Etude de restauration hydromorphologique comprenant six secteurs du bassin versant du Morbras sur le territoire de la Métropole du Grand Paris. Étude de la restauration des berges du Morbras et création d'une zone d'expansion de crue au niveau de l'allée de la Fontaine à La Queue-en-Brie Étude de restauration du …
The Contracting Authority invites requests to participate (“Applications”) from economic operators (“Applicants”) for appointment to a DPS for the provision of the services and related goods described in Appendix 1 to this RFATP (the “Services”). In summary, the Services comprise: the provision of Managed Print Services, and the provision of …
The Contracting Authority invites requests to participate (“Applications”) from economic operators (“Applicants”) for appointment to a Dynamic Purchasing System (“DPS”) for the provision of the services described in Appendix 1 to this RFATP (the “Services”). In summary, the Services shall comprise of: The provision of Market Research and Surveys Consultancy …
Предметът на квалификационната система включва: Предпроектно проучване и проектиране на техническо решение за модификация на енергийни блокове (1х1) с енергиен парогенератор П-62 и парна турбина К-225-130-2М в ТЕЦ „КонтурГлобал Марица Изток 3“ с цел повишаване на работния диапазон на енергийните блокове, и по-конкретно: - Запознаване с устройството на енергиен парогенератор …