Appalto di servizi di Web Publishing Redazionale e di supporto alla attività di Media Relation per INAIL - ID 2827 Appalto di servizi di Web Publishing Redazionale e di supporto alla attività di Media Relation per INAIL (terza edizione)
Renovación integral de la oferta museística de Landetxo Goikoa mediante el diseño, definición y ejecución del proyecto museológico y museográfico Renovación integral de la oferta museística de Landetxo Goikoa mediante el diseño, definición y ejecución del proyecto museológico y museográfico
Ramavtalsupphandling avseende konsulter med kompetens inom områdena Visuell UI Design/Art Direction, UX Writing, UX/Interaktion samt Service Design/Research. De tjänster som ska kunna tillhandahållas inom ovanstående områden är följande: Research- och insiktsarbeten, Optimering, Nyutveckling samt Strategisk rådgivning. Ramavtalsupphandling avseende konsulter med kompetens inom områdena Visuell UI Design/Art Direction, UX Writing, UX/Interaktion …
La presente licitación tiene por objeto el desarrollo de las diversas acciones de comunicación que tiene previsto implementar TUSSAM durante 2025 y 2026, con el objetivo de informar, sensibilizar y concienciar a los ciudadanos del uso y las ventajas del transporte urbano de Sevilla, así como cualesquiera otras necesidades que, …
Accord cadre mono-attributaire à bons de commande passé en procédure d'appel d'offres ouvert en application des articles, R2124-2, R2162-2, R2162-4, R2162-13 et R2162-14 du Code de la Commande Publique. Le marché est conclu sans minimum et avec un maximum de 1,2 Million euro(s) HT par an. Achat non alloti : …
Airport Simulation and Scenario Modelling Services for the IAA Airport Simulation and Scenario Modelling Services for the IAA
The University of Limerick operates a decentralised marketing and communications model and in turn a devolved purchasing model. This tender will be overseen by the Department of Marketing, Communications and Public Affairs and the Head of Procurement. A core requirement of this new tender is the delivery of service to …
Aankondiging van vrijwillige transparantie vooraf betreffende NPO Start versnellingsstrategie 2025. Aankondiging van vrijwillige transparantie vooraf betreffende NPO Start versnellingsstrategie 2025.
Coillte is seeking the services of a suitably-qualified and experienced Architect-led integrated Design Team [“the DT”] to provide services relating to, but not limited to, Design Management, Design, PSDP services, Assigned Certifier [BCaR] services, Project Management and Quantity Surveyor services. Coillte is seeking the services of a suitably-qualified and experienced …
About the procurement Stimulab project New Roads to municipal settlement and neighbourhood development will explore the connection and practices between municipal settlement, the area's tolerability and sustainability in neighbourhoods. The municipality currently chooses "quick" systems that are assessed appropriately to solve the current housing need, but which, in a longer …