) seeks to establish a single party framework agreement with a suitably qualified tenderer for the provision of hosting, licencing, support, maintenance and development services, for the Contracting Authority’s External Collaboration solution, and associated support and services as per the specific requirements outlined below. Tenderers must be …
Pobal seeks to establish 2 Single Party Framework Agreements for the Provision of Information Security and Cybersecurity Services; Information Security and Cybersecurity Advice; Information Security and Cybersecurity Business Solutions and associated services for current and future requirements across 2 (mutually exclusive) lots: Lot 1: Information Security and Cybersecurity Services and …
L'accord-cadre régi par le présent cahier des clauses administratives particulières a pour objet : La fourniture de matériels et logiciels de sécurité informatique comprenant également l'assistance technique (hotline, maintenance préventive et curative) et la maintenance matérielle et logicielle ; L'assistance technique (hotline, maintenance préventive et curative) et la maintenance matérielle …
The aim of the procurement is to cover the need for consultancy services with a competence level and in a scope that is necessary to maintain equivalent accessibility to the relevant systems (AMSYS with integrations) for the remaining use time. The aim of the procurement is to cover the need …
Servicio de renovación y mantenimiento de las licencias de los aplicativos de administración electrónica implantados en la Diputación provincial de Ourense Servicio de renovación y mantenimiento de las licencias de los aplicativos de administración electrónica implantados en la Diputación provincial de Ourense
The objective of this RFT is to identify one suitably resourced IT service provider which can support SEAI’s efforts in developing and maintaining the appropriate software capabilities that will allow SEAI to comply with the new EPBD Recast directive, and support these as a Managed Service. The Energy Performance Building …
Beschaffung, Installation und Betrieb eines SB-Terminal-Systems Nicht losweise Vergabe
Udbud vedrørende Kontrakt om drift, support, vedligeholdelse samt videreudvikling og modernisering af HJV.DK. I) Baggrund og formål: HJV.DK er et internetbaseret planlægnings- og administrationsværktøj til brug for Hjemmeværnets ansatte og frivillige medlemmer (Brugerne). På tidspunktet for Kontraktens indgåelse er der ca. 43.000 ansatte og frivillige (hovedsageligt frivillige). Et tal, der …
- Renovación del parque de ordenadores y un porcentaje de un 30% de impresoras y periféricos: adaptando sus prestaciones a las necesidades actuales y garantizando estas condiciones a lo largo de la duración del contrato. - Evolución del sistema operativo a Windows 11 Professional 64 bits, con carácter general, en …