Die Universität der Bundeswehr München (UniBw M) wurde 1973 auf Bestreben des damaligen Bundesministers der Verteidigung, Helmut Schmidt, unter dem Namen "Hochschule der Bundeswehr München" gegründet. Sie ist eine von zwei Universitäten, die die Bundeswehr zur Ausbildung ihrer Offiziersanwärter und jungen Offiziere hat. Die Universität gehört zum zivilen Organisationsbereich Personal …
As part of its risk-based and forward-looking supervision, the Pensions Authority continues to review and adapt its regulatory approach. In this context the Authority wishes to procure a service provider to work with Authority employees in the ongoing development of the Authority’s risk-based, forward-looking regulatory approach including support for supervisory …
Sporveien AS needs to enter into framework agreements with 3-4 tenderers for consultancy services and consultancy services within the following disciplines, including, but not limited to: • Strategy and performance management, e.g. business strategy, digital strategy and technology strategy, innovation and growth, new business possibilities, benchmarking, market analyses and insight …
Das Abrechnungsmanagement gesetzlicher Krankenkassen ist aufgrund der Digitalisierung bestimmter Prozesse (z. B. eVerordnung, Kommunikation im Medizinwesen (KIM), Telematikinfrastruktur-Messenger (TIM)) starken Veränderungen unterworfen. Im Rahmen einer externen Beratung soll auf Basis von unterschiedlichen Analysen ein strategisches Zielbild für das ambulante Abrechnungsmanagement entwickelt werden, das den Anforderungen des digitalen Wandels gerecht wird. …
Provision of Management Development Programme for experienced owner/managers on behalf of LEO Limerick Provision of Management Development Programme for experienced owner/managers on behalf of LEO Limerick
The City of Riihimäki (hereinafter referred to as the "Customer" or "Contracting Entity") requests your offer for the implementation of a dual-use accelerator for the City of Riihimäki (hereinafter referred to as the "Service") in accordance with this offer request and its attachments. A more detailed specification of the service …
Upphandlingen omfattar ledar- och medarbetarutveckling. Upphandlingen är uppdelad i två (2) delar: Del 1 Ledningsgruppsutveckling med mätverktyg, MTAM (Management Team Assessment Model) Del 2 Chefscoachning Upphandlingen omfattar ledar- och medarbetarutveckling. Upphandlingen omfattar ledar- och medarbetarutveckling. Upphandlingen omfattar ledar- och medarbetarutveckling. Upphandlingen omfattar ledar- och medarbetarutveckling.
The Commission is seeking the services of a consultant(s) to assist with the Annual Review of Performance and Public Funding (ARPPF) - Process and Requirements. Further details of the ARPPF review can be found in the RFT documents. The Commission is seeking the services of a consultant(s) to assist with …
All the administive (non-IKT) DPS schemes are registered here. Adjustments have been made in all schemes: Analysis and evaluation, new value: NOK 100,000,000 Public Procurements, new value: 60,000,000 Organisation development, new value: 80,000,000 Project management and support, new value: 100,000,000 Strategy and Business Development, new value: NOK 100,000,000 Financial management, …
,, Servicii de consultanta de tip Owner's Engineer in vederea implementarii unei unitati de cogenerare de inalta eficienta, in cadrul CTE Bucuresti Sud” – detalii in Caietul de sarcini. Numarul de zile pana la care se pot solicita clarificari inainte de data limita de depunere a ofertelor: 15. Entitatea contractanta …