The objective of the procurement is to enter into a framework agreement with a tenderer for the role of the company's internal auditor. The framework agreement shall be valid for 2 years from the last signing date. The contracting authority shall have a unilateral right to extend the contract for …
Prestations d'audit interne pour Kedge BS Prestations d'audit interne pour Kedge BS
The aim of the procurement is to enter into an agreement with an audit company that can carry out management audits and ownership checks in accordance with the control committee ́s order in accordance with laws, regulations and standards. The aim of the procurement is to enter into an agreement …
Revisions- och certifieringstjänster ISO 14001 och 9001 med optioner för även övriga ISO certifieringsgtjänster. Revisions- och certifieringstjänster ISO 14001 och 9001 med optioner för även övriga ISO certifieringsgtjänster.
Tender for the Provision of a Firm to Provide Risk Management to the Housing Authority Tender for the Provision of a Firm to Provide Risk Management to the Housing Authority
The procurement includes the procurement of accounting audits for Bømlo, Fitjar, Kvinnherad, Stord and Vaksdal municipalities. See the tender documentation for further details on the need. The procurement includes the procurement of accounting audits for Bømlo, Fitjar, Kvinnherad, Stord and Vaksdal municipalities. See the tender documentation for further details on …
Statnett SF intends to enter into a framework agreement for the annual audit of compliance with ENTSO-E’s “OPDE Security Plan.” The OPDE Security Plan is based on ISO 27001 and consists of approximately 400 individual controls. An updated version of the OPDE Security Plan will be available for 2025. The …
The procurement includes the procurement of auditing services for management audits, eigarskap inspections and other hourly services for Bømlo, Fitjar, Kvinnherad, Stord and Vaksdal municipalities. The procurement includes the procurement of auditing services for management audits, eigarskap inspections and other hourly services for Bømlo, Fitjar, Kvinnherad, Stord and Vaksdal municipalities.
De Omgevingsdienst Noordzeekanaalgebied heeft de verplichting, op grond van artikel 212 en 213 uit de Gemeentewet, zorg te dragen voor de interne toetsing van de getrouwheid van de informatieverstrekking en de rechtmatigheid van de beheershandelingen. Het dagelijks bestuur van OD NZKG is vanaf verslagjaar 2023 verantwoordelijk voor de rechtmatigheidsverantwoording. De …
RTÉ invites submissions, from suitably qualified Tenderers, to provide co-sourced Internal Audit Services. The estimated value of the services is for the proposed entire duration of the contract and may fluctuate annually. RTÉ invites submissions, from suitably qualified Tenderers, to provide co-sourced Internal Audit Services. The estimated value of the …