Inbjudan inkomma med ansökan i syfte att ingå i ett dynamiskt inköpssystem gällande rådgivning och kompetensutveckling inom Greppa Näringen, Ekologisk produktion och Ett rikt odlingslandskap.
The Contracting Authority Atlantic Technological University (ATU) wishes to establish a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for Consultancy Services across all campuses. All applicants who provide the information in the DPS Qualification Questionnaire, contained in Appendix 1, who clearly demonstrate they operate within this service will be considered for admittance to …
Die Präqualifizierung umfasst klassische Beraterleistungen, d.h. im Wesentlichen Management-Beraterleistungen. Ausgeschlossen sind Ingenieurleistungen, Zertifizierungsleistungen, IT-Dienstleistungen (IT/ITK), Marktforschung, M&A-Beratung, Rechtsberatung, Headhunting / Outplacement, Schulungs- / Trainings- / Coachingleistungen.
As needs arise, the An Post Transformation team (and at times other teams) will call upon a selected panel of partners on the panel to support with expertise and / or the delivery of engagements and projects across various work themes. Please see PQQ for further details.
Dit is een dynamische aankoopsysteem voor de afdeling communicatie van het CBR, inzake 11 categorieën diensten
Harstad Municipality and Hålogalandsrådet (later called the contracting authorities) need consultancy services for the contracting authority's work on strengthening the regional centre's attractiveness for businesses, the town, and as a place to live. The consultancy services must be able to contribute with project and process management, business contact and network, …
Inbjudan inkomma med ansökan i syfte att ingå i ett dynamiskt inköpssystem gällande rådgivning och kompetensutveckling inom Greppa Näringen, Ekologisk produktion och Ett rikt odlingslandskap.
Sveriges Allmännytta AB, (nedan Sveriges Allmännytta) bjuder in till att ansöka om att delta i rubricerat dynamiskt inköpssystem (nedan DIS) gällande konsulttjänster inom nedan delområden. 1. Verkställande direktör (VD) 2. Ekonomichef 3. Fastighetschef/Förvaltningschef eller övriga chefsroller med erfarenhet från ledningsgrupp 4. Expert Hyresförhandlare 5. Expert Systematisk hyressättning Sveriges Allmännytta AB, …
This is a call to competition by IE on behalf of CIE Holding Company is seeking expressions of interest from suitably qualified applicants to participate in the pre-qualification process to establish a Qualification System for the provision of strategic support in relation to the sustainability reporting obligations and various initiatives …
In summary, the Services shall comprise of: The DPS will be divided into five (5) Categories (each a “Category”) as described below. Category 1 – Procurement Consultancy Services for Public Procurement Tendering Support and General Public Procurement Information and Best Practice. Category 2 – Procurement Consultancy Services for Public Procurement …