Kristiansand municipality shall enter into a framework agreement for management development for its managers. Consultancy services are wanted for general consultancy services, including contribute with knowledge and experience from management development measures that provide documented effect, including challenging the municipality on method choices, as well as contributions to facilitation and …
Unterstützung der WRS GmbH bei inhaltlichen, administrativen, strategischen und organisatorischen Frage-stellungen im Rahmen des Förderprojekts BioCORES Unterstützung der WRS bei inhaltlichen, administrativen, strategischen und organisatorischen Frage-stellungen im Rahmen des Förderprojekts BioCORES
The purpose of the procurement is to enter into a contract for consultancy services within procurement. The tender shall help meet the need for procurement expertise and capacity in the implementation of the group’s procurement plans, tenders, and strategic consulting within procurement. The tender shall help meet the need for …
Ce marché est passé en centrale d'achat. Le marché a pour objet la désignation d’un consultant pour accompagner la SWDE, et les autres adhérents potentiels à la centrale d’achat, dans l’élaboration de ses publications d’informations en matière de durabilité pour les années 2024 et 2025, conformément au contenu de la …
Provision of Management Development Programme for experienced owner/managers on behalf of LEO Limerick Provision of Management Development Programme for experienced owner/managers on behalf of LEO Limerick
Upphandlingen omfattar ledar- och medarbetarutveckling. Upphandlingen är uppdelad i två (2) delar: Del 1 Ledningsgruppsutveckling med mätverktyg, MTAM (Management Team Assessment Model) Del 2 Chefscoachning Upphandlingen omfattar ledar- och medarbetarutveckling. Upphandlingen omfattar ledar- och medarbetarutveckling. Upphandlingen omfattar ledar- och medarbetarutveckling. Upphandlingen omfattar ledar- och medarbetarutveckling.
The Commission is seeking the services of a consultant(s) to assist with the Annual Review of Performance and Public Funding (ARPPF) - Process and Requirements. Further details of the ARPPF review can be found in the RFT documents. The Commission is seeking the services of a consultant(s) to assist with …
Invest for Jobs: the Special Initiative on Training and Job Creation Under the Invest for Jobs brand, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) has put together a package of measures to support German, European and African companies engaging in Africa. The programme offers comprehensive advice, contacts …
The purpose of the procurement is to enter into a contract for consultancy services within procurement. The tender shall help meet the need for procurement expertise and capacity in the implementation of the group’s procurement plans, tenders, and strategic consulting within procurement. The tender shall help meet the need for …
Die Austrian Business Agency (ABA) ist eine gemeinnützige, der Republik Österreich unterstehende Gesellschaft zur Förderung des Wirschafts-, Arbeits- und Filmstandorts Österreich. Ausschreibungsgegenstand sind Konsulent:innenleistungen für den Geschäftsbereich „Invest in Austria“ bestehend aus 7 Losen, gegliedert nach geografischen Tätigkeitsbereichen (Los 1 Italien; Los 2 Tschechien; Los 3 Slowakei; Los 4 Slowenien; …