The competition is for the procurement of printout, copy and scanning as a service, Print as a Service (PraaS). The service is to be understood as a complete service that includes a machine park with identical interface for users, with Norwegian language support/training, where on-site technicians as needed, as well …
Projekt řeší plánovanou výstavbu splaškové kanalizace v obci Rynoltice a v místní části Jítrava a odvedení odpadních vod na nově budovanou ČOV v Rynolticích. Celková délka gravitačních kanalizačních řadů činí cca 10,0 km, tlakové kanalizace cca 0,32 km, tlakový přivaděč pro přivedení splašků z místní části Jítrava do obce Rynoltice …
Het DGPenV van het ministerie van JenV heeft voor de verschillende vormen van overleg tussen werkgever en politievakorganisaties, behoefte aan vergaderlocaties en facilitaire diensten alsmede verschillende vormen van secretariële en administratieve ondersteuning, inclusief archivering. De huidige raamovereenkomst eindigt op 1 november 2024. Gezien de maximale looptijd van vier jaar kan …
Provision of operational support to the Commercial, Project Control, Supply Chain & Finances Department of F4E for its project related activities in the areas of Contract management, Public procurement, Legal advice, Market analysis, technology transfer, Reporting, Schedule management, cost management, Finance etc. Provision of administrative and other specific support to …
Complementary Support in the form of Technical Assistance for the implementation of the Budget Support component (State and Resilience Building Contract - SRBC) of the Nature Nourishes programme in Sierra Leone Complementary Support in the form of Technical Assistance for the implementation of the Budget Support component (State and Resilience …
To assess compliance of the national administration with the General and Specific Conditions for the release of fixed and variable tranches as set out in the Appendix for Budget Support for Public Administration Reform and to provide recommendations to the EU Delegation to the Republic of Serbia concerning the value …
Przedmiotem zamówienia jest prowadzenie i rozwój miejskich serwisów informacyjno-internetowych, a także promocja gminy oraz wspieranie i upowszechnianie idei samorządowej. Przedmiotem zamówienia jest prowadzenie i rozwój miejskich serwisów informacyjno-internetowych, a także promocja gminy oraz wspieranie i upowszechnianie idei samorządowej.
Gara telematica a procedura aperta tramite piattaforma e-procurement per l’affidamento del servizio di assistenza tecnica per la definizione delle istanze di condono edilizio L.47/85, L.724/94 E L.326/03 – Comune di Lanuvio Gara telematica a procedura aperta tramite piattaforma e-procurement per l’affidamento del servizio di assistenza tecnica per la definizione delle …
The Contracting Authority entered into a framework agreement for external services for sales and licence inspections and external tobacco control. The Contracting Authority entered into a framework agreement for external services for sales and licence inspections and external tobacco control.
Complementary Support in the form of Technical Assistance for the implementation of the Budget Support component (State and Resilience Building Contract - SRBC) of the Nature Nourishes programme in Sierra Leone Complementary Support in the form of Technical Assistance for the implementation of the Budget Support component (State and Resilience …