The Expert Panel will perform evaluations of European (EU) proposals and provide support to Dublin City Council (DCC) staff applying for EU funding. DCC will establish a panel of EU experts who will provide assistance with inputs ranging from technical advice to proposal writing. DCC may invite some respondents for …
Servicio de asesoramiento especializado en materia fiscal y contable, en materia presupuestaria y en materia laboral al Consorcio de la Vivienda del Área Metropolitana de Barcelona. Lote 1: asesoramiento especializado en materia fiscal y contable Lote 2: asesoramiento especializado en materia presupuestaria Lote 3: asesoramiento especializado en materia laboral Asesoramiento …
The purpose of this tender is the provision of financial consultancy services on behalf of Fonds de compensation commun au régime général de pension (the FDC) and its umbrella investment company with variable capital – specialised investment fund (set up in accordance with the amended law of 13 February 2007 …
Voor u ligt de marktverkenning inzake een NGF DUTCH NGF expertisepunt voor subsidieverstrekking, projectadministratie en verantwoording. Wij zijn voornemens een Europese aanbesteding uit te zetten. Het doel van deze marktconsultatie is: - Het verkennen van de markt; - Het vaststellen van de scope; - Het identificeren van mogelijk risico’s De …
Sul sito:, nella sezione «Bandi di gara», è disponibile il documento «00030— Avviso di consultazione preliminare del mercato», contenente gli scopi che il GSE intende perseguire e le modalità di partecipazione. Con il presente avviso, il GSE, in linea con le previsioni dell'art. 77 del D.Lgs. n. 36 del …
Atlantic Technological University (ATU) (the “Contracting Authority”) invites responses to this Supplementary Request for Tenders (SRFT) from firms admitted to its Dynamic Purchasing System under Lot 4 – Bid Writing Services (REF Tender ID: 2623663 ATU Consultancy Services - Establishment of DPS 5 Lots for a range of Consultancy Services …
Local Enterprise Office Longford is compiling a panel of trainers, from which future training programmes, workshops and seminars for a 2 year period will be selected. Applications are invited from those with appropriate skills and experience that wish to be included in the LEO Longford training panel. Applications will be …
LEO Westmeath is compiling a panel of mentors, from which future mentor assignments for a 3-year period will be selected. Applications are invited from mentors with appropriate skills and experience that wish to be included in the LEO Westmeath mentor panel. LEO Westmeath is compiling a panel of mentors, from …
The Contracting Authority Atlantic Technological University (ATU) wishes to establish a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for Consultancy Services across all campuses. All applicants who provide the information in the DPS Qualification Questionnaire, contained in Appendix 1, who clearly demonstrate they operate within this service will be considered for admittance to …
Sottosistema SVZ1-ICT - SERVIZI ICT Categorie: SVZ-ICT-01 ICT Security governance SVZ-ICT-02 Digital Governance SVZ-ICT-03 Digital Architecture Sottosistema SVZ 2-CONS SERVIZI DI CONSULENZA Categorie: SVZ-CONS-01 Consulenze strategiche, direzionali e/o organizzative SVZ-CONS-02 Consulenze amministrative/fiscali/finanziarie Sottosistema SVZ3-FM - FACILITY MANAGEMENT Categorie: SVZ-FM-01 Servizi di vigilanza armata SVZ-FM-02 Portierato e Controllo accessi (video sorveglianza) …