This voluntary ex-ante transparency VEAT notice acknowledges that Trinity College Dublin proposes to put in place a contract with Illumina Ireland Commercial Limited 29 Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2, D02 AY28 for the Bronze Support Plan for the NovaSeq 6000 in the Trinity Translational Medicine Institute, Trinity Centre for Health Sciences, …
Servicio de matenimiento del equipamiento científico diverso, multimarca, de los Centros Científico y Tecnológico, de la Universitat de Barcelona. Se divide en : Lote 1- equipamiento científico de la marca AGILENT: lote 2-equipamiento científico de la marca BECKMAN COULTER; lote 3-equipamiento científico de la marca BECTON DICKINSON; lote 4- equipamiento …
La présente consultation a pour objet la vérification métrologique et l'étalonnage des équipements de surveillance et de mesure Equipement de surveillance et de mesure Equipements spécifiques Matériel ALKITONIC
Калибриране на средства за измерване, собственост на "АЕЦ Козлодуй" ЕАД Калибриране на средства за измерване, собственост на "АЕЦ Козлодуй" ЕАД
La consultation porte sur la réalisation de prestations de maintenance des équipements d'autosurveillance et de régulation hydraulique des systèmes d'assainissement collectif de la CASA. Ces prestations concernent plus précisément des : - Points de mesure d'autosurveillance des points de rejet, de diagnostic permanent et de suivi pluviométrique des systèmes de …
Dažādu laboratorijas iekārtu un ierīču kalibrēšana un verificēšana Dažādu laboratorijas iekārtu un ierīču kalibrēšana un verificēšana Dažādu laboratorijas iekārtu un ierīču kalibrēšana un verificēšana
The Health Service Executive (the “HSE”) is tasked with sourcing Health related goods and services on behalf of the public service. References to the Contracting Authority will be deemed to include the HSE. This DPS Tender will be co-ordinated and managed by the HSE. See tender documents regarding Lot. The …
Servicio de mantenimiento de diverso equipo de las Unidades de Investigación, Medicina Nuclear y Banco de Sangre de Fundación Rioja Salud con el alcance determinado en el pliego de prescripciones técnicas de la licitación. Servicio de mantenimiento integral del equipo de procesador de tejidos Servicio de cualificación de 29 cabinas …
This voluntary ex-ante transparency (VEAT) notice acknowledges that Trinity College Dublin proposes to put in place a contract for the next 5 years with Cytek Biosciences B.V, Paasheuvelweg 25, Tower C5 | 1105 BP Amsterdam | The Netherlands for the annual service of the Cytek Aurora 4 Laser with loader …
This voluntary ex-ante transparency VEAT notice acknowledges that Trinity College Dublin proposes to put in place a contract for the next 3 years with Carl Zeiss Ltd. Zeiss House, Building 1030, Cambourne Business Park, Cambridge CB23 6DW for the Annual Service and Maintenance of the following Zeiss Instruments at the …