De opdracht betreft uitvoering geven aan de organisatie van in- en uitgaande missies (zoals handelsmissies) en evenementen (zoals deelnames aan internationale vakbeurzen en congressen). Perceel 1 - € 9.500.000,- Perceel 2 - € 4.500.000,- Missies en evenementen voor alle landen exclusief het Afrikaanse continent Missies en evenementen beperkt tot het …
With this market consultation, RVO wants to collect information which will help with specifying a likely upcoming European tender regarding the development of a shared vision and a subsequent Strategic Plan for the Niger river basin in Niger. This assignment is part of the RVO “Vallee du Niger” programme implementation …
Contracting Authority needs an independent Contractor who will execute the Learning Oriented Monitoring (LOM) assignment for the Combi approach for the upcoming years (up until December 2027). In order to continuously improve effectiveness and to account for the results of RVO International Development programmes, the monitoring strongly focuses on learning …
This project will identify and optimize business models in Benin's shea butter and end products industry that enhance the socio-economic status of women, by addressing the systemic barriers that limit their benefits from this industry. The focus will be on women groups that collect shea nuts and process shea butter …
Contracting Authority needs an independent Contractor who will execute the Learning Oriented Monitoring (LOM) assignment for the Combi approach for the upcoming years (up until December 2027). In order to continuously improve effectiveness and to account for the results of RVO International Development programmes, the monitoring strongly focuses on learning …
The Energising Development (EnDev) programme delivers permanent access to modern energy technologies and services. The programme focuses on households, social institutes, and small to medium-sized enterprises in developing countries. EnDev’s projects take place in 20 countries in Africa and South-East Asia. EnDev is a multi-donor energy access programme currently financed …
The purpose of the project is to identify, process and embed the learnings from the different Orange Cocoa Pro (OCP)-activities, focusing on the relationship between local small-scale commercial processing and a potential increase in the living income of households in the cocoa sector. The OCP programme aims to increase local …
The main goal of this knowledge to knowledge (K2K) project is to better position Dutch providers of innovative solutions, technology and knowhow of sustainable (fresh) soft fruit production on the Turkish market. This is done by presenting available knowledge in the Netherlands and increasing the knowledge and skills of Turkish …
The purpose of the market consultation is to gauge interest and obtain insights from qualified contractors regarding the provision of international mitigation expertise to support Morocco’s NDC, SNBC implementation, and the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF). see appendix enclosed The purpose of the market consultation is to gauge interest and obtain …
Ausgeschrieben wird der Betrieb eines Büros des Freistaates Bayern in Belgrad / Serbien zunächst für eine Evaluierungs-phase von 2 Jahren, beginnend am 1. Januar 2025, und einer einmaligen Verlängerungsoption auf bis zu zwei weitere Jahre. Das Büro initiiert und fördert Wirtschafts-, Wissenschafts- und weitere bilaterale Kooperationen zwischen Bayern und Serbien. …